You're making a lot of assumptions based on your narrow view of how work and a social life is
Daniel Russell
The truth is being a NEET is fun. You have total freedom to do whatever you want all day. You choose to spend it playing video games.
Youre a video gamer. That is your trade. When people ask what you do for a living you to say that youre a videogamer. Any negative reaction is a manifestation of wagecuck jealousy, as well they slave away for pennies while you live a life of total and complete freedom.
Money is immaterial to the neet, his neetbux covers his. needs
It really shows how insecure NEET’s are when they make threads like these everyday.
Carter Gutierrez
One of these days, those of us who do work, is going to stop paying for the gibs system. That way we will not have to work so many hours, and will have a bit more time to play with our grandchildren. Imagine the life of an abo with no gibs. That's your future fren. So you best REALLY enjoy what you have now.
Jack Morris
>not understanding how much free time a neet actually has I almost feel sorry for you. Here is a video comparing my neet life to your pathetic life.
How old are you OP. I'm turning 32 this year and I have never worked, but I have mental health problems, like autism, and can't deal being around normies, we just don't get a long.
The problem is that if you don't work, and you're not super-rich, you're not going to ever get a family.
I am seeing my grandparents in their 80s and 90s, they get a lot of help from my parents and grandkids, I cannot imagine being in that situation and not having a family to help me out, and I don't mean financially, I mean with simple things you don't really know you could one day need help for, suddenly it becomes a big deal.The problem for me is autism is repellent for women, so I'll never get a wife, never have kids, never have my own family who will one day look after me when I am old and frail.
I would suggest if you don't actually have autism or anything, that you actually go work, because you're wasting your chance as a person with a normal-functioning brain, since you as a normie can get a girlfriend, and wife, and kids, and will be able to have family to take care of you when you're older in your last years.
No matter how successful I am, with muh autism, no woman will be with me, so without the ability to have a family, there is no incentive for me to get resources, money etc.
Levi Nguyen
do aussies have neetbux? I had to work for 10 or so years to get "credit" for disability, and i get about the same as minimum wage. The EU has the best neetbux, they get 2k+ a month and get free healthcare, house, food etc.
Connor Bell
>money is immaterial >i used money for all my needs do you even fucking think before you post?
Adrian James
>credit for disability explain please. my mom unironically needs disability but she was a stay-at-home
yes, aussies have the best NEETbux of any country
Jeremiah Baker
Yes, in fact my mind is more clear than any wagecucks given the fact I spend most of my day expanding my mind by reading great literature.
I‘m a happy NEET absolutely glad I dont have to work 40 hours every week for some jew. They try to force me into work tho which is annoying. Why can‘t a white man NEET in peace? Get shamed for my neet life all the time, but when a nigger does it nobody cares.
No, you dont. You play video games and eat junk food; you shitpost on /pol... thats it. All the while the world passes you by as you get fatter and more insecure about yourself, hence these threads. You are 110% in cope mode because you know you are a fucking loser and an absolute failure at life
Eli Cox
I got a job where I'm basically a NEET. I do emergency response dispatch for a private company that does repair work. Most of my shift is spent in a dark comfy office just watching anime, reading LNs, and generally fucking around on Jow Forums while paying attention to emergency scanners waiting for a fire or other shit and then I just fire off an email telling the grunts to get to work at a site. Sometimes my supervisor pops in to hand me some paperwork to read or tell me there's free food in the breakroom.
I work 20 hours a week at easy job that pay above minimum wage. I used to be a NEET
Carter Diaz
im with u op
Cameron Anderson
so the amount of money you get depends on your last job, and they mentioned needing to pay into the system to be eligible. I've heard of people getting 2k a month disability but they had good paying jobs. If your mom needs disability, I would go to a disability lawyer now to talk about it and start the process because it takes 2 years to be approved.
