Anyone ever a little jelly of Jews? Singing and dancing around like that all while tricking the goyim looks pretty fun desu senpai. Hell they even have their own Ethnostate. ttps://
If it wasn’t for all the degeneracy and deceit they’d be pretty based imo
Yes, I'd love for my country to command dumb Amerigolems to invade our enemies
Ethan Perry
>Jews make Whites be degenerate Wrong. Jews simply FACILITATE Whites being degenerate.
Mason Adams
Why is even Israel itself degenrate then? My only guess is they themselves enjoy degenerate shit.
That or globalists want to kill us all.
Jackson Robinson
Why don't you convert goy? You already got a snip dick you'll fit right in
Jordan Davis
>Why is Israel degenerate It's not- pol simply shows you the most extreme examples. They don't show you the average.
Jace Collins
>Non-stop propaganda, public shaming if you don't obey, pushing the same message on all forms of pubically consumed media, blocking any form open dissent, and forcing everyone to listen to false interpretations of history from their earliest age, is merely facilitating
Gavin Thomas
>humans are machines who do as told t. no inner monolgue
Ryan Torres
give back the land shlomo
Levi Peterson
>all ISN'T fair in love and war
Isaiah Adams
>Why don't you convert goy? You already got a snip dick you'll fit right in My mother is really jewish looking and from Jersey, but cant prove have actual ancestry. Jews assume im one, but actually going to a synagogue or something would feel like am faking. Is that common
Wyatt Wood
>jew educates Jow Forums >Jow Forums spergs out instead of understanding the problem Forgive them.
Sometimes people are able to break free from the conditioning, but you are still the bad guy for trying to do it though. Why dont you go eat some babies and think that over.
Parker King
you guys were doing pretty good in america and europe should've said there
Logan Murphy
This is true. As based Codreanu said, we get the Jews we deserve. They dwell like mosquitoes in the swamps of our sins.
Logan Fisher
Jaxson Cruz
>pol reacts instead of learning Pol is just TV for the anti social- just their way of experiencing emotions- hate, in this case.
Daniel Fisher
I never said people have anything to break free from- people CHOOSE to be degenerate.
Brandon Garcia
>Jews live in the swamps of Whites' sins True. If Whites aren't degenerate, then Jews will find other work to do- Jews are simply a display of Whites' actions.
Leo Perry
>being hold accountable for my actions is hate against me oh yeah le antisemitism argument. classic
Bentley Evans
>Mommy, Mommy, the kid made me do it! pol are children
Aaron Diaz
Jews are a natural phenomenon, akin to a devastating hurricane or a volcano eruption. If you live near a volcano or near the sea you will be destroyed, however if you just stop being dumb, the jews can do you no harm, only if you let them by being a dumb idiot.
Aiden Hill
>natural phenomenon the real question should be why is it in their "nature" to corrupt?
Jayden Ramirez
No, I hate fake people with forced smiles and all that backstabbing.
Camden Cooper
Very fake culture. I used to sneak into Shabbats.
While the male Jews had surprisingly close platonic relationships with the women due to their non-degenerate internal culture, they weren't in romantic relationships with them. Jewish women still cuck Jewish men, even though there is a heavy emphasis on finding a "Jewish husband". He still has to be hot, and there are less "hot" jewish males, because most of them look like OP's video.
The jews know its a jewish conquest, but most of the males are aimless unless they get careers in politics, and are basically dependent upon Birthright trips, or Germany trips to woo a women in to marrying them. (And these trips are paid with U.S. and German money btw. Everything is.)
They lack a strong work ethic too, finding it hard to study for anything, unless your one of the Ben Shapiro types who gets super dedicated but even then its an uncomfortable life. Most jews are secretly jealous of each other's success.
Theres a lot of cracks in the egg Jow Forums. Thats why I am more confident than most of you that jews are going to fail hard in the 21st century and Whites will bttfo, only in a fully globalized world this time.
Charles Price
You'll still be blamed, and there's nothing you can do about it, makes me sad for you honestly.
Dominic Morris
I thought you guys were supposed to be smarter, but I'm really questioning that assumption based on the fact that you turned your back on the American Protestants, who were ever your best friends. Thanks for funding the glorious revolution though!
Gavin Baker
you rabbis are wokin overtime the last few days. its not going to work and israel’s days are numbered
If you can’t beat them, why not join them? Convert to Judaism and marry a Jewish QT. Your life will probably improve with all the connections you make.
Angel Wood
Life's not fair- I'm over it. And I do feel sorry for those who believe their echos are evidence of reality
Mason Martinez
Good goy.
Evan Gray
Is OP still here? I would like to comfort him if he hasn't offed himself from all this shilling.
This is why Jews are undeserving of their power. Creating environments for max degeneracy instead of max morality. This is what makes them Satanic.
Jose Collins
Dude you’re sick in the head
Wyatt Adams
I’m ready to axe them all right now. And you with them. But I’m out fucking numbered by the thin blue line, so I’d only get a few hundred before being gunned down. That’s not enough. Jews created the police and the justice system to protect themselves from people like me. They know it’s the only way for them to survive against attack and seizure. But fuck I want to go out with a militia and fucking take everything away from them, and it wouldn’t take long.