So trump is a abounding the rust belt for the Christian fundie vote

So trump is a abounding the rust belt for the Christian fundie vote.

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can't abandon something,you never cared about in the first place.


Trump figured he could pivot and get the black vote.

I dont know if thats gonna work. And for most normal people the system is basically broken. Has been for a long time especially in the “liberal” cities.

The socialism liberalism is just a byproduct of the broken system.

For what its worth i think all you faggots can got fuck yourselves.
Including the guy who wrote the article OP mentioned.
I have a job in a mill I would not have if it werent for the tariff trump put on steel. He saved my job and the jobs of thousands of other US steel employees and is the only president to give a fuck about us in 30 years.
I, my wife, my coworkers, their wives, and most of their relatives will all be voting for him in 2020.
Burn in hell you communist retards.

Its all crashing down. Soon the trump meme will fade.

he's more retarded than I thought then

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What company mr larp?

I told you US steel dumb ass

Oh go OD on fentanyl with that commie union trump tax on goods.

>Tariffs are communism
Does your dick even get hard enough to fuck your wife anymore?

Naw, I ride yours around between importing finished goods from Mexico to avoid paying you to support my children you uncompetitive welfare nigger. You’re going to be replaced by a robot btw, Kek.

At least my wife hasn't replaced my dick with a piece of machinery already like yours has you sexless fuckin faggot

>My job was temporarily saved

Okay then. I guess the world is perfect. Job done everyone. Pack it up.

>Fake News all week: Foxconn isn't building in Wisconsin
>Trump calls Foxconn
>Foxconn is building in Wisconsin
That bastard creating 13,000 new jobs.

Hear that? That’s the sound of the whole world working on technology to render you obsolete you fucking tax leech. Kek, I’ll buy a bj from your wife when she has to work the corner after you’re downsized.

Hear that? Thats the sound of a bunch of mother fuckers who fought in a war using taking your shit because their fuckin hungry. You think any construct you come up with will save your ass from people who spent their lives fighting for survival.
We arent niggers.
We are the ones who do all the work.
We are the people who built this country and we can be the ones that destroy it.
Im not going to threaten you.
Im not going to argue with you.
Im going to let you se what happens when you take away the food and lively hood of a population that spent their lives actually doing phisical labour.
You're a fat soft doughboy who never made it out of his parents house, i wonder what how you'll do against a group of people who are willing to shoot you in the face and take your shit.

Well what the fuck else am I hear for?
If this isnt about protecting our lives there is no reason to vote

Rust belt anons has any of trump's policies positively affected you or your community

>Gold Plated Populism
Explain to me how Trump is currently a “populist” He’s basically just another generic GOP politician at this point.

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yeah made post about it up here

get in here bois


Why are you bothering? This is a shill thread.
There is never this level of cohesion in a regular thread without some coordination.

It's only temporary. Tariffs are not going to do anything except raise prices to consumers, who will then look for even cheaper goods coming from newly emerging manufacturing countries. China is already too expensive for making many consumer goods.

Your job bounce is from proposed infrastructure spending using borrowed money. It's not going to last but the damage from debt will be on going.

maybe but if someone doesnt post how someone who actually lives in a rust belt swing state feels a bunch of poor 16 shit posting zoomers might get black pilled on reality that doesnt exist
Its like posting racial dating stats in a thread about some niggers "muh dick"
Its good to at least mention the truth when someone is fuckin lyin

something tells me you left out the source for a reason
oh there's the reason
it's from a year ago, predicting much larger losses in the house and governorship of the rust belt than what ended up happening.
Not to mention it makes the ridiculous argument that Scott Walker, who has been embattled since day 1, and had been losing ground consistently for years is somehow representative of Trumpism losing in Wisconsin.

user every US corperation got a 14 percent tax cut last year. thats 14 percent more profits that we can expect anually if we just get the same amount of sales volume. This us to lower are steel prices substantially and will also allow for any US based auto corperation to stablize their prices from the tariff.
The sky isnt really falling over this shit. It was done with a molecule of intelligence and planning.
As for the issues with the deficit and debt in general these are inherent in kike fiat currency system. If we wanted to go back to an asset backed currency we could and could mine the resources to back the currency on mars or somehwere else in the solar system long term if we didnt want to just take it from the kikes at the fed out right.
Infrastructure is not a bad idea as far as ideas for debt spending can go. In theory it could, with tarriffs, lower immigration levels, and a semi return to traditional families lead to higher wages which would increase tax revenue and lower the deficit

Get ready for the State of the Union!

