>Communists are right about Capitalism
>Nationalists are right about Internationalism
Why can't the two of them get along?
Communists are right about Capitalism
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Fuck you, that's why.
what is the alternative to capitalism
The leftist who want a white ethnostate are allowed in.
because communism treats a person like just a machine made to work, and that we're all the same. it disregards any form of national or ethnic pride. communism is also loved by the kikes and any form of it is doing their bidding.
Capitalists do the same thing. They tax you and use your Labour to demographically replace you. That's some pretty evil shit.
Honestly i've got nothing against NazBols, I don't particularly care about which economic or governmental system I live under as long as the future of my race is secure.
Mixed market model.
I mean, nazbol is a stupid meme but that's correct. We need national socialism (I mean, one that is actually socialist, not like Hitler's branding gimmick).
>Communists are right about Capitalism
Communism isn't an alternative to capitalism. On all key issues communism is almost identical to capitalism. Communism is also materialist, cosmopolitan, secular, and pro-sexual liberation. Furthermore all kinds of cancer that capitalism promotes under "personal freedom", such as tranny acceptance and fat acceptance, also gets promoted by communism under "equality for all, marginalization is bad". Communism just isn't an alternative to capitalism, it is just more of the same cancer.
I never said I supported capitalism. I'm a natsoc
If that is true where is their Demographic decline?
Well It's why i think the two should work together to overcome the problems you stated. Obviously neither has the full answer to the other.
Because nazis are all about natural law while communists scoff at it. That's an irreconcilable difference that goes beyond muh economics.
no, communism is like stated. communism doesn't address the issue that there is a (((certain group of leeches))) in the west. stalin only went after jews because he was actually insane and thought all his kike doctors wanted him dead (which, to be fair, makes sense)
basically this. we acknowledge that having "diversity" is begging for disaster, and that tribalism is the only way humans as they are can exist
GLR summed it perfectly youtube.com
Nationalism doesn't address the eventual consequences of capitalism though. Screech all you want idc it is the truth.
it does though, hitler and any top natsoc leader has discarded capitalism as pointless selfish narcissism
What is this? Is this some Jap chick using like an anime overlay or someshit?
Communist ideology is self-contradicting on too many issues. It's not really a coherent worldview, just a mix of REEEE FUCK RICH PEOPLE and post-scarcity pipe dreaming
yeah, pretty much
it's kizuna Ai, an "A.I." (which really means just what you described) but it ends up being pretty funny and cute
>Communists are right about Capitalism
Wrong. Communism and capitalism are two sides of the same jewish shekel. The first promote struggle from the bottom, in order to tear down the fabrics of a society, so the second can eventually establish a ruling class that only benefit their (((tribe))).
In short. Communist break down European monarchy, and capitalism create a banking elite that serve their own interests.
capitalism=huge markets cheat and steal to become mega corporations. It is filled with money first mixed with the common lies.
the same reason no person can make any future profit. filled with assholes.
>We're hard on capitalism, you guys.
>So please ignore literally everything else about communism.
Checked it out, they combined anime bitches with clickbait. Has science gone too far?
>>Communists are right about Capitalism
Communists aren't even right about their own stupid fucking ideology
Communism is a pyramid scheme and is like jail.
All Communists deserve a bullet through the brain at high velocity.
National socialism was tried once in Germany. It was pretty successful for a bit.