We're all rooting for the Patriots today right?
We're all rooting for the Patriots today right?
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I'm going grocery shopping to enjoy an entire store with no niggers in it
He wasn't talking about America
Football is for niggers.
Fuck the Patriots
This message has been brought to you by Colts gang
DPOY: Darius Leonard
Best O-line in the league
Yep its luckatello time
>Still being a sportscuck in 2019
Fucking why?
Me too. Have a 100 dollar gift card from lowes that I need to use too. Idk what to buy with it but I'll find something. Going to be a good day (: happy nigger free shopping to you too user
name one thing more masculine that occurs nationally besides the military?
When Kraft met Putin, he showed Putin a super bowl ring he had on his finger. Putin looked at the ring, pulled it off Kraft’s finger and put in his pocket. It must be so great to be Putin
Fuck yeah
>the Colts
>the team stolen in the middle of the night
>literally the niggerest team in the NFL
If you root for the Patriots you're a white nationalist.
FUCK NFL. Go read a book NPC user.
KYS you goddamn nigger
I hope the saltminers are ready for if the Patriots win.
Holy fucking shit, I just read through this and it might be my new favorite example of Trump Derangement Syndrome.
Rent fucking free.
Oh wow, another BASED JEW for the BASED 'Pedes to dicksuck.
Fuck niggerball
Highest Owner of the Year
how does he keep it together?
Genius idea user. I'm going to do the same!
anyone else would have gone to prison for 20 years doing what he got caught doing. him, totally memory holed.
I always get a sort of eerie feeling when I go to the store on days like these but, it's also very peaceful.