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When did you realize that normies are lost?
Luke Sullivan
Asher Myers
Andrew Hughes
When will you realize that you and practically everyone who has ever been here are almost exactly the same as "Normies" except we just happen to have interests that led us to seeing a little bit past the curtains. Dont use that knowledge to feel special, most normies could easily be redpilled when shown the facts, atleast the ones who arnt sub 90iq.
Jack Martin
When buzzfeed and verizon fired them.
Camden Cruz
That elephant should be labelled "JEWS"
Gabriel Jackson
The difference is the average 4chins user is one standard deviation above that of the normalfag. While many can be told "facts" and can follow propaganda, it seems it takes a little something more to actually ask questions and think critically.
Robert Gonzalez
The reason “consumerism” is so retarded is because it leads people to believe things that are patently absurd. It leads retarded “Progressive” economist to earn 6 figure incomes “advising” retarded politicians to come up with brain dead level idiocy like “since consumers power the economy all we really need to do is import a bunch of useless brown eaters and we will have a roaring economy”. Anyone espousing idiocy like this needs to be shot.
Connor Morris
Brody Garcia
exactly, the least understand the consumerism constantly needs new trends, what inevitably leads to degeneration, each new trend must be different from the previous one
and this
Levi Miller
Get help and take meds for your schizophrenia. We're living in the most prosperous and peaceful moment in all of history and all you mongoloid pieces of filth do is bitch and moan about imaginary problems. Do us the favor and end your lives.
William Green
Chase Perry
Jews still need to be destroyed
Noah Richardson
When I was a kid and almost none of my friends appreciated me showing them ff7 in the 90s. I then discovered internet forums and realized all hope wasn't lost but that like minded individuals go to like minded places, and that there's a reason normal plebs don't use the internet.
Now even that's gone to shit.
Levi Murphy
But but there are people who have more money than me
Owen Butler
>We're living in the most prosperous and peaceful moment in all of history
Hello the evidence is where yes
Carter Richardson
>most prosperous
>peaceful moment in all of history
>imaginary problems
soon you can preach to the millions of disillusioned ones, buko
Hunter Cox
>implying we aren't racing toward ecological collapse, brutal wars over fresh water & oil and oppression the likes of which the nazis and communists could only have dreamed of
Justin Morris
Then vote for Bernie in 2020 and AOC in 2024. Or go back to sucking Daddy orange man's cock.
Dominic Clark
Lucas Lewis
Holy shit, I'm a masochist. Why the fuck do I bother arguing with the braindead mongos of pol?
Jonathan Martinez
>We're living in the most prosperous
Chase Davis
>Implying a lot of fags here aren't lost
Evan Ward
Same day i realize Jow Forumsacks are normies at the other end of the straw, different ideas but normies nonetheless
Joshua Evans
Exponential growth is simply not forever sustainable it is mathematically impossible
Benjamin Long
I'm gonna feed you to a fucking trash compactor.
Samuel Rodriguez
poor thing trapped in there with all those jews
Jeremiah Lopez
>you find vapid materialism unfulfilling? don't you realize we are in the best of all times to engage in vapid materialism?
you are not a smart man
Noah Cook
William Mitchell
Kek loves me.
Jace James
Bong here.
It happened in 2015 when I was 16 years old. I remember discovering Sargon of Akkad and supporting UKIP. I eventually became depressed over how disturbingly ignorant most people were.
In college I broke the programming completely and plunged head-first into Jow Forums. I think the "moment" when I realized was reading Industrial Society and Its Future.
Jason Bell
>living paycheck to paycheck is prosperous
>exploiting the suffering of others for profit is peaceful
I wonder who would feel prosperous and at peace in this situation?
Camden Sullivan
Kek is good
John Cooper
I realized that when looking at normie memes. All of them involve nigger speech and trashy people doing trashy things.
Jose Gomez
2017, after being "group followed".
Brandon Cruz
Commies will unironically have a Facebook frame that says "no ethical consumption under late capitalism" as a way of justifying being the fat consumerist, materialist parasites they are.
Sebastian Ross
Do your thing, Jow Forums.
Kayden Morgan
Bump for upcoming keks
Alexander Parker
Who gets to fuck these girls?