What's going on there, Jow Forums? Anyone near Cincinnati with more information?

>Deputy killed, another wounded by gunfire during standoff in Clermont Co.

>PIERCE TOWNSHIP, Ohio — A Clermont County deputy was shot to death and a wounded deputy is in stable condition at University of Cincinnati Medical Center after gunfire erupted Saturday night during a standoff at an apartment complex in Pierce Township.

>Police have confirmed that one suspect is still inside the building, and the scene remains active. Lt. Julie Poe with Pierce Twp. police told WCPO a suspect barricaded himself inside his apartment and is still firing rounds. Poe said the incident began around 6:56 p.m. and officers have been on the scene since, with special response teams assisting from Clermont County.

>Residents of the area reported seeing a heavy police presence Saturday evening, and said they could hear police using megaphones. Residents reported hearing multiple shots fired around 10:15 p.m., and WCPO news crews on the scene were ordered to leave the area as another round of shots broke out around 11:45 p.m.

>Clermont County dispatch confirmed there was an incident unfolding, with multiple units on the scene, but could not confirm the nature of the situation. They did advise that roads in the area were closed, and people have been advised to avoid the area. Aircare dispatch confirmed they received a call from the area for medical support, but were unable to respond due to weather issues.


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The cops should probably stop breaking into people's homes or someone might get hurt


>what is a warrant

Inb4 "red flag"

Let me guess it's one of these bogeymen.
Incel, Alt Right, White Supremacist, Trump Supporter

An excuse to act like a nigger apparently

thought burgers be allowed to shoot -anyone- who infringed their castle?

Cops in America have a bad habit of kicking in peoples doors without so much as a "please come to the door and talk to us about this search warrant"

Look up "No Knock Police Raid"
I don't know if thats what happened here but I know that a whole lot of relatively minor things have turned into needless deaths on both sides of the door because cops are so obsessed with power and gaining advantage they forgot that Americans shoot people who break into our houses at night.

It's a piece of paper that means nothing with out the force of violence to back up what's written on it.
Fuck you abo nigger and fuck your cuck mentality.

Depending on situation we, actually are.
Cops have been shot and killed during No Knock raids and the person who shot them has got off without charge because they reasonably proved in court that the cops did not Identify themselves properly and they believed it was a home invader.

There are limits, but if it's not a cop, most places in America you can ventilate a home invader and if you didn't shoot him in the back while he was outside running away you're pretty safe from prosecution.

Some places the standard is Threat to life or limb IE you not supposed to shoot someone who is not threatening you/anyone directly, but the threshold of "threatening life" is very low, breaking into a dwelling is considered a violent crime due to the high likelyness of confrontation. Other places, generally more rural places, threat to property is ground as well, IE you can shoot an intruder in your barn at night. Some places have whats referred as a "Make my day" law where you are legally protected when shooting any trespasser you feel threatened by.

Varies widely by state and municipality, but most places, even lefty shitholes you are pretty safe shooting an intruder if 1) you can reasonably prove a threat to life and limb 2) you made some effort to retreat and diffuse the situation in a non-lethal way.

Law enforcement in the USA doesn't care about warrants really.

He actually hit his targets..
I think we unfortunately have a white shooter.

To append, there is no case where knowling shooting a cop is OK, UNLESS that cop is himself acting illegally. IE you can defend yourself against a cop that is trying to murder you, the old saying "Better judged by 12 than carried by 6"

However cops have a Duty to Identify themselves as police in any confrontation and if they fail to do that then they are just another person in the eyes of the law.

We are not supposed to assault or attack peace officers in any way. We are allowed to defend ourselves against unknown or known and hostile aggressors in a very broad sense.

>Pierce Township
>Clermont County

If you look at a map of Cincinnati, why would you, but if you do. The loop around it is I-275. The further you go inside that loop the more nigger it gets.

