Crack cocaine

did the CIA really introduce Crack into nig communities or is it just another excuse for niggerish behavior?

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Other urls found in this thread: ricky ross cia crack Bond - Smoke a Shlomo.mp3



crack isn't even real. that's just hollywood-tier bs

I think the most important thing people should know about the world is money talks. Blaming a single group the cia for it is excusing the giant incestuous relationship people with powerful people.
You know how people dont really know who the richest people on earth are, just the ones made into celebrity? The same thing happens here where you will never hear of the people in power, and the cia are billionaire playboys that do the dirty work.

Did niggers invent rape or did they steal that too?

you can't bump your own post until somebody else replies to it and 20 minutes have passed

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Crack would've still ended up in nig communities because of the drug war in general. It made drug cartels rich af which then led to them distributing drugs even more

this is the best answer here. Certain people in the CIA may have certainly played a role, but it's probably not anything beyond rogue employees exploiting their ability to travel across international borders and bypass customs. Just like now so many drugs come through TSA and airplane baggage handlers .

CIA had the added opportunity to insert themselves at the border or travel across it freely without being searched.

That being said it started before the 80s. Look up how much Heroin was smuggled in Vietnam veteran coffins coming back from Southeast Asia in the 70s. It was a lot, that was the first big heroin boom in the US

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It 9s like the DEA knows exactally how to trigger a boomer.

> how did niggers invent rape?
No, they inherited from primates.

the cia does deal a lot of drugs

this. crack is flat. wake up sheeple

america is the niggers playground don't let
their cries of victim fool you, they like this.

What a useless comment kill your self

yes, and yes!

Not a single hint at Crack Addict behavior when Coke was legal in the old West and fairly common.

t. crackhead

This meme is so stupid.
If the govt was scared of black people they would try to divide them, not contain them with shitty drugs. Crack is a shitty low cost high yield drug that dealers could unload in the ghetto for easy money. Niggers being what they are, they can’t take responsibility for their own actions so they invent a conspiracy for their own Nigerian behavior, even the dumbest redneck from Mississippi smokes meth and doesn’t bother creating a boogie man to rationalize his ignorant behavior. The CIA has better things to do than worry about what poor niggers are doing. LBJ destroyed any semblance of the “black community” with the civil rights act, instituting welfare and project housing to completely decimate the black family structure. The family is the only bulwark against government overreach and degeneracy.

>what the fuck is RoA
>what the fuck is uptake
>what the fuck is bioavailability

No, they just turned a blind eye to the Contras selling it into the US, which was just one of many contributing factors in it being introduced into the US. They did try to bury the evidence though that they did this however. In reality crack was being brought in from multiple countries and sources, which the CIA harps on as an excuse to absolve themselves in the matter and discredit critics.

Gary Webb's sole mistake was himself making it sound like the CIA was solely responsible, which was used to attack his allegations, which in the end were for the most part true.

Yes they did

reminder that Gary Webb died from suicide by two gunshot wounds to the back of the head

It was natural causes, he had a little too much to think.

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The Mena Connection : Exposing the CIA, Bush, Clinton, Iran Contra, & Drug Running ricky ross cia crack

>did the CIA really introduce Crack into nig communities

very yes.

No, it's just a way for nigs to take the blame off themselves for their subhuman behavior

it was all about money, funding the contras without raising any eyebrows. america already had a huge problem with cocaine since the early-mid 70s.
reagan didn't want to deliberately fuck with the black community or anything, it was just a way to make money without dipping into the official CIA budget.

we should thank god that they targeted blacks with cocaine and not whites with methamphetamine instead.

something similar is happening in australia RIGHT NOW with meth, (someone is importing and selling DIRT CHEAP meth to whites, it has literally FLOODED all corners of our country, a lot of people are accusing china)...
it is cheaper to buy a weekend worth of meth in melbourne that it is to buy ONE NIGHT worth of booze or cigarettes.
our meth problem is much worse than even america (around 60% of whites in my town are addicted, ALL 5 of my closest childhood friends are dead or in prison).

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Has anybody there really investigated if there is Chinese state involvement in the manufacturing or importation of the stuff?

>we should thank god that they targeted blacks with cocaine and not whites

So... how well doe the CIA pay you to post on Jow Forums?

cocaine/crack is latin america, opium is the arab world......

All CIA.

No, niggers just got gud at chemistry and finance out of fucking nowhere.

i meant in america in the 80s with the iran contra coke that was mostly made into crack and sold to niggers for maximum profit, im sure they are targeting whites now.

