>plural noun: chavs >a young person of a type characterized by brash and loutish behaviour (usually with connotations of a low social status).
As pictured on the left of my post, you witness a group of Chavs. Proper classy.
Over the years, chav-culture has been rapidly growing (especially in the North East of England), leading to enhanced criminal activity, along with appalling attitudes towards everyone else. A lot of these Chavs also claim to be living on benefits; getting paid more than an average hospital nurse or psychiatrist due to their fraud.
But, what I don't understand is...How can a human being in Western Society look at themselves and think: 'Yes, I'm definitely improving my condition'
I thought the chav trend was dying out desu. There used to be tons of them around where I live in Manchester, but I rarely see them nowadays. Most of the chavs I see are pakis.
Hunter Martinez
Are you using a proxy? I haven't even seen a chav in 5 years. They've more or less gone the way mods and hippies.
Ian Gonzalez
everywhere has stupid teens, some grow up, some are trash people from trash families and remain so
Aaron Baker
Yeah, I must admit the majority of ones I witness tend to be of an arabian descent. Usually shouting racial slurs towards my general direction.
Really? Damn, might go and live in that location then. Whereabouts are you from? Up here in the Newcastle Region, I can barely get on a metro without some shit-for-brains starting on me through a window!
Charles Ortiz
I remember this film ,it was pretty good desu yeah those chavs are idiots and I havent seen one in person
It's definitely not such a big thing in Scotland anymore, late 90s and early 2000s was peak ned/chav here
Aaron Cook
Early/Mid 2000s were the worst for it yeah. Used to have a chav gang around my area that literally called themselves the 'Cider Crew', cause all they drank was White Lightning. Absolutely fucking pathetic desu.
Ian Anderson
Damn, I think it's just my general area that suffers from them still.
I know my mother gets terrified of using a metro over the fear of some adidas-clad hooligan jumping her and starting on her with the classic:
"OHH you think you're so tough? Eh?" I once had one try to insult me for having GCSEs.
Ryder Phillips
And yeah I think the 70s and 80s were even worse tbf, a lot of the shitty areas in Edinburgh are quite gentrified these days and much safer than back then
Justin Evans
north east here fuck those cunts for stealing bikes they even got mine twice
Elijah Brooks
Oh god, tell me about it. One of my mates got jumped by the infamous 'Jack Ryan Young' (halfhead) at one point. He started rapping that garbage, MC, trash at him and then pulled a knife.
Very scary indeed.
Jaxon Cox
Are chavs racist?
Hudson Evans
John Hill
It depends on which ones you encounter. Sometimes you'll get a racially-blended crew of Chavs, whereas other times you get the racist groups.
Don't get me wrong, it's not just white-supremacist Chavs. Even claimed asylum-seeking chavs from Middle-Eastern territories tend to form a little collective on their own. I know a lass who I am mates with was walking home and she got followed by a group of them, telling her they are gonna 'Take her white a** and f*** her dry.'
Bloody degenerates, the lot of them.
Connor Wilson
>Cider Crew Kek
Up here the tollcross rebels and young Leith team and various other ridiculous groups used to be genuinely feared but are now a thing of the past. There are still some old football casuals around and you very occasionally might see some teenagers fighting each other but it's nothing like it used to be
Yeah it must vary by area, they might still be going strong in Glasgow for all I know, it was always worse and I haven't been there in years
Jackson Long
chavs disappeared about 20 years ago
Tyler Cox
It's an expression of angsty aggression. In some ways chavs are high status. They can get away with acting aggressive and rude and get away with it 99% of the time, because most members of the public don't want to go through the stress/fear/bother of confronting them. So they can treat people badly and get away with it. Heck, they might even manage to intimidate people who actually could beat the up badly into shying down.
Henry Campbell
Unfortunately, not in the North-East.
My home-town was labelled as 'one of the worst places to live in England' due to the incessant chav-population and the amount of shoplifting conducted by them.
If only there was a way of stopping the insolent behaviour.
Jayden Murphy
Pretty true. Most of the ones I knew weren't very tough, but they had numbers, and they were all the kind of people that if you actually beat them in a fair fight, would come back with a knife or a bat. It was always just a better course of action to just avoid at all costs and save yourself the hassle.
Asher Martin
Yeah, I alter my walk patterns just so I can avoid the hotspots; even my schedule.
It's worked for me so far, but some of them are relentless
Aiden Morris
Chavs are fuckable tbqh
Jose Morales
sometimes I think I want to go up north because I want to be around white people, then I'm reminded that you are like that and I should be racist to all people
Lincoln Reyes
Yes. They have little to lose.
Jayden Allen
Oh, don't let them put you off coming. The City of Newcastle is still beautiful, as the chavs are less noticeable except for the crackheads at Grays Monument.
Just avoid the towns such as Jarrow or South Shields; both harbour dangers.
Elijah Clark
Nah, they're pretty few and far between nowadays. Just avoid the obvious places like council estates are you'll be fine.
Landon Parker
>Young people do stupid shit Imagine that. Lets make a billion threads about it.
Logan Rivera
I think there's less of it around there used to be, it had its peak in the early 2000s with Burberry, Goldie Lookin Chain etc. Honestly, young men these days seem more peaceable than they used to, maybe because they leave school later, apprenticeships, idk.
Aaron Jackson
Must be a concept more based on region then. North-South Divide most likely plays a big part aswell.
When you hear the ones up here talk about their lifestyle, they tend to follow a simple creed:
>Council Housed and Violent (hence 'Chav') >Tend to have some knowledge of a Weed-Dealer, usually some nutcase with a really bad nickname such as 'Mc David' >Tend to be claiming benefits despite having no issue besides their ability to drop out of education and breed like rabbits >Honestly believe that the elderly are responsible for everything, so they harass the living shit out of them. (E.g: Other Day a gang of them beat some 98 year old with bats)
God damn I hate my region.
Dominic Murphy
Chavs are the niggers of whites
Liam Lopez
>(((They))) took this from us Not even chavdom is safe from kike control.