Why do they love ethnic Jews so much? they literally get upset if you say bad things about Jews

why do they love ethnic Jews so much? they literally get upset if you say bad things about Jews.

>inb4 Christians are the real Jews
Cicero referred to ethnic Jews as "Jews", same as the Bible does. the meaning hasn't changed with time.

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So they were talking about ashkenazi mongrels?

Jew in the Bible also means people from a geographic location, Judea. Like a texan is from texas.

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Judaism is not a religion
Descendents of Judah
Just as Noahism is not a religion
Jews are just highly parasitic gypsies with high verbal IQ
And as parasites they should be treated, the opening scene of the newer version of Inglorious Bastards comes to mind

Endtime Ministries on YouTube tells you a lot.

unless you have a specific timestamp then fuck off

Just throw some of them on sometimes. They decipher a lot of the Bible and about the real Jews, fake Jews, real Christians and the evil that is Catholicism. Irvin Baxter is /ourguy/.

Jews are Jews, your mental gymnastics is nothing short of cope

You never addressed the point in the OP. Just said to watch some gay youtube channel. Take a hike fag

it's a religion whether you like it or not


>it's a religion whether you like it or not

Nor is fucking Christianity despite media would really liked it to be


You talking about Christian Zionists?

Roman Catholicism is Judaism for Gentiles.

yeah, they all claim they're not, but when you confront them with facts they try to change the subject or tell you "go read this" because they have no argument

in USA Christians are
>world reknown for being ignorant loud mouths and picking fights with public school
>always fail at giving a coherent somewhat thoughtful response
>Thinks Cheetoh Jesus is a miracle
>raised for generations by Cattle Ranchers, ol' fashioned Zog Patrol Plantation Style
>don't know jack shit about the Bible past John 3:16
CUFI is basically their defacto religious tenant. Simpletons with an R can follow the one easy rule of subservience to Israel.

Kikes are Edomites that lived in Judeah.
>The Edomites first established a kingdom ("Edom") in the southern area of modern Jordan and later migrated into southern parts of the Kingdom of Judah ("Idumea", or modern southern Israel/Negev) when Judah was first weakened and then destroyed by the Babylonians
Eventually they were forced to convert
>They were again subdued by John Hyrcanus (c. 125 BC), who forcibly converted them, among others, to Judaism

And around that same time the Pharisee that follow the oral law
>The Pharisees preserved the Pharisaical oral law in the form of the Talmud
like we have today the kikes follow the Tal Mud and which was repeatedly rebuked by Jesus, telling them they are children of Satan.

Now Edomites are the descendents of Essau, the brother of Jacob/Israel who decided to wage war his brother and his people.
>The Hebrew word Edom means "red", and is derived from the name of its founder Esau

Now to do this Essau joined Amalek
>According to the Bible, Amalek was the son of Eliphaz (himself the son of Esau, ancestor of the Edomites)

Which thus, together with Essau became the Edomites (plus a couple other things mixed in likely).
The Amalek are known as Israels nemesis and who fits the whites nemesis better than the kikes? The Amalek are a canaanite tribe. Canaan is the son of Ham who was one of the three sons of Noah (Abraham coming from Shem, S(h)emites). Now the Hamites are traditionally black and indeed canaans curse hints to him becoming a slave like the blacks did. Furthermore i believe the biblical first black (can go into this) was Cain, who himself was the son of Eve and the serpent. This is the line of kikes, those that say they are jews, but are liars instead. The Synagogue of Satan and they came through the Hamitic line, thus are basically white skinned niggers

Attached: canaanite jew.jpg (464x211, 33K)

so the closest relation the kikes have to the israelites is through Esau who mixed himself into the canaanites

Esau originally had the birthright to take over the tribe as a first born. However after a day of work on the field he went inside and asked his brother for something to drink or eat, for which Jacob demanded Esaus birthright. Esau agreed, and thus got what he wanted and Jacob got the birthright from Esau. However after this Esau wanted it back, Jacob didnt want to return it, and thus Esau parted from his family, joined a canaanite tribe that became known as Amalek (the Israelites nemesis) to wage war on Jacob/Israel. These eventually (likely with a couple others mixed into) became the Edomites which are todays Kikes. And to this day they still demand the birthright back from Israel (The white man). Their hate of whites is actually envy, they want what we have. Thats why they undergo plastic surgery to appear more european, take on germanic last names and yiddish is even just some fake german. They try to genocide whites so that they can take their position of chosen people they believe they inherited from Esau, without anyone else being left to rightfully claim that position.

