The Royal family will be fleeing from London post-Brexit.
The Royal family will be fleeing from London post-Brexit
fuck off we are full
let the royals come home :)
They're useless anyway. They haven't exercised any power in decades.
How far away from London are they planning?
Manchester, Glasgow, Toronto, or Christchurch?
Maybe they'll finally go back to Germany.
i dont get this. didnt the british royal family originate in britain?
>i dont get this. didnt the british royal family originate in britain?
No, they're German, but they changed it so that their own peasants didn't kill them during WWI.
You mean before, because these sorts of people always seem to know whats coming.
Pretty sure they're of German descent. Windsor isn't their real name, forgot what it is though, and I couldn't care less. Fuck them.
Saxe Coberg Gotha Battenberg
They can stay here. Well have tea and crumpets for them. Have a castle and everything ready to go.
That's the one! But as I said, fuck them. She willingly signed away our sovereignty, she should be running.
they're Saxe-Coburgs
she knows what is coming in the coming years, I imagine she'll be running to the hills
Why the fuck would they flee? They should go down with the ship.
They are glorified bums. Leeching on the hard work of others
>jews dying
lol, that's a myth
Why would you ever want the royal pedo's in your country
PR and trade deal with bongs.
I dont think you got the ''royal pedo's'' part.
I am literally excited for a no deal Brexit. I cannot wait to see the outcome to the EU.
I'm American, so naturally, I dislike British people. But I firmly believe in freedom and that nationalism is overall a good thing; freeing yourself from the chastity of the EU will allow the UK to follow in the footsteps of the US and rise to be relevant.
Prince Phillip was also from the royal family of Greece and Denmark.
Basically there's nothing more mutt than royalty.
Such is a germany jew child eating family, they deserve to go back.
... as relevant as Serbia, Albania, the Ukraine and other non-EU European countries?
All the European families of nobility and aristocracy have been assimilated by jews. The matriarchal strategy means only one generation needs to marry a jewess, the subsequent offspring will be jews. The property and power of that family is then owned by the collective jewish supremacists, this has been going on for hundreds of years
The key here is that Britain has been relevant before, whereas those others were never relevant on their own.
>jewish takeover of England in 1688, backed by Dutch kikes and the House of Orange (William of Orange).
Your litraly the kikes thay started all thisz fucked Europe and the wrold.
too real
I'm praying for a no-deal Brexit just like I prayed for Trump to win. The complete unravelling of civilised society is happening faster than I expected. Hehehe.
London Bridge
London Bridge
This is not a drill
>nationalism is overall a good thing
>and rise to be relevant.
these are two opposing ideas that you americans will never understand it seems
What does Lake Havasu have to do with this?
hide your ammo better
Hang the royals frown every lamppost
I hope you get out okay, Elizabeth. The UK is dying. Please flee this place while you have the chance.
Never forget we love you and know you're working tirelessly to aid us.
God Save the Queen.
If the sun is to set, please... don't let it set on you...
We don't have any special deal with you wogs, we use the rules of the WTO and get along, so will the Poms. Talk of this being a huge disaster are pure globalist propaganda.
Not gonna lie, former monarchist here. This is fucking hilarious watching the Queen crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let her get the nuclear codes!
Hopefully home to her ancestral Saxe-Coburg lands.
They really are pushing for some retarded shit aren't they.
It seems the jews didn't want England to return to the Catholic church
there is nothing more pathetic that british worshipping royal family. you are literally their property, slave. Back in they day royal navy literally raided villages and abducted people to serve on the ships.
my country is degenerate. we got mudslimes and groming gangs, just like england. not a problem.
evacuate her to chesterfield where her daughter in law lives with dodi.
thats where diana and dodi live
UK imports half of its food, and that mostly comes from EU through Dover/Calais.
You know what happens on March 30? All these trucks will have to undergo custom control, except there is no infrastructure in place do that effectively. Traffic will slow to a halt.
