I think we've all noticed it coming on. For me 9/11 locked me into the as above so below agenda 21 matrix. It wasn't untill the 2012 movie that I began researching everything from celebrity stuff (Dave chapelle, britney spears) mk ultra glitches, and moved to other project blue beam, paperclip ect.. Which woke me up to real global political movements like the sabbatians, Zionists, pharisees, Fed, CFR ect...
Fast forward to 2015 when my grandma told me about this 7 year collapse she heard of, the shemetah, and the 9 harbingers. Lurking on Jow Forums for awhile by then I decided to post in May of that year about the coming economic collapse in September. People mocked, cried like NPCs to go to X, but I felt led by god and infact it was the biggest week drop of its time.
Which led me to decoding the economist the world in 2015/16/17 covers, as well as realize my destiny. To bring Cern into the forefront. Some of you may have heard/seen some of the memes from my threads >KEK being a particle accelerator >this timeline is the best timeline >meme magic >shemetah blood moons
I felt destined to bring all this to Jow Forums we are being controlled, and you have the answers. Trust me I've researched almost everything important but it all keeps boiling down to one thing.
What are the main ways they control the population.
>gene editing >weather manipulation >natural disasters >controlling the narritive through media >thought police >altering timelines
Now what is there a common thread between these things?
This machine is the modern day Tower of babel. We are living in some of the craziest times. Geordie rose is building Quantum super robots hooked up to Cern's database. Elon musk is trying to build the new tunnels for Cern. Rock bands are going there, they film satanic rituals as a joke, weird videos like symmetry, and the gothard tunnel. It's built on the bottomless pit, a temple to aployon, or abbadon. The time is now to spread this before its to late.
CERN is irrelevant, it's just a bunch of self important scientists scaming the world into thinking they're breaking new ground. It's idiots like op that keep enabling their aura and mystique, without which their funding will plummet.
Mason Davis
>I think we've all noticed it coming on. For me 9/11 locked me in the as >all boomers are schitso because of the 11/9 television trauma OP take MEDS and try again?
n-no! he's just super redpilled! that's what he would tell you anyway. these schizos think that mentall illness doesn't exist and that they're just the most aware people people alive. That guy in the pic thinks he's smarter than you
Lincoln Turner
I shit myself daily so that mummy has to clean my botty wotty. If I am a good boy and hold it in for a few hours then she rewards me with "playtime". Her breast milk is the best but it makes my shit too loose. Runny pooey for mummy down my peggy leggies.
Carson Long
Clearly the NPCs can't read
Now what is there a common thread between these things?
the common thread is your inability to follow your antipsychotic regimen. If everybody is telling you your rambling, meandering word salad doesn't make any sense, where is the common denominator. the fact that you insist on having something to say despite just randomly connecting things and never actually saying anything is why we call you a schizo, healthy people don't go on disorganized tirades about biblical prophecies and quantum physics and HAARP and shiet, they stay on one topic and leave it at that.
There is no apparent "connection" here unless you're a pareidolic lunatic who will find a pattern in anything, and you almost certainly didn't "crack the code". What's more likely, that you merely appear to be mentally ill and have solved the grand algorithm of life, or that this is simply schizo episode thread #534682895?
Gavin Carter
don't waste your time talking to this man
Charles Brown
Jayden Bailey
You didn't debate any of my proof.
Join the other NPCs and scram unless your going to debate. Just because I post too many points for you to follow dosnt mean anything but you're to slow to keep up.
Now if you want to debate how its not please go right ahead.
I began researching everything from celebrity stuff (Dave chapelle, britney spears) mk ultra glitches, and moved to other project blue beam, paperclip ect.. Which woke me up to real global political movements like the sabbatians, Zionists, pharisees, Fed, CFR ect... >I felt led by god OP, please stop forgetting to take your schizo meds, it's not good for you
James Kelly
>Cern=Tower of Babel Idiot
Juan Jackson
Trololol are you five? You come into my thread, bring no information ,and then tell someone to not talk to OP?
Go back to your blacked threads NPC.
