Post your favorite Trump bants

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Holy shit that’s gold

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His global warming ones recently have been amazing. Guaranteed replies.

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Who says Trump is homophobic?

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Holy fuck LMAO that's a president roasting fucks on twitter

Most based President of all time.

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This is still the all-time best tweet

>when Jews go too far

Checkmate libs

Okay, is this real? Honestly I never seen this before?

dolts here think unicorns exist simultaneously believing an old rich geezer doesn't have a pseudo-witty dweeb tweeting for him. oh color me surprised.

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I still wonder what Obama told Trump that day. Just look at his face in that picture. How could you not.

* Soz didn't see this was already posted by a fellow ausbro, Have another another one

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Fuck you.

Imagine being this new.

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