Sebastian Johnson
Haha you really have no clue of a NEETs life do you. This was last week out on my jet ski, while you were at work. I will admit it was the worst day of January for me. I got rained on and I hate rain. See this video to understand what NEETs do with their time
Wagies too busy working >tfw my neighbour heard me say stupid wagies get back to work
Juan Jones
>filename things that never happened, 115% cope now, loser. Have fun in your cope thread with the rest of the neet losers that will never amount to anything in life. You are legit pathetic
Owen Gutierrez
Most people work to be a NEET in old age, so why wait. I wish I had the balls, would just read, watch movies, visit relatives and do weightlifting every day.
Aaron Jones
A neet lifestyle would kill you before old age anyways Win-Win
Cooper Martinez
I'm a NEET living off of savings and my tax returns. It will be over in 3 months I'll have to be a wagecuck or sleep in my car :(
Levi Clark
is working in a warehouse the ultimate wagie occupation?
Matthew Foster
I started my own buisness that I actually enjoy running while making a profit.
It really should be how does it make you feel... you are the one living off of welfare like a nigger, ya fuckin loser. Have fun at cope levels we didnt think possible, faggot
Evan Adams
Wagecuck butthurt
Ryder Baker
>Australian shit post >delete all australian posts
Jaxson Hill
Why not start a business doing something you enjoy? Then you have money rolling in, no Jew boss, and you won't be sitting around rotting.
Isaiah Scott
it makes me feel terrified for the people living in close proximity to those welfare rats, because when the next Market Correction comes, you're gonna see some fukken shit
Michael Ross
What about the file name, do you not understand how Jow Forums works? The butthurt is real with you. Shame you have to be a wagecuck but someone has to pay taxes to fund my hobbies!
Career is a kike slavesystem creation. Be a neet if you want who cares
Michael Rivera
Oh we're doing this again? Listen NEET thw issue isn't that you don't want to work, because you are competely free to do whatever you want with your life. The problem is that you are a massive burden on your family because they have to work to pay for your fat ass. So you don't want to be "cucked" by earning your own money, but you're perfectly fine with letting your parents get cucked? That is why NEETs are the lowest form of human life. I have more respect for antifa than I do NEETs.
Isaac Robinson
Easton Morales
we are all just silently waiting for total collapse
Josiah Torres
I am a NEET as well. Pretty much just means I have a Doctorate in General Education. The never-ending scholarship. Bretty nice.
Aaron Robinson
True. 26 yo here, worked for 1.5 years (as tech support+webmaster+whatever in my father's friend's office) which was back in 2012 when I was in uni. Never want that shit again, Im forever hardcore NEET. It is so laughable to see a wageslave cucking for $400 (usual salary here) and yet could afford lifestyle similar to mine. These wagecuck lice are so funny, always buttmad, always unhappy, whining and screeching like fucking rats especially when they find out some people don't fuck staggeringly great part of their lives sucking boss's dick.
Jeremiah Richardson
Almost 9am need to get ready for the day, wagie. Make sure to match your socks
Ah...I guess by that definition I am not a NEET...
Parker Cox
I wish I could be a NEET. Working makes me want to kill myself. At least restaurant and retail does. I went back to college, and so long as I can bring in a little money to cover my bills, my mom is pretty much taking care of me. I feel bad in a way, but in another I don't at all. This shit is fucked up. I really wish I had a future to work towards but as it stands, getting a real job is basically funding my ethnic replacement which doesn't make much sense. The boomer bootstrap mentality is fine and good, but not something I'm interested in. Hopefully the "left" or "right" do something soon. A civil war would be just what I want. It would allow me to kill my enemies, give me a shot at an honorable death, and give me something to work towards. Fuck this shit
Isaiah Davis
You’re the reason I pay $7k in taxes every month
Zachary Foster
>Everyone is jealous of me
Imagine actually believing this
Tyler Gray
I enjoy doing nothing so fuck off
Angel Gonzalez
Back to work with you filthy animal wagecuck. Pay more taxes to that based NEET.
