Redpill me on Talibans,are they the good guys...

Redpill me on Talibans,are they the good guys?When they were fighting the soviets they were considered freedom fighters and now they're considered terrorists.

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>are they the good guys?
No. If it's not white, it's not right.

Only good moslems are the dead ones

They're defending their homeland but their society is all kinds of fucked up

Who's good or bad doesn't really matter when the country is less educated and developed than most of africa. Never should have gone there, the people are so ignorant they don't even know who the soldiers in their country are, some still think they're fighting russians ffs.

The Taliban are an Islamic cult that flourished in Afghanistan with pakistani backing in the post soviet era. They had some success creating social order and curbing the power of heroin barons, but went too far and became death squads. The taliban and bin laden Ansar brigades had nothing to do wtih 9/11.

Eat a crumpet and die, same dudes defending their homeland-not defending their actions but. All hail the IRA, free Northern Ireland and Scotland from imposed aggression and drink bleach lad

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They're Aryan and so are most Iranians and Syrians
Israel sent it's mutt army to kill Aryan people in the middle East.

Yes they are freedom fighters, but americans have been brainwashed into thinking they are the enemy. Sad.

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>Only good muslim's are the dead ones

Topical ignoramus "quote''.

Only protestants & kikes, speak such ignorance,"house niggah"!

The Taliban didn't exist during the Soviet-Afghanistan war

Attached: reagan-taliban.jpg (600x316, 53K)

1 can spin that image, many ways, but go ahead genius.

>Banned Bacha Bazi
>Banned women from school
>Banned TV
Yes, they were the good guys.

Posting that image here user, would get you a life sentence in Talmud-ville.
Shocking & painful for the cuck!

The soviet kike disunion, invaded Astan because these mountain orthodox type men, were on the border & wouldn't fold to Shlomo's tricks.

They were in the right before but times change and now they're the bad guys . Then again they've been trying to take over the world and fighting the EU since the 700s .

>are CIA proxyniggers the good guys?
kys yourself

>redpill me on the talibans

I've been googling all day and I can't figure out if the mountain fortress in tora bora is real or not.

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>Astan freedom fighters
After the kikes over through Iran, the Talmudic cunt's pulled the trigger on Afghanistan.

if they just did that, then they would be good guys, but they also did a lot of crazy shit like turn everyone into mudslimes. and that's unacceptable. that makes them not good guys, but good goys.

they're better than americans who have guns but don't fight

Lol get fucked burgerboy

Same movement in force, different name; don't fall for the 2 hand monte' !

Hahaha shut up mohammed

They're basically white rednecks in the middle east.

Glad you brought up Louis Wain. I'm working on an ongoing hypothesis that the distortions present in "psychadelic" style artwork drawn by actual artists (people with the ability to accurately represent structure, form, and anatomy) in a pre-accepted psychadelic society (late 1960s) is actually a break-through into the analysis of actual representation versus distortion. Our minds construct every image we see around us because our brain interprets raw imagery received through the optic nerves. These raw images are converted and 'distorted' to create socially acceptable structure and form due to a set of programming that has been passed down genetically. I would posit that for pre-electromagnetic communication societies with limited contact with one another, their art forms depict the programming method their brains use on raw imagery observed and collected.

Psychadelic imagery, such as that made in the latter years of Louis Wain, shows a much more surreal representation of what he sees in front of him. These distortions are due to less censure by his brain, not more. One of the reasons I think people hallucinate so vividly, while either suffering from advanced psychosis or heavy doses of psychadelic substances, is because the raw image input of their optic nerves is no longer being filtered effectively through the subliminal programming they've received since they were a child.

Everything from a society's structure of building to fashion to color choice reflects a stage of early onset programming that can be altered or dismissed with proper training but ultimately serves no net benefit to 'furthering' that society. However, when a society fails (much like when the human mind fails), sometimes the adoption of non-conformative viewpoints can illustrate other ways to view the same objects in time/space (such as Louis Wain's cats).

They were literally created by CIA jews to keep afghanistan in perpetual conflict so we could have a cassus belli to go in when ever we wanted. Taliban isn't working "for the cia" but they complete a lot of the things they want them to do. They took out man rivals and pushed out the soviets. We were never meant to "win" that conflict. Just an excuse to go in there and sell a shit ton of our old military hardware.