This area sits outside of it. And even on the Ohio (Yankee) side of the river you still see confederate flags. I'm willing to bet its about a marijuana growing operation or a meth bust.

t from Chincinnati

you are under a satanic spell

I'm sorry.
Used to drive through a few times a year visiting family in SW Kentucky. Cinncinati always struck me as a total shithole, though not as much of a shithole as Louisville

Its just another midwest city man. I was born in '89 and got to experience genuine whiteness growing up. My side of town has been infiltrated by niggers. I remember being like 7 at a thriftway with my Mom and seeing my first black person and thinking why is he here? I thought they were in africa.

My perfect white suburban town was destroyed because hipsters gentrified the downtown area. Which was essentially a no-go zone in my childhood through my teen years.

Theres a lot of fun stuff to do downtown now, but you either have to live there or raise a family around the 275 loop. No more living 10 minuted from the Reds stadium and not having to worry about niggers being in your kid's school.

If you live here you know where to go. But again, its just another midwestern city.

I'm in NY but the northern "upstate" part. my county is 96% white. there were no blacks in my graduating class 10 years ago and only like 3 in my entire school district. But in the lat two decades two decades NYC has just buried US with population, 2/3 of the state pop lives in NYC and Long Island, I live in whiteman paradise, trees, snow, hunting, nature in every direction, but it's just ruined utterly by political attachment to the heart of darkness.

>growing marijuana in an apartment building
lol no

Nothing matters past the city,

t. the island

For what its worth I have family on Long Island. Oceanside and Long beach. They all voted for Trump.

I just wish we could seperate, both haves would be happier. NYC would only have to think about NYC. and Upstate could could be both more free and less Stigmatized, Sucks being associated with NYC when I live in the rust belt and have more in common with Wisconsin.

Didn't see that it was an apartment complex. But it isn't anything. Its rural as fuck out there. At best its suburban with pockets O' nigger. I doubt this is a real story though,

Dude my childhood neighborhood was like watching ET. Nothing crazy. We were always on our bikes from like 9-10 years old on. I spent summers with my parents hardly knowing where I was, because at worst we were staying up late playing war in the woods and crashing at a friends house.

Now all you hear in the news about the area is nigger on nigger shooting. I'm not even 30. How does it change so fast?

Housing projects.
Government subsidized mortgages and regulations that push people into neighborhoods they enver would have been in before.

It changed so fast because there was an agenda to change it at the very highest levels of government. "Fundamentally change America" remember? Change it into a non-white nation.


where are you nigger?

eradicate all criminals
torture all cop killers

They'll have to learn sooner or later, ERPO = dead cops.

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get fucked nigger criminal apologist

Need some dressing for your boot licking?

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what happened in your life that made you start looking up to criminals and sucking nigger dick?

>Being against the para-militarization and psychotic-aggressive escalation of force that is commonplace with modern cops makes you a niggerlover.
It makes me a Constitutional Strict Constructionist. Laws apply not just also, but IN PARTICULAR to people placed in positions of legal authority. Ordinary citizens do not swear an Oath to protect and defend the constitution of the United States from all enemies, foreign and domestic; police do. Then they use it as toilet paper and refuse to pay attention to that "Domestic enemies of the Constitution" bit. There are no consequences right now for Traitors within the government, and that is why the nation is going to hell at warp speed.

Cops infringe on the 2nd amendment, only a matter of time till the 2nd infringes on cops. Kill yourself kike pig. Also know that reloading your own AP ammo is legal and your plates don't stand a chance.

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What it should really mean is Politicians jailed as traitors and Oathbreakers.
Anyone who votes, or orders, or otherwise seeks to remove rights from law abiding citizens who have not committed any crime should be tried for Treason and hung.

but that's bull shit and you know it
cops use force on those who use their gun unlawfully aka niggers
how does that nigger dick taste?

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His name was Daniel Shaver.
His offense was holding a BB gun while drunk.

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And shooting people's dogs as a "precaution" too

>handful of incidents where a person was killed by police for mistaken for having a gun
>versus the thousands and thousands of incidents where niggers and criminals actually do have guns


Cops are ZOGbots and the armed portion of infringement of rights. Cops all deserve body bags. And they'll get them as long as they continue unconstitutional shit like ERPO red flag law confiscation. AP ammo for pigs and their senpai yo. You literally couldn't buy plates that can stop what people reload legally.