Other than the kikes however Esau made up with Jacob/Israel again eventually, but (((they))) refuse to follow the lead to this day.

Attached: White Israelites.jpg (1898x1498, 1.28M)

The white race, the caucasoids are the actual chosen people, the Israeli people. This gets clear already when you see that Mount Aratat, where Noah landed with his arc is the same place where the white people, caucasusoids, come frome from, the Caucasus
It is also known that the blue eyed people all have a common anchestor
Which most likely was Noah

Furthermore the blue eyed white people are known across the world to come around and bring technology and knowledge and rule them for some time like the seed of promise is prophesized to do.
The sumerians believed the blue eyed white people where gods, the annunaki (even though i came to believe that the blue eyed possibly are other people during the sumerians, they at least have the blue eyed people and swastika as well).
The Aztecs as well, and describe them from coming over the sea with a ship that moved on its own.
The chinese talk about blue eyed and blonde haired people who created a civilization and ruled for some time. A lot of egyptians mummies are shown to have had blonde hair etc.
And Europeans were the first in the Americas as well

Hitlers Ahnenerbe tried to find out about the origins of the white people, and maybe he did find out the actual israelis are the whites with the jews being the blue eyed people, who are said that they will spread across the earth and rule everywhere. Same they did during colonisations. Hitler found out the (((jews))) of today arent the jews of the bible who are just
>those who belong to the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews but are liars instead.

The "white privilege" people go on about, is actually the blessing of God

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The bible story is actual real history. This gets clear when you look at the story of Joseph alone. Joseph, in the bible, was sold off as slave to egypt, where he became friends with the pharao and married his daughter. He was given authority over everything. Compare that with the Yuya-mummie which was blond by the way.

Hitlers "Herrenrasse" probably was meant to mean "Rasse des Herrn" "Race of the Lord"
The 1000 year Reich was meant to be the 1000 year Sabbath, the 7th day which never happened because Satan interrupted it and which is for God like a thousand years.
This is why the Nazis had a sense of superiority like the Israelis had for the goyim.
The (((Jew))), like everything, stole their identity from others. Just like they took german names, have plastic surgery to look more white, act white when it suits them they stole their whole identity of being a jew from the whites

>20 King Arius of the Spartans.
>To the high priest Onias. Greetings!
>21 It has been discovered in a written record that the Spartans and the Jews are relatives and are both of the family of Abraham. 22 Since we have learned this, please let us know how you are. 23 On our part, we write to let you know that what is yours—your livestock and property—belongs to us, and ours belongs to you. We therefore command that our envoys report to you in keeping with this.

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Note that hebrew like we know it exist like this like the middle of the 19th century.
>Archaic Biblical Hebrew from the 10th to the 6th century BCE, corresponding to the Monarchic Period until the Babylonian Exile and represented by certain texts in the Hebrew Bible (Tanakh), notably the Song of Moses (Exodus 15) and the Song of Deborah (Judges 5). Also called Old Hebrew or Paleo-Hebrew. It was written in the Paleo-Hebrew alphabet. A script descended from this, the Samaritan alphabet, is still used by the Samaritans.
Originally the bible was written in Paleo-Hebrew.