Christopher Bell
this building is european parliment, not cern you retard. lurk more
Sebastian Allen
>using your and you're improperly and then properly in one paragraph >alieums?????? >djultramusicfestival???? >10/10/2020 ??????
we are being controlled by the grammar nazis
Kayden Phillips
How? They have their hands in everything from chemtrails to controlling the media.
Try again schlomo.
Carson Nelson
The city of Strasbourg (France) is the official seat of the European Parliament. The institution is legally bound to meet there twelve sessions a year lasting about four days each. Other work takes place in Brussels and Luxembourg City (see Location of European Union institutions for more information).
Do you even know where Cern is?
>protip under France and Switzerland.
Parker Perez
The interdimensional reptilian shapeshifting mantids are causing AI deepfake false flags by weather manipulation and fluoride trails to distract crisis actors from the fact that aliens are hollow and sandy hook doesn't exist so they can continue to harvest adrenochrome from our pineal glands for astral projection remotely through 5G technology from the top of the black cube on satan.
You're making bigger leaps than an Olympic long jumper. I don't need to debate something that has no real "proof" besides suppositions and hypotheticals. And yeah, of course there's a global conspiracy that's all interconnected, and the reason we don't know about it is because it won't reveal itself. Ever heard of Bertrand Russell's teapot allegory?
Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if you believe the earth is flat too.
There is no need to be upset. It's a shame that you will never experience the total ecstasy of being a grown man and having a beautiful woman claw handfuls of shit from between your sweaty arse cheeks whilst she chides you for having a massive erection.
Easton Wood
the building that looks like tower of babel is like 300-400 km away from cern... you are retarded shill not making any sense on purpose to support "dumb conspiracy theorists" narrative. yes, satanist rule european union and vatican today, satanists are zionists but you are just using bunch of terms on random
Jackson Cruz
This is combining a bunch of semi true points to come together in a incoherent mix of disinformation to discredit the OP
Name the leaps I posted links from their website.
They control geoenginnering through the CLOUD experiment their. It's the machine the formed the internet, and controls it. It has the ability to read all the quantum building blocks so they can geoengineer life like spider goats.
This is the tower of babel and all you can say is I'm posting too much information xD
>protip the Bible says earth is a globe.
Isaac Sanchez
No infact it's not it's 3 miles above it.
So basically I'm right but you don't have the brainpower to read the connections yourself xD
Also think of WWW. Pic related shows that V/W in hebrew is equal to the 6, thus its again the 666 en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Wide_Web >English scientist Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web in 1989. He wrote the first web browser in 1990 while employed at CERN in Switzerland cern has the 666 in its logo, and it claimed to be "the gateway to the universe" as the tower of babel was the gateway to the heavens. there is also this horned pagan god i dont know anything about except maybe that he is possibly the source of the antler symbolism you occasionally find in pizzagate or in the first episode of true detective with the dead women and the pedospiral and antlers. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cernunnos
i heard that cern is located on what was known as "appolyacum" or "town of appolyon" while appolyon/abbadon is the destroyer like shiva, couldnt find anything on that one though
my take on the mark of the beast: you have it on the back of the right hand (with which you do stuff) or on your (fore)head with which you think. having the 666 the material desires in your deeds or mind and only doing stuff for it i believe is the mark. however i believe there also will be a spiritual and a material mark of which this would be the spiritual one. the material one possibly could be the RFID chips.
Also i heard the 666 would be the nails with which christ was crucified, and i assume it makes sense symbolically as if you embrace the 666 what you have of christ in you dies.
Another point is that the dead sea scrolls mention the mark being 616 instead. translated in hebrew, the 6 is the letter W/V (Vav) and 1 is A (Aleph), 616 would then be VAV and thus again 6 making it fit the symbolism still for the most part at least
>This is combining a bunch of semi true points to come together in a incoherent mix of disinformation to discredit the OP >stop copying me it makes me look bad!! my fucking sides. care to rearrange the post so it's accurate?