Lucas Sanders
If you can get even a meagre house with a wife, a kid or 2 and a car and survive without working, go for it. Anything less and you're just content with below mediocrity.
Bentley Jackson
Being a NEET is only good if you're a rich or well off. Wow, tons of free time to explore my passions and interests. I started to learn Portuguese and Spanish, then realized how worthless it is, cause Im dirt poor and will never travel to either country to use my skills.
Tried being an entraprenuer, no one wants to invest in someone who has nothing but an idea.
Being a NEET sucks and is boring as fuck cause you're always too poor to enjoy your free time or do anything worthwhile with it.
Refresh Jow Forums all day, every day....
NEET life fucking sucks.
Christian Morris
I thought all you discord trannies killed yourself
Liam Torres
All the friends I had were NEETs, smoking pot all day, taking the money on the 15th (child pension) to buy more weed. No work, deal dope, play PlayStation and Xbox all day, listen to Shit Hop music. No skills, no intelligence NEETs are the main reason we are stuck with massive immigration We need a NEET genocide, the ultimate traitors NO WORK, NO FOOD!
>Refresh Jow Forums all day, every day.... Off course slaving for 8+ hr a day is way funnier. Hope tommorow you see success forcefully shitting before breakfast to avoid visiting public toilet at work.
Nathan Sanders
Nope I have weekends off, I'm relaxing. Just got paid too, might go out and enjoy the day. Make sure to be nice to your mom when you beg her for money to give to your favorite twitch streamer. Its never going to come though. And then your parents are going to die and you are going to he fucked because you have no way of making money. If you think your parents are going to leave you enough to live off of, you're wrong. They probably despise you already, but they certainly will when you are in your 50's still living at home.
Asher Lewis
I want such a comfy job like that. I operate a peeler, easy but the fucking niggers and illegals we hire from agencies are a real pain. I hate South American mestizos so much. Greatest one I had was a White Colombian
Can someone explain to me how being a burger NEET works? If I decide to quit my job and stay home all day I'm gonna starve to death. What prevents you from having the same fate? Where do you guys get money from?
That's because the system doesn't work if everyone strives for personal freedom and little in terms of material possession.
If, however, everyone tries to get rich and therefore works a lot; it still doesn't work for everyone but a few make it or inherited their place at the top.
Same reason MGTOW gets the same kind of scorn incels do.
You may be contempt now, but bro, you have to use this time to figure out who you are and what you are going to do with your life to make money. That doesn't mean working at McDonalds as a wagie, that means taking advantage of your parents wealth and generosity, going to school, and getting a nice anti-social job that allows you to eat even higher quality tendies. It really isn't that hard.. just takes a lot of time.
Camden Hernandez
I get a cool $3000/month because I went to Afghanistan.
Jace Long You can still love.
Elijah Wright
MGTOW is the greatest threat. Nothing more dangerous than free, uncucked and wealthy men You know MGTOW has a good reason to exist when there's divorce firms
Its the same here its just a longer process. There are more lines of credit available, more social safety nets like welfare and food stamps. However, if you choose to NEET it up for a decade, you pretty much kill all chances of making any more money. No employers is going to see a 5 or 10 year gap in employment on a resume and go for that.
I grew up poor as shit by US standards, and started working during school to pay rent when my mom became disabled. I work because you can make more money than on welfare and most service jobs are piss easy. Doesn't make sense to sit on my ass all day and get paid 400 every 2 weeks, when I could sit on my ass all day at work, and get paid 800.
Hope that answers your question.
Luis Adams
במה אחי אני מחפש
Anthony Russell
It's always been this way. I've never supported it and only mind when they make threads whining about work being hard
By leeching off their parents and being a massive burden on society. They are worse than niggers.
Adrian Jackson
>oooo I can afford a house wow great! NOT Are you stupid or something?
