The greatest band to ever exist was British

The greatest band to ever exist was British.

How does this make you feel America?

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Why do you care Aussie? Also, your pic isn't The Who, Rolling Stones, The Clash, or even Zep so try again.

Fake and gay

Attached: getdickedbrits .jpg (400x312, 33K)

Why that's a picture of the Dixie Chicks. Actually they are American.

kys yank

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overhead the albatross hangs motionless upon the air and deep beneath the roaring waves in labyrinths and coral caves the echoes of a distant tide come brillowing across the sand and everything is green and submarine

its been so long since i listened to pink floyd so i wasn't too far off on the lyrics

wait, slayer is british?!!?!?!111

>How does this affect your personal constitution, mingled blood mutt boy?

Also this, pink floyd is for 8th graders introducing themselves to decent music

go fuck yourself burger
pink floyd is undoubtedly GOAT

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>greatest band
>not niggers
With you so far...


that's not saying much even if it were true

alright meme flag I will get right on that

The Clash

I can't stop chuckling. Thanks user!

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Loads of amazing bands came from these isles in the 60s, 70s and 80s for some reason

The Ramones weren’t British. Now, go back to having your Kangaroo fuck you in the ass.

God the Dead sucked sooooo badly!

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please do

queen was the greatest band and freddie was a paki hahahaha

Pakis will do anything to make themselves look less shit than they are.

we both branched off from britian
we left willingly, you were forced so that makes you way more likely to be the retards than us in this scenario if you think about it

> he still listens to (((rock))) music

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I feel fine because we still had the greatest artist alltime in Bob Dylan.
Checkmate shills. Get used to it.

Aside from the fact that we disagree on Pink Floyd (music is not a contest), British rock and roll is my favorite and it isn't even close. So overall, I am thankful that the Brits have contributed greatly to music.

A wild challenger appears (though I doubt much could have happened without the Beatles - they were the meme band of the time, memeing all kinds of ideas into popular culture).

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Queen have some good songs, but the ubiquity of that silly movie made everyone forget that most Queen songs are basically show tunes with a huge, multitracked rock chorus always with a middle 8 where Freddie sings something like "SO YA THINK YA CAN PUT ME IN THE CAAAAAN...SO YA THINK YA CAN'T TREAT ME LIKE A MAAAAAAAN." Don't confuse 'big' with 'good.'

That's a yikes from him...

Attached: ronnieforweb_1790276b.jpg (620x388, 71K)

I'm going to break the tie here and declare Floyd the greatest band of all time. Good night.

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Everything before 1970 they did was shit, The Final Cut is terrible like everything they did in the 80s, and half of The Wall was garbage.
They have 3 great albums: Dark Side of the Moon, Wish You Were Here and The Division Bell.

>Fucking Americans

Wrong again.

Gary Oldfag is the totemic Jow Forums synth autist, tho.

Don't really care, nobody gives a shit about bands anyways.

Best stuff they did was Obscurred, Meddle, and Dark Side. The rest was uninspired drug rock for drunks and rock radio DJs.

The greatest band ever was Led Zeppelin. Not whatever band you fags think.

yea sure pal, and my name is Jack Straw from Wichita.

I could not tell.

Iron Maiden aged better than Floyds. Waters grew pretty SWJ these times, while two minutes till midnight is quite chilly these days

The body bags and little rags of children torn in two
And the jellied brains of those who remain to put the finger right on you
As the madmen play on words and make us all dance to their song

Dylan is the most overrated artist in the history of art. Jewish critics love him because he's jewish and countercultural. He's actually kind of a goof if you listen to him speak.

He cultivated this 'mystery' around himself, and you were supposed to always wonder what Dylan was up too or what Dylan meant ...I found the best way to approach the Dylan mystery was to ignore it.

>for some reason
Tavistock, duh

while dylan wasn't a virtuoso player or anything close, I feel like he deserves the goat status because of his writing. robert hunter comes pretty close, but dylan put out so many fucking masterpieces it's astounding.

>when you don't know wtf you're talking about so you just spew some bullshit you read online
you shouldn't be permitted to have an opinion desu senpai

Bob Shillin was an MKultra stooge.

I think there was a youth quake in post-war Britain. It was grim in the years after the war and when American rock n Roll hit... the kids were all over it.

Britain has a good infrastructure for music with venues and touring trails and a media scene. It's not like Canada or Australia where you need to drive your van for 5 days to get to the next little pub to play.

It was a great time for music in Britain for sure. It seems to have fallen off now that rock n roll is sort of dead and the whole thing has become a bit uncool.

The world doesn't seem to take to 'grime' all that well. There's no great need for UK rappers it seems.

No kike

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Unironically KYS

gay hippie folk pwns masterful soul-rock lol ok kiddo

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No, I formed that opinion by listening to some of his tune and wondering to myself: where's the beef?

To be fair, he comes up with OK lyrics, but it's not nearly as earth shattering as people make it out to be. It just doesn't move me I guess, so I don't think he's the greatest thing ever like some do.

Thats not ACDC

Have not found better in 30 years.


/pol absolutely BTFO
You literally can't top that.
share some kino pink songs

the doors are better but that tittle goes to Led

gay cia niggers straight out of laurel canyon. Trust me, they weren't great musicians. In any town, you can find musicians that far outclass them playing locally and unknown

>the absolute state of plebs

That's not Cosmic Psychos

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Based and redpilled.

>tfw David Gilmour is selling his guitars and retires

thanks for reminding me you cunt

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Who are those queers?

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Looks like you just outed your shit taste bud

lol, even phish is better than the dead.
ate the dead even technically a band?

They named their band after penis.

Heres the part i did notice. That almost ALL of the Britbongs Rock n Roll groups sing with an AMERICAN accent. The exception would be Mick "the flaming faggot " Jagger .

I unironically think Pink Floyd is bad, fite me

Anyone else glad that the rock band formula is dead? I hate how hip hop is now what's popular, but the concept irrevocably changed music for the worse. You know it's bad when every song is exactly 3-5 minutes and all has the same structures, projects left-wing propaganda in its lyrics, and how people no longer have the attention span to listen to listen to slow-developing, thoughtful music. Keep in mind that this and other mainstream music formulas (e.g thuggin out hip hop icons, sexy solo female singers) came around in the first place because music industry Jews wanted to create profitable music.

Literally who

Why's this on Jow Forums?
Also OP is based

You sing with a different part of the brain that you speak.....
it’s like the difference between remember a grocery list and drawing a picture
but Stacy who is in OPs pic?

Literal glow in the dark niggers.

And The Beatles are unironically the greatest band of all time.

I’m okay with it. Brits and Americans have traded off on great musicians throughout history. We had Hendrix, you guys had Floyd.

America still started most of all the great genres out there, rock being one of them. So you’re welcome