> the ravens will starve
Not an argument
>May and Merkel still stirring up Project Fear with random contextless terrorist attacks on the Northern Border, "Muh Food Shortage", and now the Queen
Can you seriously fuck off Merkel?
Look up Princess Alice of Battenberg if you want to understand why our monarchy is fucked. Eliz2 is neglectful but the Kings will be Jewish.
>> the ravens will starve
Oh fug.
An orchestrated catastrophe, plans for the Uk integration into the EU military were so well advanced and ongoing that the reality of Brexit and EU military integration was never widely discussed. This is why we now have a literal comedy of a Brexit and still the wider public have no idea what's really going on just as the vast majority of Brits have no idea what the EU really is, there's nothing democratic about it and MEPs are useful idiots with their noses buried in the trough
Local woman imports millions of violent niggers and muslims, then runs away when everything falls apart.
britbongs...... steal guns and shoot your judges and police
Post the real anthem:
how long is going to live anyway and how come she's in such great health
Personal doctors mean the rich live longer than those who rely on mass-produced NHS shit.
If there's "unrest". I.e. if remainers flip their shit.
Don’t you mean the crumpet codes?!?
Ah, I remember what global superpowers they used to be before wwII.
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She married a Jew and dismantled the Empire. GG.
They taking all that gold and jewelry with them too?
Americans only dislike Brits who willingly choose to associate with Americans. It selectively filters for an especially pompous deracinated type. As everyone knows, the only good Brits on Jow Forums are the ones who confine themselves to brit/pol/.
they are from hannover 100% german
the only thing that will go bad is that the niggers and allahus will use this as an excuse to riot, then the media will smugly announce they were right
Of course they are traitors and tyrants, always have been
They will cancel Brexit at the last minute on 29th March and when people riot they will install martial law/police state
get Epic browser, inbuilt proxies, /our browser
Th UK can just pass a law allowing food through.
The government doesn’t just stop working.
you guys will experiment riots any way, good luck out there anons
project fear2.exe is in full swing i see, ((they)) are fucking desperate now
a joint eu-british army isnt a real possibility, because the brits are far too dependent upon the usa in their foreign policy, while the eu tries to make some foreign policy of its own
I hope it happens.
>globalist monarch flees the country they have a fiduciary and moral duty to care
Monarchist fags would be btfo.
uou too
They'll go to Sandringham House, and then multicultural caliphate of L*ndon will be glassed.
>Of course they are traitors and tyrants, always have been
Are you going to continue to be a subject?
I heard in another thread that she has been toppled, and they are trying to hide it from public.
>As everyone knows, the only good Brits on Jow Forums are the ones who confine themselves to brit/pol/
have they toned down on the mental illness yet
Britain. Britain never changes.
Halalout 5 Coming Ramadan 2019
>But I firmly believe in freedom
>muh freedumz
I can't wait for America to become majority non-white so we don't have to listen to this garbage any longer.
That's my position as well. I want chaos.
>Back in they day royal navy literally raided villages and abducted people to serve on the ships.
And what's wrong about that?
But on the Calais side of the tunnel there will be checks. The trucks would have to return empty to not get stuck in Dover for days.
There's customs checks at Calais already
Fuck off Hans, we'll literally willing to crash it all to the ground, you think a few sand niggars cause you problems, just wait & see what happens if we dont get brexit!
Enjoy your empire hans!
No there isn't.
Take your pills, Nigel.
>literally crashed own empire for the jews
>hUrR tAeK tHaT, hAnS!
>anti-Brexit thread
>let's take a look at OP's flag
>oh shit
>it's German again
cut off her head britcucks
This is what happens when you have TWO women in the highest power positions.
>Capitol is entirely in hands of foreigners.
>Queen toppled and forced to leave the country.
>Population forced to depose all weapons.
>Widespread rape of the local population by the conquerors goes mostly unreported and unpunished.
If this isn't losing a war, it damn looks like one.