How can you not like this guy, Jow Forums? He's one of the few on the left consistently calling out the Democrats and the media on their bullshit, and has sympathy for the working-class people who voted for Trump because Obama and Clinton screwed them. He doesn't call them racist and doesn't kowtow to the SJW crowd at all. He also consistently rips apart the Russiagate bullshit and opposes interventionist wars. Seems like a good dude.
Thoughts on Jimmy Dore?
Other urls found in this thread:
I can't fully endorse this guy since he at the end of the day is way too far to the left for me and some of his stances I find retarded and fucked, but I can somewhat respect him for calling out the retards on the left and in the media. He also really hates the shit out of Obomba and who could forget his legendary screaming match with that chink on TYT.
All in all I would say he seems like a somewhat reasonable person who won't dismiss dissenting opinions immediately as racist/sexist or whatever the current buzzword to stifle discussion is. I still can't endorse him fully or change my stance on issues tough, because I think the overtone window is too far left, at least on a social level, and in order to push it to the right I basically went full right wing. Basically, I DO NOT want 10 year old drag queens to be normal, yet I DO think some turbo-capitalist developments, see silicon valley for example, have to be reigned in.
He's why Howard Schultz has a good chance of actually winning. The majority of us are tired of these binary retards in congress.
I can't fully endorse a guy who spits on someone and then runs away.
go at 5:00, he literally owned this jewish journalist
I like Jimmy
>I can't fully endorse this guy
>I can't fully endorse
he supported alex jones on the joe rogan podcast, so that literally makes him a better friend than joe rogan is to alex jones
I've listened and so far some of the only criticisms I have is him and his posse support the whole green new deal shit which would be disasterous in its implementation
Hrs ok for a boomer
he's a piece of shit and you can fucking kill yourself jimmy
i catch you around i'm going to hock a fucking wad of phlegm into your eyes gluing them shut
jimmy dore is a new deal democrat, that part of the party is basically dead.
>civil liberties
>working class
>anti war
literally none of those things describe the modern democrat party. the Trump wing of the GOP is the closest political faction that even is even close to that.
a bitter truth for most democrats
He's reasonable and honest and understands the real swamp and the real establishment., though I disagree with him on most things.
i do like jimmy, but his politics would only work in a based aryan society
He's what progressives would be if they were principled and weren't partisan hacks.
>new deal democrat
>anti war
I Am the Voice of the Anons REEEEEing out in the wilderness. I Say to you Comped Mods and Shills... LET MY PEOPLE GO!!! if you harm this post or fail to unban the anons , God will send 7 plagues to the entire Shill, Janny and Mod team... LET MY PEOPLE GO GOOKMOOT!
>Philosophy of hating Men Gillette breakdown
>Are you an Anti-establishment Accelerationist, RACISM DEBUNKED
>college educated women ARE THE PROBLEM
>Cyberpunk dystopian future prophecy warning
>100th monkey effect are you the ONE to change the world
>Jewish rub columbian NXIVM pedo cult first to cover it
>eternal memetics esoteric meme symbolism
>David IckeWave, music video
>proof of pizzagate history of symbolism
>AI and the pedo elite-tech pizza
>JONESWAVE vengeful gestalt
>Jow Forums and the Nature of CHAOTIC-GOOD
Good guy. Sometimes too conspiracy minded and gets hung on on the word progressive. Just join the revolution comrade already and we can be best buds
Yeah he's alright, I don't like some of his ideas like supporting mass immigration but at least he's consistent.
I dont agree with Jimmy on lots of stuff, but he is angry as fuck with all the right people for all the right reasons.
i do like this guy tho
certainly more than any of the kekistani skeptic cringecucks who barely if ever report on non twitter drama tier politics. you don't need to agree with someone on every single thing to enjoy their content
he's a socialist loon, recently shilling for aoc and her dumbass 'ideas'.
I have enjoyed his takes on russia investigation takes
Who said we didn’t like the guy?
Dont get confused, he might agree with you on some issues because hes not a bought out democratic shill, but end of the day hes a TYT employee who will and does tow company line when required.