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>pigs got rekt when trying to put their boots on a free man's neck

>a piece of paper signed by some bureacrat gives a bunch of thugs the right to violate your property, shoot your dog and flashbang your toddler
wow, bootlicker extreme, ladies and gentlemen

Ever heard of 9x25 Dillon? It's a pistol round that can legally be sold that defeats piggy soft armor. I hope you think about every civilian encounter you have ending with someone getting a couple rounds off through your aging department issued IIIa vests.

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His wife is a Widow, his two children now Fatherless, because a cop with "You're fucked" Engraved on his rifle, who was terminated but not otherwise punished was triggerhappy and another cop with anentire SWAT team behind was too afraid of a man lying on the ground spread eagle to to move up and cuff a compliant subject. And instead order him to keep moving until he moved wrong.


don't ever call the cops next time you have an emergency or you are truly a cuck to the fullest definition

no knock raids seem like an extremely dumb idea in a country where everyone has at least one gun

They all get the bullet they are equally complicit.

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I already addressed this
>handful of incidents
>versus mountains of evidence


they'll get killed or go to prison eventually LOL

OH no no no. That's not how it works. Piggys are slaves untill they infringe. Then they get killed. Do you not know what public servant means?

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>Depending on situation we, actually are.
In Germany a Hell's Angel shot a cop during a raid. The court declared him innocent because the police failed to announce themselves properly and the HA could reasonably assume that it might have been another MC trying to murder him so it was ruled justified self defense.
Castle Doctrine is the only thing the Germans got right with their cucked system.

Only morons call the cops these days. There are simply too many egotistical, powertripping morons looking for an excuse to be angry, act tough and extract tribute to risk interacting with.

You call them if you are boxed in and have to but otherwise, thinking people do not involve the police. Police are not there to help you, ever, they are there to extract revenue and infringe on rights. Cops protect themselves first, rich, connected people second, politicians third and ordinary citizens not at all.

More of us than you. Guess what? The public remembers the names of traitors and their families get the bullet too.

>I hate sucking nigger dick
>sucks nigger dick

this essentially you then
if you say you hate cops and don't need them, don't call the cops, pure and simple.

It is better that a thousand criminal niggers walk free than a single innocent man be murdered and a single blameless family be destroyed.

The government of the United states exists to protect the rights, life and property of the American people, IN THAT ORDER.

so criminals?

No I'd much rather call them to catch a bullet from Tyrone, 2 birds one stone.

niggers and criminals aren't people

actually the demographic that gets murdered by cops the most is white males. also believing the corrupt government and their thug force "only shoot the bad guys" is very naive and toddler level thinking

keep living in your fantasy cuck world
you start shaking the moment a cop speaks to you LOL

Man you're one buttfrustrated pig. Keep your false sense of superiority and safety. It will make it funnier to watch pigs like you bleed out in disbelief on body cam when they are penetrated through a cruiser door and plate from 100s of yards away.

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tehe sooo mad

"... a state authority is entitled to demand respect and protection only when it meets the interests of a people, or at least does not harm them. There can be no such thing as state authority as an end in itself, for, if there were, every tyranny in this world would be unassailable and sacred. If, by the instrument of governmental power, a nationality is led toward its destruction, then rebellion is not only the right of every member of such a people - it is his duty. "
>"In general it should not be forgotten that the highest aim of human existence is not the preservation of a state, let alone a government, but the preservation of the species. And if the species itself is in danger of being oppressed or utterly eliminated, the question of legality is reduced to a subordinate role. Then, even if the methods of the ruling power are alleged to be legal a thousand times over, nonetheless the oppressed people's instinct of self-preservation remains the loftiest justification of their struggle with every weapon. "

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cops are going around taking people's guns
only illegal firearms and those used in criminal cases

this. cops are not there to protect the citizenry. their mission is to protect the law. which is a small but important difference. they don't care that you got killed, all they care is that the law against murder got broken. thus they have no obligation to the citizen.

aren't* excuse me, nigger

he is saying that cops kill more whites than blacks not that whites commit more crime
How old are you?