Andrew Cooper
You just need to learn how to invest your time properly as a neet. In my case I did “archaelogical” research by my own with no previous education, just out of curiosity around my town. Made a detailed catalogue with its historic cultural resources. This made me make contacts and a couple years ago I got hired at a nice paying job that I have pleasure in doing. Step your game up kids.
Nathaniel Roberts
Fuck em man, don‘t care about this shit. All the good guys died in WW2 anyway, I ain‘t working for niggers, I let the niggers work for me.
Especially Boomers are scared of the NEET, they absolutely need everyone of us to pay into their pension/insurance scams to keep the pyramid alive. Fuck em too, fucking boomers hope all of them get abused by niggers in a nursing home.
The worst part about being a NEET is knowing you're such a fucking burden
Anons will laugh and kek and shitpost but the fact is, this kind of lifestyle is enabled by someone else, always, you think you have freedom but you don't, you're given all this choice but you do nothing, you try to convince yourself you're superior but you don't get the chance to even say this anywhere but online. And your parents fucking hate you. They wont admit it but every day they wonder where they went wrong. You've become a 90 year old 20 year old, screaming for what you want and shitting your diapers, with just as much of a future.
Don't fucking fall for this. It destroys your psyche if you're even half a man.
Aiden Kelly
It does, friend. Thank you. Honestly, being an American NEET doesn't look that bad.
Kevin Howard
Its the wagecucks job to integrate them into tax paying workers. I don‘t care if the niggers rape, kill and steal or do whatever with them.
I hope the niggers do some violent murder rape home invasions at these cucks for my entertainment.
Josiah Martinez
I didn't ask to be born
I also didn't ask to get fucked over on college
I have no degree and my parents were making loads of money. Not my fault they were too fucking stupid to not upsize into a new home with a massive loan to match every 5-8 years. Fucking retards could have had it all paid off ages ago.
Nicholas Brooks
What? Wanting to kill subversive agents and establish a pan-european nation in the North American continent?
Brody Butler
It's your life, good luck to you.
Jayden White
>I didn't ask to be born fucking kek, this is always the last ditch argument for NEETs. If you didn't ask to be born, go back to before you were born and kill yourself you lazy coward.
Owen Walker
Fucking listen to me user, I know what i'm talking about. Stop with this "I didn't ask for this" bullshit. No one did. I'm not going to tell you my sob story because it doesn't fucking matter. It doesn't change a bit of what I said.
Lucas Gonzalez
I work from home for about an hour a day and make 6 figures. I work in sales and 90% of my job is taking orders from customers. Any thinking gets passed off to our technical people and any paperwork gets passed off to our administrative staff. Haven't visited a customer in 6 months because they have work to do so they like that I don't bother them.
I'm thinking of decreasing my effort and going full blown NEET and paying someone 30 bucks a day to do my hour of work.
Carter Adams
You're an indigo type 3. Just give it a shot
Nolan Cooper
Lmao based. This should happen to every boomer.
>NEET kills himself in a way that pisses off thousands of wagecucks that get late to work and get shit on by Mr Shekelberg and maybe even fired.
Zachary Garcia
what you do? need any help?
Sebastian Gomez
Wow, this is a good gig. I would be saving that money like crazy, but that's just because it sounds too good to last for long. These are the kind of Jow Forumsacks we need out there getting shit done
Joshua Martinez
Sure its better than being a NEET in South America I am sure. I think Europe is where you could NEET it up the best though, you get a bunch of extra perks like healthcare and shit for free.
I only view NEETs as bad because they could probably live better than they do if they worked some effortless job. Working really isn't that big of a pain unless you do manual labor like trench digging and shit. Society is going to get a bunch of NEETs over the next 50 years no matter what happens. Its starting to get the point where AI and robots could do most jobs, all we are waiting on really is corporate adoption so it becomes market standard. After that happens either there is going to be some sort of UBI or society is basically going to revolt and destroy everything, you guess as to which happens.