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Don't play the video, just go the comments section. 10/10

Can confirm. Video is just typical gay porn, lots of sucking and rimming. But the comments is where the moneyshot is. Not a single positive or supportive comment. Rogan on suicide watch.

Great post OP. keep up the good work

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How does that video have 5000 likes? Not a single person says, "I really liked the way Joe Rogan suckled on the balls of a billionaire and one his biggest sponsors for 2 hours."

lying ausie cunt, it's barely 2 hours..

I bet Mark Dice comment would have more likes than the video, it was on 2000 when soiboy Jamie deleted it..

Then Mark reposted the comment, saying that probably the youtube alghoritm removed it, it got 2000 likes again... and deleted.

Dislike and write a mean comment. if you don't you're a jew

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Been subbed to the manlet for years, until tonight.

When I read this it reminded me I have subbed to two channels of his. I’m not partial to man on man tunnel rimming. #joerogan #tunnelrimmimg #unsubscibenow

pretty familiar with gay porn, emu rider?

Cheers. Let's get this trending on social media, show Joe that if you sellout to corporate overlords you deserve to get lynched.

Yeah mate and here’s a pic of another faggot that I’m sure you’re a paid subscriber of

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Post the comment bro

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I disagree.
Rogan saw immediately that Jack was on sales mode, but through the technique of a little flattery, etc, got Jack to finally open up and admit that he controls people he doesn't personally like.
I thought the interview was well crafted, and carefully planned.
Look at the shit Rogan got Jack to admit to : censorship, bias, cross-platform consideration, celeb worship, etc.

>Post the comment bro
don't have it, it was something about Mark Dice asking about Alex Jones and why his twitter got deleted....

Dice will surely make a video about this. I'm wondering why it takes him so long..

Juden Peterstein dismantled. Joe "Open Borders" Rogan dismantled. This is the best week of the year.

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O Hi Joe! Nice of you to drop by. Just a heads up we don’t tolerate faggots on here. Back to twitter with all the other poofs

What did mark dice & Sargon say before their comments were deleted?

Ok how did Daddy JP go down? Sucked rogo and tweeter under the table?

In German Rogen means fish sperm.

No, he clearly didn't press Jack hard enough on that.
Covington-gate didn't even come up. That automatically makes this a joke.
>cross-platform consideration, celeb worship, etc.
Things we already knew. None of that is in any way interesting compared to the things above.

People are aware of this already and are sick of it. Joe brought nothing new to the table here except for trying to shine a good light on him.

Interesting, in English “doing a Rogan” is a homosexual act

>t. schmuck

Will they ever learn?

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>How you could watch a toe-shaped sellout chugging a gray, hairy ballsack for that long is beyond me.

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>der ewige Australisch

Deleted Comments Sargon of Akkad: "If we have a right to use social media, you have no justification for banning people, Jack." referring to Jack at 51:21 Mark Dice: Joe: Why was Alex Jones banned? Jack: I don't know. Bull crap. He was banned for telling off CNN's Oliver Darcy at the Jack Dorsey hearing for lobbying all the social media companies to get him banned, and so then Twitter banned him for "harassing" a "journalist" (who was working in the capacity of a journalist at the time, on public property, while he was covering an event about social media) thus confirming everything Alex Jones was saying about social media censorship.

Daily reminder:
ignore meme flag posts
do not reply to meme flag threads
hide, sage and report meme flags in all instances

Dismantled by a reformed bucko: .

None of you autists could have done a better job
Fuck you people you actually hate social media
Alex Jones was banned because he wanted to be

Haha this!

Fucking 100% Negative feedback. People reported with some evidence that he is deleting comments too.

This post explains a lot about Germany

>I wonder why germany is so fuc..
Aahhh there you are

Attached: german headlines.jpg (1200x691, 138K)

Any other takers

get a life

Hi Again Joe

shut up russian rape baby. All the real Germans live in the good old US of A