#Jow ForumssupportsLauren
She is back!!
Fuck off with your shilling toothpaste.
>My EU Speech
It's fucking hilarious how dumb you people are
LOL just skipped through it, how pathetic. Imagine you first fly 12 hours for a circle jerk only to end up speaking to an empty room, put it on youtube, while being so deranged to fantasize you spoke "at the EU parl" instead lol
This cunt is such an airhead, she couldn't even successfully complete a single year of college and we know how dumb academics got over the decades besides Tech/Science. She basically watched right wing YouTubers and then tried to make a summary. Her debate with Destiny was embarrassing to listen to. She is the proof that cunts have it easy. No one ever tell her she is stupid because she looks good from behind. She cannot defend an argument which should be easy for any person over 16.
She should sit down and start having babies with a fellow white comrade that's the only thing she has a chance at being good.
I thought right wing cunts would be less dumb than the feminists on the left but all are braindead beautiful shells.
White babies or KYS.
>no babies
She has CAIS. She's a genetic man with no uterus.
She might be a shekel grabbing attention seeking degenerate like pretty much every other e-celeb out there, but she has a lot of influence because she's a pretty face and had made valuable contribution to the cause most of Jow Forums adheres to.
what this guy said.
She's at university right now and there's this guy who follows her around (online) calling her stupid. You don't know what you're talking about.
Also, I do not believe destiny could win a debate against anyone.
This. It was pure insanity.
So Jow Forums supports a coalburning canadian pseudo-trad whore?
Lauren is used good. She is just a thot.
This is my new nationalist waifu.
she is now pro immigration so long as they are *real* refugees but no illegal immigrants! so basically a basic bitch republican
And you morons wonder when I call you lot mentally ill lol
is that "imam" guy also shilling his speech? bet it's a similarly hilariously pathetic gem
So did she actually give a speech or did she just give a fake on and photoshop the EU chambers in the background? I cant imagine she got in front of the EU leaders and called them all marxists.
She can fuck off, I'm glad our government banned that dumb thot from setting foot on our island
>I cant imagine she got in front of the EU leaders
She didn't. All she did was attend some tiny pathetic circle jerk of ENF members at the behest of some retarded bong brexit moron
Someone alert the Finns
Fuck off fag, all she did was stand in a empty room and say migrants make her pussy wet other than that it was a boring and low engry speech
don't fucking do it
imam is a bigger shill than her. He's a Shirazi but very few people know what that is so they don't know where his vested interest lies. They think he's shitting on sunni's and Iranian shia because he based towards white. He's not, he's shitting on them because his sect hates both. Go call his hero al-Shirazi a pedo and he'll flip his lid.
She looks 15 mate
Welcome to Jow Forums.
first post kike post everybody
i want to suck her masculine clit
name ONE other person that has brought up the plight of white genocide?
you can't
pic related:
niggers going to crash land on our space ships to stop us leaving, but only if white traitors like matt damon help them
EU belly of marxist beast
based and kikepilled
can someone tldr for me though as 5 mins in i'm going to blow my load and take a nap, so before that someone give me the gist
Q - Zionist
Alex Jones - Zionist
Jerome Corsi - Zionist
Roger Stone - Zionist
PJW - Zionist
Posobiec - Zionist
Bannon - Zionist
Ben Shapiro - Zionist
Jordan Peterson - Zionist
Geert Wilders - Zionist
Sam Harris - Zionist
Spencer - Zionist
Mich Enoch - Zionist
Lauren Southern - Zionist
Faith Goldy - Zionist
Sellner/Pettibone - Zionist
Tommy Robinson - Zionist
Ann Coulter - Zionist
Molyneux - Zionist
Cernovich - Zionist
George Webb - Zionist
Jason Goodman - Zionist
Matt Couch - Zionist
Milo - Zionist
JF - Zionist
Kevin MacDonald - Zionist
Andrew Anglin - Zionist
Weev - Zionst
Sargoy of Mossad - Zionist
Kyle Chapman - Zionist
Stephen Crowder - Zionist
Laura Loomer - Zionist
David Duke - Zionist shill
Gavin mccines - Zionist
Jared Taylor - Zionist
Robert spencer - Zionist
Pamela geller - Zionist
Charlie kirk - Zionist
Candice owens - Zionist
Thomas paine - Zionist
Douglas murray - Zionist
Joe Rogan - Zionist shill
Kate Hopkins - Zionist
Elon Musk - Zionist
Kanye West - Zionist
Proud boys - Zionist
Mr. Metokur - Zionist
Pewdiepie - Zionist
>t kike
Coulter is based and nationpilled
kys discord kike
you do this as your discord aids friends have become your only family
the different color correction on each lens makes me think she shopped it in (so that's a "shaky hand" trick to make tripod footage seem more organic)
what you niggers are lying about it
every faggot speech done by politicians is to an empty room
look at that incredible faggot ben sasse
his "speeches" are all framed like a passport photo
and all to empty rooms
>t. actual kike zionist
good work, bilal.
I'll never support a woman who made a career
especially when its a career in social media through betabucks support