Why don’t white women care about anti white stuff?


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They do care, they’re just designed to be very trusting of government institutions and authority in general and believe it always knows best

Cuz those are Jews

They're spoiled children who think they are revolutionaries. Everything they have was given to them - they didn't have to fight and bleed for it - so they think it's fine to "share" with everyone else.

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>Why don’t white women care about anti white stuff?
Because they're too busy craving massive, potent black penises, obviously.

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Checks out...
Probably slurpin' down on an Abbo, givin' im a Gobby made ya wish for some darker meat don'tcha?

>Why don’t women care about anti white stuff?
fixed faggo

Get help and take meds for your schizophrenia. We're living in the most prosperous and peaceful moment in all of history and all you mongoloid pieces of filth do is bitch and moan about imaginary problems. Do us the favor and end your lives.

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>Probably slurpin' down on an Abbo, givin' im a Gobby made ya wish for some darker meat don'tcha?
Jelly microdicked whiteboi detected.

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women follow the herd. the herd is still going full steam ahead in the direction of white genocide.

men might grind their teeth and become MGTOW fags because they cant afford a white family or find a reliable partner to start one with, while being butthurt about the ever ballooning nigger population.

for women, the question as to they feel about these things does not really make sense, because their brains are incapable of even entertaining thoughts as heretical as these.

they will do what their media and teachers tell them to do. as always, men, the initiative is on you, to take things in the direction you want them to. if you are going to whine about the way things are instead, you might as well reconstruct your scrotum into a fuckhole right away.

White women are taught from young age to hate the men and make their "own" choices

Even though they follow the instructions jews are giving them through disgusting media (netflix, hollywood)

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When we talk about race stuff, to be sure we are only talking about the men of a race, not the women. You see, the women are the prizes of war and conquest. They CRAVE to be raped by men stronger than their own. They do not care for race, nor honor, nor civilization. Just the rape they feel they deserve. Race doesn't apply to women. They just open their legs.

Holy fuck that's amazing. How is she going to take that huge thing all the way in? Moar!!

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>they didn't have to fight and bleed for it

This, very profound statement

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The thing about this interracial shit is that it has basically no fucking conversion rate. The blacked advertiser shills just try to make you think it's getting popular by posting it everywhere but their subscriber numbers never go up.

Oh God is that Chris Chan?

kalergi plan

Stale pasta

I like those Jap girls that wear the baggy socks. So cute.

The only problem with Asian women is that they expect you to treat them like a princess.

It's beyond the point of debate. We're going to just have to remove their right to vote. They obviously can't be trusted to be responsible adults. Maybe we should even change the definition of adult to mean a man over a certain age. I'm not kidding. It'll happen in our life times. If the commies don't take over. If nationalism wins, that'll be the first thing to go.

correct all this porn brainwashing and evil is designed to subjugate the "host nation" thanks Sidney Gottlieb...dead burning in hell kike

Women aren't loyal to their tribe, and there's a very good evolutionary reason for that. More men are going to go MGTOW because of the misandry permeating society.

Permavirgin detected.

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Because they're the ones accepting and pushing forward with the ideology you dumb, cretinous fuck.

Because women are retarded.

WMAF is the future.

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