Pic related, left is Paleo Hebrew and on the right the Vinca Runes found across europe, mainly central and southeast giving a further connection between those
given a further connection that the real isralites and chosen people are the aryans

>(1) O Three-One God of the land of Thrace,
>(2) I vow in Truth to bring you all due offerings, O great Son of God,
>(3) And only you (shall) I praise (and exalt), O my God (for you are) great!
>(4) You who are now in your temple, (I pray, hear me), keep me safe and deliver me (from all evil)!
Three one god, the trinity being a theme in the oldest text we have deciphered so far. The trinity is another theme which draws itself across a lot of culture, from sumer to egypt, to the Nordics and of course christianity written in the Vinca Runes, found in Bulgaria (Balkans)

>This is the Hebrew word for "man". It could be ultimately derived from Hebrew אדם ('adam) meaning "to be red", referring to the ruddy colour of human skin
red, like whites are right after birth or when too long in the sun

Attached: paleo hebrew.jpg (203x318, 9K)

It's always been like that. Christianity was a Jewish plot.

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If you take up another tribe's religion yo are willingly subjecting yourself to whatever that tribe's religious claims are. "We are God's chosen" etc... its that simple.

Its funny, most of the brainlets parrotting this drivel haven't read any of the texts themselves. The most anti-Jewish religious document is not the NT. It is the OT.

You do realise Cicero is pronounced as "Kikero"

the NT documents Jews breaking their covenant with God, hence, they're explicitly not the Chosen people. Christianity is a refutation of Judaism, not a continuation of it. No usury, no circumcision, no lying, no stealing, all direct attacks on Judaism.

Now post how Christian converts were treated for centuries by Roman Pagans while they treated the Jews as a privileged class. Who the fuck do you think funded Caesars wars

Jeremiah 44:1-12

The word that came to Jeremiah for all the Judeans living in the land of Egypt, at Migdol, at Tahpanhes, at Memphis, and in the land of Pathros, 2 Thus says the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel: You yourselves have seen all the disaster that I have brought on Jerusalem and on all the towns of Judah. Look at them; today they are a desolation, without an inhabitant in them, 3 because of the wickedness that they committed, provoking me to anger, in that they went to make offerings and serve other gods that they had not known, neither they, nor you, nor your ancestors. 4 Yet I persistently sent to you all my servants the prophets, saying, “I beg you not to do this abominable thing that I hate!” 5 But they did not listen or incline their ear, to turn from their wickedness and make no offerings to other gods. 6 So my wrath and my anger were poured out and kindled in the towns of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem; and they became a waste and a desolation, as they still are today. 7 And now thus says the Lord God of hosts, the God of Israel: Why are you doing such great harm to yourselves, to cut off man and woman, child and infant, from the midst of Judah, leaving yourselves without a remnant? 8 Why do you provoke me to anger with the works of your hands, making offerings to other gods in the land of Egypt where you have come to settle? Will you be cut off and become an object of cursing and ridicule among all the nations of the earth? 9 Have you forgotten the crimes of your ancestors, of the kings of Judah, of their[a] wives, your own crimes and those of your wives, which they committed in the land of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem? 10 They have shown no contrition or fear to this day, nor have they walked in my law and my statutes that I set before you and before your ancestors.

11 Therefore thus says the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel: I am determined to bring disaster on you, to bring all Judah to an end. 12 I will take the remnant of Judah who are determined to come to the land of Egypt to settle, and they shall perish, everyone; in the land of Egypt they shall fall; by the sword and by famine they shall perish; from the least to the greatest, they shall die by the sword and by famine; and they shall become an object of execration and horror, of cursing and ridicule.

Ah, now you understand the relationship between the ruling class and the Jews.

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Because our says do in that book (((they))) read. It says (((they))) are the chosen ones and everybody else is a heretic.

Who are "they"?

Rubbish you illiterate fools

non whites can be christians, doesn't make
them jews. the true jews are japhethians
and you will all witness this when God saves
his jews by sending Zeus to gather them
in front of all of you. if you want to be a part
of Gods family you're going to have to shed
that non white body for a true jewish white
japhethian body where you can finally be
of use to yourself and to God.

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