That's actually crazy that bands are allowed to film there. I'm with you OP, I've known for a few years now that CERN is terrifying on a biblical scale, and this is just another reminder of their fuckery
you are just retarded shill... anyone can check for themselves where is european parliment building that looks like tower of babel and where is whole cern area. they can even look up that tower of babel has nothing to do with geoengineering life and you are just mixing couple of terms on random, because it makes you feel like you are making fun of someone, while you are just making retard out of yourself you braindamaged shill hope Iran will nuke you soon
>are causing AI deepfake false flags by weather manipulation and fluoride trails Use deepfake videos, false flags, weather manipulation, and geoengineering
>to distract crisis actors from the fact that aliens are hollow and sandy hook doesn't exist To push so much disinformation the public won't know what's true
>so they can continue to harvest adrenochrome from our pineal glands for astral projection So they can continue the sex trade for adrenochrome, and body parts
>remotely through 5G technology from the top of the black cube on satan. Through feeding off the energy, meme magic from the internet through swaying opinions.
There fixed it for you.
Oliver Murphy
you're right, that's way less schizophrenic. Thanks bro!
Kayden James
I can't tell who's shilling, and who's a boot licker anymore.
It's clear though they like to post without even understanding the OP.
c'mon man, give him a break. he's trying to share his passion with us
Nathaniel Harris
OP, we have known for a while now. Telling this out here is like telling them, "Hey! LOOK AT ME, TARGET ON MUH HEAD!, YALLZ LIZARD MEN N' DEMONS N' SHHHEEEEITTT" We're all working closely together to prepare for it. Just don't go out there waving the flag just yet.
Matthew Powell
>it's clear they like to post without understanding my deranged word salad that is just a hash of other conspiracy theories snowballed into one incoherent mess why don't you try telling us what you're getting at? since you're so much more woke than everybody here. that's why you made the thread right, to explain the secrets of the universe to people?
You've yet to make a coherent statement yet
David Rivera
the machine is why john titor had to come back in time to get the IBM, which IBM admitted has the universal translator function, unknown to the public until titor searched for one. CERN literally admited to fucking with the timelines when gulls broke a transformer and shut the accelerator down for 3 months, google it. add the shiva statute, the amount of people who died on site, and I hope I dont need to tell you that particle accelerators can create "black holes". all to find "dark energy" which is essentially aether wind, already proven by USAF in 1986.
I hate when shills use the whole go to sleep line but all of this actually IS tiring, people actually believe other people asked scientists to do any of the above? clown world.
Caleb Taylor
The interdimensional reptilian shapeshifting beings that live in the hollow earth, controlled by AI at the highest levels, are causing false flags using crisis actors to manipulate public opinion in order to have us willingly give our lives to the government. weather manipulation through HAARP and chemtrails allows them to create famines and artificially heat the earth. 5G is the latest addition to the population control scheme in which they dumb us down and greatly reduce the population by causing cancer but 10x faster and it's mandatory - cities cannot say no to 5G. They do this so they can continue to harvest adrenochrome from our pineal glands for sustenance/pleasure because they either are demons (negative entities) or they are working for them.
Henry Smith
I'm not going to fully back OP here, but CERN is in fact the largest, most complex and most expensive Weapon System ever created by man. They have shown evidence that it warps the world's magnetosphere when they switch it on. Playing it off as a toy for science nerds is disingenuous.
Jonathan Williams
Its been a mission since 2015 I'm not going to let shills bother me now xD these guys are weak. Already back then they would TRY to debate me.
they are waiting for you gordon, in the ttest chamber but seriously that guy knows about the memes, unless your argument is half life was predictive programming oh shit...
Matthew Reyes
They are shills. I've seen them in a bunch of threads all pushing muh schizo narrative everytime something important is said
Connor Lopez
>everybody who tells me I'm mentally ill is part of an organized group of secret agents classic
Aiden Nguyen
>tower of babel has nothing to do with geoengineering life But it has to do with our arrogance and I doubt God is pleased with whatever sinister shit they're up to at CERN.
Andrew Bennett
Are you actually saying:
>Some of you may have heard/seen some of the memes from my threads >this timeline is the best timeline >meme magic Are from your fanatical super conspiracy threads?
nah, cern just feeds saturn, tower of babel 2.0 is the internet, where everyone babbles. no one babbles in cern, fucking dipshit.