>No, they inherited from primates.
They are primates

the cia did but its not an excuse
back in hs i knew a heroin dealer but did i get addicted to heroin? no i smoked weed. some kids in my hs got addicted though one even overdosed and died

Obviously yes.

Yeah but Australia has a serious problem with meth so I was curious if China could be involved there.

Drugs made the gangs get into rivalries that led to violent turf wars over drug profits, you fucking idiot. That division was fueled by the influx of the drug trade, read a bok.

>I'm perfectly fine with my government purposefully destroying communities because one time I said no to drugs when they were available to me.
Kill yourself.
Your infantile view of what is permissible for the government to do to its citizens is fucking disgusting.

What happened was, Reagan's DEA cracked down on cocaine and amphetamines in the early 80s. This decrease in supply vs. demand caused the price of coke to skyrocket. Coke was not always a high-dollar drug, even pure.

So to adapt for their low-middle income customers, the black market used methamphetamine and crack. More intelligent white gangs were able to cook up meth themselves, cutting the Colombians out completely. But dumbass niggers n da hood weren't smart enough to make meth, so they turned to simple freebasing of coke and created crack to satiate their market.

That's what happened.

we get billion dollar meth or pseudoephedrine shipments coming from china every day, they are found about once or twice a month by customs.

official story from the government is that they are muslim gangsters from islamic outlaw MCs doing it, but it would not surprise me if it went all the way to the CCP.

You must live in a shit town

They stole it. Whites were the first to rhyme over beats / music.
Whites still do it better than niggers. Bond - Smoke a Shlomo.mp3

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Black people don't have to smoke it though, they are free to choose not to.
Conspiracies like this and african AID's conspiracies are yet more excuses from a race that are synonymous with poor impulse control.

He is right.
The CIA's contra program deliberately flooded certain areas with CIA protected drug shipments. They of course brought it to market in cities, which, intentionally or not fueled the crack epidemic.

Our government has done tons of fucked up shit to our own citizens since the 30's when big government was really born (((THE INCOME TAX))) started it all.
We now live in a federally controlled nation. States have no meaningful power to determine their course. We have legislated away virtually all checks on the power of the President to exercise covert or war time powers against, or at the expense of the US citizenry.

Nothing wrong with meth.
Imagine a country that doesn't have a severe problem with benzos and opioids pretending meth is a problem.

Crack is just mixed out cocaine

you'll pussies talking about all the weed you smoke, you fake ass crackers dont even smoke crack

Sorry. Forgive me. I forgot. The CIA caused the crack/meth problem, not the increased price of cocaine pushing the drug out of the hands of most of its users.

it goes without saying its not okay the cia did that which is why i didnt say it....
at the same time its availability is not an excuse for its usage

I saw documentary about the problems your country has with meth. I was a bit shocked with how casually people spoke about it. Like it was the same as going for a few pints down the pub.

who do you think they sold it to?

That's because meth isn't that big of a deal. People used to use meth and speed all the time, back when we used to put men on the moon and set off nukes in the desert.

we had a big heroin problem in melbourne in the 90s.
my friends mum used to suck dicks for $10.

the heroin problem literally caused all the italian gangsters in melbourne to be executed one by one.

still, meth is 1000 times worse.
someone who is nodding out on heroin is not a real danger (unless they are behind the wheel of a car).
a meth head in the depths of a 2 week long binge will violently rape and murder you and your kids because they thought you were CIA agents spying on them.

>Yeah but Australia has a serious problem with meth so I was curious if China could be involved there.

I dunno.

I was sort of picturing a walter white of the outback.

But then again, it could be the Aussies famous wizard spiders.

you know, or china.

Rick ross is a fat nigga that stole the name and the legacy of the real ricky freeway.

>a meth head in the depths of a 2 week long binge will violently rape and murder you and your kids because they thought you were CIA agents spying on them.

Fucking awesome! What are you, a vagina?

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Seriously though, when did violence and fighting become bad things? Didn't you grow up playing Mortal Kombat and getting into fights? Watching action movies and wanting to fuck anything attractive? What kinda pussy world do we live in these days?

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Spooks and crime are frequently associated, I mean't the double entendre. I do not belive that the goal was to damage niggers as a group, but they didn't help them, and ultimately I think the Jigs would have been junkies one way or the other.

desoxyn and pervitin are not crystal methamphetamine.
it is not the same thing.

popping a few 1950s diet pills compared to smoking or injecting CRYSTALLIZED METHAMPHETAMINE is like the difference between a cup of tea and crack cocaine.

