Australia's state of Victoria (Melbourne & surrounds) just banned trying to cure gay people

Australia's state of Victoria (Melbourne & surrounds) just banned trying to cure gay people.

Still legal in the other states & territories.

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Nor surprised desu.

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Good, I hope they hurry up and die from it

Save the children aus fags

Good. Conversion therapy is a joke.

I know this but we should never stop looking for a cure.

>That pose
Why is the only think that homosexuals want you to look at is their groin?

what the jesus fuck!?

Faggotry and sex is all these people have for their culture. It is why their parades are so flamboyant and degenerate. They cannot dial it back because it is all they have. It is sad, really. Unsure if pic related.

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How do you cure a choice?

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We found the cure.
>they took them away in 1996
>poofterism runs unchecked

what was the cure?

>that pic
what in tarnation

This is based on the false idea that sexuality is unchangeable.
Also, what happens if a patient WANTS to try and change their sexuality???

I'm stopping the Union shitposting and starting on the mental health and suicide issue

What do we do lads? Any of you boys going through some stuff give me a (you) been to hell and back over the years with my issues

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I have to hand to the Muslims....they've found a cure to homosexuality. Works every time.

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A small dose of lead to a vital part of the brain. Keeps aids from spreading too.

To live is to struggle. You must simply do better each day. Don't look back.

sounds like bs, any dose of led would be poisonous to the brain

Harden up faggot!

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Feminism is a viral bioweapon virus. A bio-terrorism outbreak. These "people" mutate and become Demons.

> How to spot the infection

Wanting to destroy the family and men, hatred of children, wanting(and doing) killing of babies along with abortion, sexual/gender confusion, increase rates of homosexuality, pedophilia, bestiality, necrophilia,transgender, various disturbing fetishes, cannibalism, wanting to destroy whites, social castes like social insects in large numbers, SIDS, miscarriages, fertility issues , stillborn's, wanting to attack and fuck the un-infected, obsession with things like snakes, sexual promiscuity(large numbers of partners), etc

> Categories relating to virus infection

Immune(People that cannot be infected by the virus)

Non-Infected(People that don't have the virus and can be infected)

Resistant(People that the virus has trouble infecting, but are not immune to being infected)

Hosts(People that have the virus)

Carriers(People that have the virus, but is dormant for long periods of time or even generations without showing any signs of infection. Some types of carriers can spread it)

Transmitters(People that are being used by the virus to spread it, but are not fully/completely infected)

Spreaders(People infected with the virus that spread the virus)

Infected(People infected by the virus)

HiveMind/Colony Castes(Similar to social insects. Queens, Drones, Workers, Soldiers, Majors, Super Majors, Kings, etc)

Mutation(physical changes to all body systems)

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you're a joke. What if someone wants to try it? By banning it you're sentencing them for a life of frustration

he meant a bullet, user
anyway, since there was something called "gay bomb" (don't know if it actually worked and to what degree) I don't see why researchers wouldn't find something working in reverse if there were resources poured into this. But since the gay agenda is strong, there's no research done in that direction.