Hassan Piker

What's this guys agenda?

>Gets job through nepotism by working for his rich uncle
>Earns good money and viewership working or his uncle
>Dresses and looks like a typical materialistic/consumerist guy
>Is not religious but considers himself "culturally Muslim", whatever the fuck that means
>Is a communist

I don't understand, how does this make sense? He is a literal walking contradiction, whats the end goal here for people like him?

Attached: Hassan Piker.jpg (900x1200, 132K)

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I have no idea who the fuck this is and I'm proud of that. What is this, some Instagram sooner? If so fuck off back there.

Hes the nephew of Cenk, the guy who owns TYT, ie The Young Turks

Attached: cenk.jpg (480x360, 37K)

He's literally a chad that's red pilling all the roasties and fellow chads on socialism and the evils of capitalism. Conservative cuties are becoming socialists because of him streamable.com/sscyx

They're related? That can't be.

He's a total wanker, why do you even ask about him.
Totally isn't worth mentioning, watching, discussing, etc.

I am asking because for someone who wears expensive clothing and owns expensive gadgets, and has a job through working for his rich uncle, why he still spouts off about how much of a communist he is and how he wants communism to take over and all wealth to be distributed.

Why doesn't he or his uncle distribute their own wealth?

Again, who gives a fuck what random guy thinks and how he resolves contradictions of his views.
He didn't deserve his position of political analyst by winning debates and making interesting points. He's there by accident.
> Rich but supports communism.
I don't think he is rich.

he is rich and from a wealthy family. that guy is a total hypocrite.
he spends his whole life consuming while raging against capitalism lmfao

>I don't understand, how does this make sense

He is a capitalist pretending to be a commie to make a buck.