>its not an excuse
The excuse is the reason.
How in any possible scenario is it not the fault of the government if they flood an illegal substance, which they outlawed themselves, and then imprison those who use it?
I might remind you that cocaine by itself isn't even that dangerous.
I've used cocaine several times, I've never bought it, but had it offered to me by friends and family.
Its is not something you instantly become addicted to. To get addicted you have to use it frequently as a crutch, like truck drivers use various uppers to stay awake on long hauls.
So of course the poor were more likely to use it, and which race was mostly poor? Yup, the blacks.

10 AUD is worth 7.25 USD. How many times did she clean your rod? And did you ever tell your friend about it?

your dumb

nice argument

>or is it just another excuse for niggerish behavior?
You think niggers synthesized that Crack on their own? At first?
Someone had to teach them

Earliest evidence points to this man

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Really? Because not only have I done both, I'm well-versed in pharmacology and chemistry in general.
So tell me, my young friend. What is the difference between methamphetamine hydrochloride(street) and methamphetamine hydrochloride(Rx). And if you think people didn't IV pharma meth, pic related. IV pharma meth was made, even though no medical use required it. It was made because it's fucking awesome.

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Video game violence is meant to desensitize people, not instill violent tendencies.
It's meant to be like this because if people are desensitized to violence, then they won't feel empathy when our government carpet bombs civilians or our police brutalize their fellow citizens.
Basically it makes us all ok with the government having a monopoly on force.

Also helps when you are training soldiers to have them ok with violence from the get go.
Sex though, no sir, we are christian nation, and god doesn't want titties on TV.

The Mexican cartels learned how to cook up crack and sent it into America - up the West Coast at least - via nigger hoodlums. This started the whole nigger-white-ho thing, because you could get a white girl hopelessly addicted to the then cheap drug before she knew what was happening. Rap and hippidy skippidy hop is just music track for crack-heads.

>ghetto faggots understand physical chemistry
>some faggot who knew physical chemistry moved to the ghetto

Both seem improbable. It's much more plausible that the meriburger gubment used crack as a way to feed the prison industrial complex poor africants americunts instead of dawhites.

Most of these prisons went through privatization during this time, most had deals where the state assured the prison a 80% capacity, most had stocks in the parent company that owned the prisons.

These glow in the dark niggers sold your future before you were even a tadpole in your daddies tea bag.

I assumed it was typical Black nutty talk, but now days I would believe almost anything about these US government operatives. They seem to be doing just about any other shyty thing you can imagine... if jews own the prisons, they will want customers...I'm not joking.

If they make money selling dope that's another revenue stream. It's no different than pushing oxycontin to middle class whites...they make a buck and fucking up the goy is only a bonus.

Again.. 6-8 years ago, I would have scoffed at such tall, but now?.... nothing would surprise me. You just can't get any more crooked. It's an almost admirable purity there...pure, uncut amorality.

Drugs have been used to pacify disaffected youths since forever.

You like the violence because you like violence, right? I mean that IS why you watch a movie like Predator or Die Hard or whatnot, right?
What the fuck is wrong with people anymore? Not liking violence, but loving guns? Motherfucker I love guns because I LOVE VIOLENCE. I don't care what women think because I like seeing them get raped until they can't talk anymore. I'm psychotic and I love it. What's not to love? Jesus fucking Christ it's no wonder onions and trannies are taking over the world. Bunch of soft faggots who don't love to fight and break shit running things, it's no competition for faggots.

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(copnt.) as we know, crack turns childish negroes with guns violent, so their population declined rapidly. To stem the flow, the Law invented an automatic 5-year penalty for crack with intent to sell. The jails filled up with otherwise dead niggers.


a meth head can smoke the equivalent of 500 of those ampoules in just one or two hits from a meth pipe.
also ALL amphetamine prescription stimulants are prescription only (at least in all first world countries), meth heads can go back to their dealer whenever they want, buying gram after gram to stay awake for weeks.

you are a druggie, so clearly your judgement is clouded.
i am sober and work to clean up the damage after people like you involve innocents in your degenerate addiction.

>I'm psychotic
Well, there is your answer mate.
You admit that you are not a normal person.
So why are you trying to project that onto normal people?

i did who who did dis i i i i i i i i yo where dat bitch yo who dis all up in dis fuck you you dusty ass cracka

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I watched a docu on that called "the ice age" about oz iceheads. One of the iceheads on it, Matty, was funny as fuck.
>"skatin' away..."

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Define normal bitch

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desoxyn is Methamphetamine made in a laboratory and legally sold to the public; dumbass. "Crystal Meth" is something made in a bootleg laboratory. They are the same chemical, only difference is one of them is much cleaner and more pure.

