Do you have a good relationship with your father, Jow Forums?

Do you have a good relationship with your father, Jow Forums?

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Never knew my father. Hell, my mother doesn't even know my father.

>t. Nigger

Nah, I'm white. My mother is just a whore.

died when I was a kid

Is that ur dad?

Nope. He left when I was 7, then stopped seeing us at 13. He also went AWOL from army twice, then ran home to mommy and died of a stroke.
My whole fathers side of the family are drugged up drunken degenerates.

Dad is boomer trash who drank too many coors and thought he could get laid once he divorced my mom. instead he ended up marrying some fat bitch and being cucked by her. She is a prison guard who literally cucked him with a prison inmate. LIFE COMES AT YOU FAST.

yeah, I'm a progressive and he's a bit conservative but we still have a really good relationship.

Dad was a hippie and my mom was a career woman. Dad was nicer but lazy, mom was meaner but made me a functioning adult. It’s kinda weird.