Jazz Jennings doctor is also transgender

WTF. So cause they started hormone therapy so early he had little genital tissue to work with, necessitating a surgery never done before - by a surgeon who is also transgender. This is so fucked up. The surgeon finally has an experiment to deal with their own lunacy.


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Other urls found in this thread:

youtube.com/results?search_query=dude looks like a lady

The Asian dude is a woman?

Reminds me of that label maker commercial. Some guy laying on a couch talking to his therapist about his unhealthy addiction to putting labels on everything. Then he looks up and sees the therapist sticking labels all over everything. The therapist says "what's the problem"?


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Jazz on her 1st date
>so... you wana go to my place and fuck my colon pipe?

Yes. Female at brith.

wait - I mean male at birth. Unbelievable.

Dirty cellphones in an operation room....

Feminism is a viral bioweapon virus. A bio-terrorism outbreak. These "people" mutate and become Demons.

> How to spot the infection

Wanting to destroy the family and men, hatred of children, wanting(and doing) killing of babies along with abortion, sexual/gender confusion, increase rates of homosexuality, pedophilia, bestiality, necrophilia,transgender, various disturbing fetishes, cannibalism, wanting to destroy whites, social castes like social insects in large numbers, SIDS, miscarriages, fertility issues , stillborn's, wanting to attack and fuck the un-infected, obsession with things like snakes, sexual promiscuity(large numbers of partners), etc

> Categories relating to virus infection

Immune(People that cannot be infected by the virus)

Non-Infected(People that don't have the virus and can be infected)

Resistant(People that the virus has trouble infecting, but are not immune to being infected)

Hosts(People that have the virus)

Carriers(People that have the virus, but is dormant for long periods of time or even generations without showing any signs of infection. Some types of carriers can spread it)

Transmitters(People that are being used by the virus to spread it, but are not fully/completely infected)

Spreaders(People infected with the virus that spread the virus)

Infected(People infected by the virus)

HiveMind/Colony Castes(Similar to social insects. Queens, Drones, Workers, Soldiers, Majors, Super Majors, Kings, etc)

Mutation(physical changes to all body systems)

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Sterilizing the mentally ill is wrong and so is genital mutilation, Unless it is a "cure" (Body dismorphia has been treated successfully with anti psychotics and counseling but they don't talk about that)

I see pictures like this and can't help but lament the wasted time, resources, scientific potential, and brain power that are wasted by this psychopathic shit.

This is by far the lowest quality meme I’ve seen in a long time. Congrats, faggot.

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talk about a black pill, Gee Whizz

youtube.com/results?search_query=dude looks like a lady

I've witnessed this first hand. Do you know how much it costs to transfuse a unit of blood? 500 for the unit itself and 500 for the procedure. Gunshot victims can require in excess of two dozen. All of that money spent and valuable blood wasted to save a gangbanger or thug who will end up wasting millions of taxpayer dollars in a lifetime while siring a dozen bastards to continue the cycle. its a viral mindset.

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its 2019. im sure all these doctors are affirmative action or partied there way through school.

Reminder - LGBT endgame is and always was the acceptance and normalization of pedophilia.

In 1989 two Harvard faggots developed a blueprint to brainwash America into accepting homosexuality (and subsequently, all of the other RSTLNE sexual debauchery). This book is their blueprint.

This is taken from After The Ball - How America Will Conquer Its Fear & Hatred Of Gays In The 90s. It's out of print, and until today the only available digital copy was a view-only rental from some digital library - no downloads. As it turns out, my local library had a hard copy! It's pretty worn, but more than readable. I checked it out, spent yesterday and the day before scanning it, and yesterday afternoon it finally finished post-production touch-ups and converting to PDF.


Attached: AFter The Ball - pg184 - NAMBLA.jpg (471x407, 126K)

you're on a very slippery slope to placing value of the cost of blood over life itself.
everything feels like shit today.

Ya and its name is literally "dr. Hurt". Not even kidding someone posted a clip of it yesterday

That isn't what I meant. I'm just pointing out that these people live horrible, destructive lives by choice and we taxpayers have to pick up the slack. We do all we can to help and protect those afflicted, it is the Godly thing to do, but their awful choices are crippling the country.

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