GIANTS =====
>Greek historian Solinus, c. AD 200 wrote of giants
>Genesis 6:4 -There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.
>The Paiute Indians in Nevada and Northern California have the same Legend about Giants cannibalizing their tribes
>State accredited archaeologist actually found giant skeletal remains in Nevada
>at the Humboldt Museum there was giant skulls on display
>The Smithsonian came and took every evidence of the skeletal remains to Washington and that's where it all disappeared
>Now they deny that they ever existed
>Same thing happened with the skeletal remains found in Valley of the Giants in West Virginia
>Shoshone Legend of Cannibal Giants in Tsawhawbitts Jarbidge
>Cherokee know of them as Wiwila
>Bone evidence found
>Lewis and Clark were warned by Native tribes of these people
>1500 disappearing in National Parks
>Germanic and Scandinavian stories of similar creatures
OTHER =====
>Nanweaneh which means "soul walker" aka fresno nightwalker
>Popular around Yosemite
>Native Americans knew of their existence
>multiple video recordings
Post your forbidden history findings.
Remember to download and save all videos/documents, every time I find something it is removed from Youtube.
>inb4 /x/
we've had these threads for years, fuck off