Trump has something very special planned for the liberals. There will be an epic realization of his victory! The salt will be palpable!


New acting Pentagon chief Patrick M. Shanahan made clear Wednesday that the Trump White House will have a long-sought ally inside the Defense Department in the wake of former Defense Secretary James Mattis’ abrupt departure.

Appearing at Mr. Trump’s side during Wednesday’s Cabinet meeting at the White House on Wednesday, Mr. Shanahan said the Army Corps of Engineers was “dialed in” to help construct additional parts of Mr. Trump’s Mexico border wall and that the Pentagon was exploring how to strengthen its support of the Department of Homeland Security’s drive to curb illegal immigration.

An additional 2,000 to 3,000 troops are expected to be sent to the U.S.-Mexico border. This comes one day after acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan told reporters "several thousand" additional troops would be required to offer additional support to administration efforts to prevent illegal immigration.

During a House Armed Services Committee hearing on Tuesday, Under Secretary of Defense for Policy John Rood confirmed to Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL) that Trump does not need Congress or a national emergency declaration to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border.


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also not mentioning Indiana's senator went repubilcan in 2018

Trump will win again easily in 2020.

he'll probably pick up minnesota yeah


>T. low info millennial

>rust belt for the Christian fundie vote
but thats what the rust belt is...

Michigan reporting in. No, not really. Did feel good to btfo the commies in Ann Arbor though.

THIS. you NEET niggers

Just remember all the shit they made you think to not vote Trump. Has it changed? MAGA

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You’re being replaced. Remember that. Replacing you is simply an upgrade. You’re a government welfare case making his money on my taxes. Or rather, would be if I didn’t import finished product. I used to buy American, but the cost is high, the quality low, and entitled scum like you think you deserve my business. Trade unionist commie.

Bourgeois Jewish scum detected

How does that faggot David Brock still manage to employ this many shills? Or do you kikes do it for free?

Right. Because I don’t want to pay for trade union welfare I’m a heeb. Fucking a.

>he doesn't know what US Steel is

Trump will lose 2020. Mathematically there is no way he can win.

Fake news

It must be frustrating that the media misrepresents everything good he has done for you people, and most will take it as truth without question.

>no way he can win
>Fake news

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Huh? Why?
He could lose PA and michigan and still win in the house (since republicans have a 2 state lead over dems, and trump is likely to pull close to 30 states)
The vp is a lock in the senate too.
I've seen no reason to think he'd lose both those and Wisconsin

Indiana fag here. There’s literally no new jobs up in the northern part of the state. Don’t let the US Steel fag fool you. US Steel in Gary has a 1 year waiting list for applicants and growing. Basically put. Trump still isn’t doing shit for jobs here. And our own state is ducking the northern part of the state harder and harder everyday

>>Trump calls Foxconn
and then he makes up something that isn't true and the uninformed on the subreddit believe him. 1000 new jobs over several years and NOT 13,000.
Also, check out stock prices of major steel companies, to wit: they are crashing. Why? They are selling steel to companies that need the metal for their products at a higher price because of tariff. Increased price of steel is causing increase in price of their products. Duh, Increased price of products using steel causing reduced demand meaning they buy less steel.

Attached: Macron Slaps Trump.webm (700x574, 447K)

this. US steel is based, fuck that cheap Chinese rebar.

I Am the Voice of the Anons REEEEEing out in the wilderness. I Say to you Comped Mods and Shills... LET MY PEOPLE GO!!! if you harm this post or fail to unban the anons , God will send 7 plagues to the entire Shill, Janny and Mod team... LET MY PEOPLE GO GOOKMOOT!

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