You had a glass of milk today, right?
You had a glass of milk today, right?
if it's not raw milk, it doesn't count
Funny thing is that if you stop drinking milk for long enough after your 20s, you can become lactose intolerant. You have to keep drinking milk so your body keeps producing that enzyme that breaks down lactose. So yeah drink a big glass of milk every day you faggots.
That's illegal user
Fucking kikes trying to keep me down, raw milk is illegal in Canada.
I had this happen when I stopped buying milk because it always spoiled before I finished it. I almost achieved powered flight when I started drinking milk again.
havent drank milk in years.
Mmmm, I miss having the huge layer of cream floating on the milk.
I've had 2.
Really now?
GOMAD here, get /fit
Milk is sugar filled garbage, drink kefir instead.
at least one
No, but I had plenty of cheese.
Factory farmed dairy is disgusting user. I don't drink milk anymore it's been years desu
Huge aryans that get huger dranking milk. Prajeets in double awe.
What's the limit for the amount of milk a lactose tolerant person can drink milk before they get the drizzling shits?
I did, but it was chocolate milk. Well white milk that I put chocolate syrup in and mixed up. Is that a symbol of Judaism?
milk makes you less stressed out and less willing to do the things you need to.
Milk should be drank sparingly.
i drink milk to fight my alcoholism
Lactose intolerant. I still love milk, I drink it on occasion, I just always end up gripping the shitter after.
There's really no better milk than the Costco milk in my opinion. Costco sells more milk than anybody else so it's super fresh. The organic milk is always ultra high temperature pasturized so it taste like they burnt the milk. If they do have non UHT organic in the shelf, it's probably not fresh anyway and the expiration date is near.
I drank milk every day and became intolerant anyway.
I still get raw milk, it depends on your state and where you live in that state
As a european that has lived in the US, let me assure you that none of this white, creamy, antibiotics-filled liquid you call milk comes anywhere near the real deal...
>Mmmm, I miss having the huge layer of cream floating on the milk.
You can still get milk that has it.
Usually in the organic sections of grocery stores.
I forget if I'm in this picture or not. I think I'm the one on the far right
I'm going to go have one now, Just opened a new jug, I have a toddler so we use a gallon every 2 3 days, at $5 bucks a gallon.
Sure that sounds alright, I mean I used to drink lots but don't you ever worry about bovine growth hormones and whatever other mammalian medications/pharmaceuticals tainting your milk? Just thinking about that was enough to turn me off it completely.
I mean aside from the occasional carton of choco milk obviously
>affording milk
Pick one.
>As a european that has lived in the US, let me assure you that none of this white, creamy, antibiotics-filled liquid you call milk comes anywhere near the real deal...
This is kind of true as I am also a European living in the US.
Generic milk in the US tastes like watered down garbage. I do not understand how anyone can drink fat free or 1% or 2% milk. Whole is a bit better but still pretty pathetic.
However, organic milk is actually pretty good. If I had to compare, organic whole milk in the US tastes like generic 2% milk in Europe. There are some brands that are better than others. The fact that good milk is a premium product here with a premium price sucks, of course.
I know what you mean. Supermarket milk taste awful. Costco milk is different though. When I compare 1% milk from the grocery store and 1% from Costco the Costco milk taste better. I go through tons of milk now once I figured that out. I used to think I hated milk. Nope, it was just that I was buying garbage.
As lone as it's boneless.
i havent eaten cheese in months unironically
but milk prices aren't this bad even in toronto btw
I drink copious amounts of milk in front of the niggers on lunch break at work. They can't believe it dosen't hurt my stomach.
>that first sip of the day
lol lactose intolerance
>when you trick your enemy into not drinking milk so that their bones will be easier to break come the race war