Get woke go broke

Get woke go broke

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>oh no I'm not as profitable as I thought
>It's capitalisms fault that I'm not as profitable this has nothing to do with me obviously
>I can never be wrong so why aren't I making any money :(

How entitled are these fucks, if you're not as profitable you die as a business that's how it works. Stop blaming everyone and everything but yourself

>We have become obsolete and replaced by a single fucking memelord from Sweden and we are not capable of internalizing it.

So they want the nanny state to jump in to pay their stupid lying asses. These people are so incredibly useless...

post the pic showing Obama's media propaganda funding ended this year

They want the gravy train to continue, just under another sugar daddy.

Can somebody please post screenshots with the article headlines that this pic is mocking?

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Should be happened sooner and to thousands more

yea, lets call it 'journalism'

more will follow
its how it always starts. they soon will realize its not enough

>the free market kills us
>it's never our fault

So what do they want? State run media?

Wait, you retards do realize its conservatives who support wars right?

>Barry's propaganda millions stop rolling in
>let go of propagandists because op funding over
>the freemarket did this

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the democrats cried the loudest when Trump wanted troops to return home and abonden shitholes like Syria

have you seen the little piggies crawling in the dirt
and for all the little piggies life is getting worse

Please refrain from replying to other peoples' posts if you have nothing to say on topic

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>Oh fuck Hussein Obama's state sponsored propaganda money has ran out. Capitalism did this!

These faggots are just repeating and commenting on shit they read on Twitter. Who needs to pay someone to do that?
And the last guy who knew how to run a newspaper empire profitably in the digital age (Conrad Black), they threw in jail on a technicality.

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I guess no one wanted to read their poison pen letters.

Maybe they should go protrump. It would be great at triggering people

you trannies are lively today.

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weak bait but i'll bite. neo cons and neo libs are the same thing. bush and clinton crime families are basically indistinguishable. they get paid by the same fucking people to push wars and sell more military equipment. why do you think trump won the presidency ? amerifats have been waking up to this and realized the 2 party system is just one group of people manipulating the whole country