If you had doubts about the porn industry being run by occultist kikes, then explain this tattoo

if you had doubts about the porn industry being run by occultist kikes, then explain this tattoo.

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Not surprised porn retards are into Thelema, it's barely above Wiccanism as far as Occult schools go

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Is watching chink girls undress degenerate?

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The industrial use of Semen will revolutionize human society

luminati confirmed?

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Disinfo shizo bait.


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fuck crowley. I dont care what small amount of insight he gives on reality

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Thelema is just Freemasonry with blackjack and hookers (literally). It's not something that will help you develop in a healthy way or become a better person.

>porn star has sex magic related tattoo
and you're suprised? why? didnt believe this world could be that fucked or are you new?

>Thelema is just Freemasonry
everything is Kaballah which actually comes from egypt. The jews adopted the knowledge of the torus from them

judaism really sucks

Thelema is the gayest shit on earth. Crowley was a drug addled demon worshiper with a thing for fucking with kids. Fuck that mutherfucker I hope he's in the pit taking demon cock through his eyeballs.

>everything is Kaballah which actually comes from egypt
Hot take from Mark Passio/Michael Tsarion but not supported by a whole lot of historical evidence

Not to mention crowley literally ate human feces on one occasion.

Every man and every woman is a star.

Forgot about that. He was the living embodiment of degeneracy. You know he would have been a trans freak had he lived long enough.

...mind blown

Maybe she's a Bring Me the Horizon fan?


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Wiccans are way better than Thelekikes
And Wiccans are subhuman garbage.

>eating shit and cum and getting fucked in the bum until he got syphilis was Crowleys true purpose and path in life or ordained by the will of the universe


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nigger look into the ark of the contract and the egyptian tree of life

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all over the world people had access to the flower of life which means that they knew the fabric of space itself

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why is it disinfo, looks legit
dumb fagot

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How does any of these prove that Kaballah comes from Egypt? Jews were never "enslaved" and living in Egypt that's 100% historical fiction. Their eschatology is lifted directly from the Babylonians, not Egyptians.

Read some actual fucking books instead of watching shizo YouTube "documentaries".

Basic geometry. Buy yourself a compass and have fun. If you are not retard like Amerimutts you'll draw this primitive figures within minutes (if you're enthralled by this type of figures) automatically.

reminder that the "temple" is a symbol for your actual fucking temple in your head.

kaballah is scientific understanding of both the psyche and physics of creation. Why do you think the Jews are such weapons?

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>everything is Kaballah
So what?
Have you actually studied it and you conclude it's harmful to the society or are you opposing it simply because it's not in the Bible and is therefore evil in your simple worldview?

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three of life and many things are watered down and stolen from other cultures by jews.

jews don't know shit.

not basic. Fundemental

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stop promoting this tribal nonsense

That "Sigil of Saturn" was invented good two hundred years after the inception of Freemasonry.
The number 666 has no role in Freemasonry.

read books dumb faggot

what are you gay? How would any of my posts make you think I didnt understand that kaballah is an actual science? Do i think it is bad? Its neutral and the jews have weaponized it against mankind

Learning Occultism is so fucking retarded when you could spend that time simply learning physics.

>Its neutral and the jews have weaponized it against mankind

Wheres your Daath? Sounds like Dot. Singularity

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>earning physics.
physics are the occult

If you want to know how then you can get started on this series of podcasts. If you want a qrd you already heard it in hundreds of different basic ways.

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>everything is Kaballah which actually comes from egypt. The jews adopted the knowledge of the torus from them

How can you know that? You can't. Therefore, you're spewing nonsense. Grow the fuck up and start letting your words to have actual weight.

we already know why you are in here faggot. kys

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Hundreds of hours of Passio rambling.

I asked YOU a question. Give me a tl;dr then

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What he means is, everything is Platonism.
The Kabbalah is just medieval era Platonist/Neoplatonist/Pythagorean ripoffs that attempted to take credit for all the good shit to come out of Greek esotericism that was largely attributed to Egypt.

Anybody who shills for the Kabbalah is 100% a full blown kike and should get the worst of it on the day of the rope.


look at the top comment

nah it's noted in project gateway
the army sent dudes through a stargate and found space niggers
before the movie

>The Kabbalah is just medieval era Platonist/Neoplatonist/Pythagorean ripoffs
I think this was pretty much established.
Some jews claim it's been given to Enoch or some other OT fucker but we all know that's bs

i know its tough. You can listen on youtube at higher speed and its easier to skip the time he talks about what he was up to with conferences and shit.

tdlr is that the kaballah is a tool to dissect reality, both mental and physical. Both of those domains are actually one and the same but there is a seperation illusion going on.


Wow I never knew Aleister Crowley was Andy Warhol

see how some CIA nigger peppered lies with the initial true statement?

Wait till this
creatura will tell you're a faggot to defend his narrative

>tdlr is that the kaballah is a tool to dissect reality
How exactly.

It's a good tool for meditation or better - contemplation. You can cast a situation under different trends, elements, archetypes and so. But I see no magic component here. It's a complex diagram

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yo retards. its fucking ancient knowledge found all over the planet. Judaic kaballah is not OG kaballah.

"occult" in itself is obviously harmful to the society. Are you stupid? It's in the name. It's to obscure knowledge to general public for your own gain. It's really that simple.

>How exactly.
i gave the how through Manly P Hall and Mark Passio who references him and others. There are more than those two, but those two are the best i know of

That's the seal of orichalcos dude

Means she gets +500 attack points

Attached: Seal-of-Orichalcos.jpg (416x416, 55K)

>these mental gymnastics
Don't call it Kaballah if that's not what it is.
Or, follow the Kaballah and LARP as a Renaissance Jew mystic if you want. You'll hang from the same branch.

lmao i was about to post that
op is a nigger fag who confuses tinfoil shit for weeb autism

Is this legit?

No. Freemasonry =/= Satanism.


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If you study ancient Druidic occultism you will come across similar ideas of Kaballah. Same with Aryan traditions

the gmail and chrome I can believe but the rest is a bit schizo

top notch autism

If you had any doubts about the cheese industry being run by Nigerian Scientologists, then explain this tattoo.

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Thanks user, will disregard

I'm sure she's really into Yu-Gi-Oh

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where do you think the torah comes from retard

The google play is pretty on it

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The Talmud comes from Babylon.

Oh no look pornstar wearing a cross. The Catholic Church is behind the porn industry

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Oh shit nigga you right

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OP is trying to get 100 replies to summon Great Leviathan with Seal of Orichlacos

Help summon all 5 pieces of Exodia to obiterate the faggot

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Thelemites brand their sex slaves

I see all kinds of occult tats in porn now. And traps. A lot of pornstars are traps.

I think it's even more fucked.

It's worth noting that Toei, not Takahashi, put in the Seal of Orichalcos arc.

That's why the Bible tells you not to get tattoos

Right Arm of the Forbidden One

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Passio is a shill, you can see him getting wet over the masonic shit, but you can still learn wtf is happening from him

Ye because the symbol itself is the equivalent of the ancient Egyptian Ankh in which the entire theme of yuigoh is taken from

and Orichalcum = Orichalcols based off of the story of Atlantis in the Critias of Plato which the main plot takes ideas from

Not everything is your gay free manson shit my dude

Even the symbol is based off of Pascal's therom

Was Pascal a freemanson too?

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One would think by now that in that turbulent storm of Talmudic Ideologies called the US, a Vigilante Serial Killer would have taken it upon himself to start sowing glorious fear among the Jewish Porn operators in the US. Just imagine the Public Attention?

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that actually comes to 33 and 119 in gematria

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