>you are a druggie, so clearly your judgement is clouded.
No I've just got spun enough to know that speed isn't anywhere near as bad as people like you make it out to be. I live in Florida, and the only news meth really makes here is when the cops bust some honky fool's bathtub.
It's not killing people, it's not destroying the world, etc. People speed on it. Maybe your abos are faggots. Thankfully our abos were exterminated or reservation'd.

>You admit that you are not a normal person.
No shit. You think I ended up on Jow Forums looking for Jesus fucking Christ?

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Sad thing is he thinks he's the superior one and that everyone else is just crazy for thinking he isn't superior or normal.

That sucks your mom was such a whore

the destruction of of the inner cities was done deliberately to create animosity between the races so that they are more easily controlled


Someone who does not desire negative outcomes, when they know they are objectively negative.
Its a form of insanity.
You are looking for Jesus?
I suggest your local church, not a website.
>And there will come a time where insane men will walk the earth, and when the see someone who is not mad, they will say "You! You must be crazy! For you are not like us!".
Can't remember the quote word for word but yeah, essentially this website is breeding the apocalypse.

I could get a script
Based . Its heroin and fentanyl that is the real issue . Alcohol is the worst drug ever made and I would know because I drink 15-25 beers a day . I'm only 23 and alcohol has completely raped me worse than any other drug . My girlfriend just left me because of my drinking . Alcohol is the fucking devil
>T. X pusher

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>No I've just got spun enough to know that speed isn't anywhere near as bad as people like you make it out to be.

God you are a massive cunt. As someone who has been clean for over 4 years, you are incredibly stupid. Meth usually ends people up in Mental institutions or in prison for EXTENDED sentences. Heroin typically kills you via respiratory arrest.

I'm WELL versed in Amphetamine-psychosis and as an EXPERT in the matter, it only takes about 48 hours to enter into a full state of delusion. I was arrested many times and was forced into hospitals against my will many times. Amazingly, that all stopped the day I stopped smoking meth. Dumb nigger.

>Based . Its heroin and fentanyl that is the real issue.

yeah, no. i've seen meth destroy lives in a matter of months (personal experience). heroin is more likely to kill you. meth is more likely to end you up in prison for a long time. keep smoking it if you don't believe me.

you might try rehab or AA before it's too late.

Hang in there user, you realize that it isn't for you. You're still young and can do a lot with your life if you stay focused.

I've never met a meth user who was even halfway coherent. NEVER.

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>Meth usually ends people up in Mental institutions or in prison for EXTENDED sentences.
Really? Tell me more. I've been tickling my dopamine receptors with various stims for over 15 years. Like I said, I'm psychotic. And I don't have a problem with that. I see NYC killing babies and think: "are they nigger babies and can we get them killed faster?"
I'm an asshole. Anything that makes my feel on edge gives me wood. And a boner. And an erection.

You? You're a pussy. You see the shadow people and think they're bad. I hold conversations with them about the musings of Calvin and Hobbes. The philosophers AND the comic.
Hell is life, and it's turned up to 11 unless you're a normie. Heaven is surviving hell long enough to make your conscience valuable enough to save after death.

Or maybe you needed a 9-5 job to stay alive. I can understand, if you needed to force yourself into the rigid mold of modern society, that you might have had to stifle that fire inside your gut.
Can't hold down a job if you can't help but call your onions coworkers a bunch of faggots every day for watching netflix.

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I've sold more points of Molly than days you've lived. I don't think meth is an issue although admittedly I've never done it. I've never done heroin and I've never smoked meth but I was pushing cocaine and Molly and weed all day . Selling freebase and rocking shit up . I'm telling you heroin and fentanyl is almost on par with alcohol in terms of destruction . Alcohol is just as bad if not worse , and the fact that it's legal while cocaine is not tells enough about what the government wants you to be like . I'll never touch heroin but I'm an alcoholic and I can tell you that alcohol is the next most destructive I'm a Brit-Ukrainian and i can tell you that alcohol is the most destructive substance that I have ever encountered . God bless anyone who can fight the grip of alcoholism once it has bit them . I'm only 23 and alcohol has taken everything from me . The only people worse than a drunk is a heroin user , and not by much
>T. White kid from Toronto
>I've seen things you wouldn't wish on your worst enemy .

And that's a good thing.
Coherent = "i bend over for zog dick"

he sounds like an absolute fuck wit.
meth is really bad, it killed 2 of my friends just last year.. anyone denying it sounds retarded.
it literally fuels violent behavior in people who would otherwise be relatively normal..

How many people does alcohol kill ? Or cigarettes ?
>Kill the fucking chinks

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