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are you dumb or just illiterate?

This shit, right here. I think it is just immaturity and lack of professionalism on the part of the police (ie a lack of training). I was in the Infantry for several years and saw a lot of shit like what I think the police are doing. You take some faggot fresh out of basic, give him all the cool guy gear and suddenly he thinks he's Rambo and wants to go on all kinds of cool guy missions, even though he hasn't really trained for any of them. During my tour in Afghanistan I was assigned to a CAG group (Delta Force) as a liaison for what intelligence they gathered. Long story short I would go with them on missions and kick doors with them, then return any intel they gathered to my Infantry Brigade in order to ensure timely analysis of it. It was my 3rd and final deployment, and what I learned was that these guys operated on a whole other level from regular infantry or anything I had ever experienced before. They had all kinds of skillsets and tools that regular infantry just don't have. But talk to any infantryman and he will claim that he can do the same missions just as well. Why? Because of ego, they just don't have the training to know the difference and they wear the same cool guy gear, right? I think cops are in the same exact boat a lot of times. Give them cool guy SWAT gear and suddenly they want o kick every door they see, even though they really aren't trained up to the same standard and operate with a much stricter ROE. It boils down to immaturity and ego.

Wrong you stupid nigger pig. ERPO red flag laws are unconstitutional gun confiscation. Any pig attempting to serve an ERPO warrant is directly infringing on constitutional rights and rightfully deserves to be executed as a traitor.

Do you have any idea how many families a thousand criminogs could destroy?

nearly all gun crimes are related to murders
wouldn't expect dumb niggers to make that correlation though

Who gets to define who is a criminal

The left wants to make you a criminal for saying the word nigger out loud or typing it in text online.

That's already law in several less free nations. According to Germany, The UK and Canada, all nations with powerful police forces and weak protections of liberty, you are a criminal, if you wen't there they would arrest you.

fuck off

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ok, you're both

show me evidence of cops confiscating citizens guns nationwide

it's okay that you're getting told and it's making you upset
it'll be okay

source any incidents of this happening

I thought sandpeople were MORE accurate than those white-clad stormtroopers, though?

That is the risk taken in a free society.
The Police, legally, have zero obligation to protect you from criminals, they show up after to clean up the mess and try to serve justice to the criminal.

Protecting yourself and your family is the responsibility of a free man. The states responsibility is to not prevent you from doing that and to make DAMNED SURE it does not infringe on your rights or destroy your rights itself.

The PURPOSE, THE WHOLE OVERARCHING REASON for government in a free society is to ensure rights. NOT to protect the people. The immediate personal security of a free man is his own responsibility. ONLY YOU WILL BE THERE when you need to defend yourself. When seconds matter the police are minutes away, or hours.

>though not as much of a shithole as Louisville
is Louisville really that bad? I've been thinking of moving to the outskirts on the Upper East side

>all cops deserve to come home to their family murdered and an ambush with a slow painful death

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Louisville is unironically one of the worst cities in the United states, fullstop.

let it go, man. It'll drive you crazy.

Hope you and your ugly island dwelling family die slow and painful deaths and are immediately escorted to hell where you belong with the rest of your demonic jewish kin.

>and it will never happen

at least not a scale that your nigger brain would enjoy
I love your cuck rage tehe


>citizens not having their firearms taken nationwide


Shooting cops ends with the shooter getting killed or locked up. By the way, more and more officers are wearing III-IV level plate carriers, so good luck shitbags.

it's pointless my man
these anarcho fags and niggers are too far gone
but respect

It's drugs but not a growing or distribution options. Kid's 25 and did too much acid. I heard this from the third shift dude at my Thorton's who's on the phone with the guy's neighbor.

Apparently the neighbors are all yelling through their walls and windows at the kid to go out shooting so that's hysterical.

I sleep well knowing how plentiful AP ammo that can defeat lvl III or IV plates is. I sleep well k owing my plates can stop whatever department issue garbage you would have.

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right on the money

I wonder what the ratio is for dead criminals vs cops killed on duty