Levi Hughes
Faggot / thread
Jose Diaz
>According to the story, a united humanity in the generations following the Great Flood, speaking a single language and migrating eastward, comes to the land of Shinar (שִׁנְעָר). There they agree to build a city and a tower tall enough to reach heaven. God, observing their city and tower, confounds their speech so that they can no longer understand each other, and scatters them around the world. it was literally story about united humanity feeling so proud of themselves they felt they and their laws were more powerfull than God. literally european union. and building which looks like tower of babel is parliment of european union why do you have to be so retarded?
Logan Gonzalez
>it was literally story about united humanity feeling so proud of themselves they felt they and their laws were more powerfull than God. So, arrogance? Low IQ subhuman. Come over here and scrub my toilet.
Aaron Howard
>shits up the thread for no discernible reason >pretends shills are a conspiracy theory Unironically undebatable and shill pilled
Eli Lee
nah, we only come over to fuck your kids like everyone else
I'm saying I predicted the stock market fall of 2015, decoded the economist the world in 2015/16/17 and brought pizzagate/john podesta, and cern to Jow Forums
I've done my part user, what are you doing with your life?
The tower of Babylon was everything I stated in my OP
>What are the main ways they control the population.
>gene editing >weather manipulation >natural disasters >controlling the narritive through media >thought police >altering timelines
Cern has a hand in all this, and no-one has proven me wrong.
>shills exist >therefore everybody who thinks I'm crazy was sent here by the government to subvert my very important posts on Jow Forums >I am not grandiose >I am not paranoid wew lad
Jonathan Hall
>Cern has a hand in all this, and no-one has proven me wrong. jews also have hand in all of this so you are not making any point
the fearpropaganda is probably one of the most important bits.
Kayden Walker
also there was no tower of babylon there was kingdom/city of babylon and tower of babel also there is methaphorical city of babylon in bible which is another thing
Carter Hall
Thanks for confirming that OP is right. You're not very good at this.
anything euro scientists do is a conspiracy to burgers go back to
Landon Russell
OP couldn’t describe the physics behind particle accelerators
Camden Brown
>controlling the narritive through media How does CERN do this exactly? And don’t point me to some link or conspiracy vid, just answer yourself
Xavier Martinez
>This is the biggest machine in the world not some Pharisee. but pharisees were at least babylonians. cern has nothing to do with either babylon or babel. you just keep mistaking terms and trying to push incoherent pile of shit
Nathaniel Baker
>everybody is saying something is up >that means it's down >everybody is telling me I'm fat >that means I'm skinny >everybody is telling me the sky is blue >that means it's red >everybody is telling me I'm wrong >that means I'm right schizo logic. I love how you retards who scream shill always have the exact same canned responses, truly the ultimate NPCs.
Henry Roberts
Well they fucked up, because they bumped it to page one. Like this guy. Comes in, clearly hasn't read a damn thing, and cries X because this thread is blocking his blacked, and AOC threads.
Actually there are only four coolaid drinkers in this whole thread, that includes you. Everyone else is some level of skeptic.
William Stewart
>Some of you may have heard/seen some of the memes from my threads You sound like a faggot.
Angel Green
You sp3ak exactly like the guy from know more news who is psychotic as fuck
Brandon Hill
but user only CIA agents and Mossad are skeptics. you're not a shill, are you? believe or I will have no choice but to act even more unhinged in the face of criticism YOU'LL HANG y-you fucking GLOWER!!1
Lad, I haven't seen much in the way of proof, either. But it's no secret that the ones who cry "schizo!" are shills.
Thomas Rodriguez
It's accerates ions sometimes lead, near light speed through multiple detectors like (Alice, atlas) until they collide them to understand the core components to atoms likes quarks and gluons. They are looking for parallel dimensions, super symmetry, Quantum black holes, anti matter, and stranglets so they say...
Cern is connect to all the severs of the internet. I imagine is controls the algorthims to push certain things in the public.
Imagine a computer world that takes all the data from where you go to what you watch, and then puts that program 7 months ahead to predict outcomes of certain things they pushed in the program world.
Programs predict outcomes from data all the time. Now imagine being connected to all the data. The movie eagle eye comes to mind.
B.S the tower of babel will be in the last generation when mystery Babylon shows up. As Solomon said, nothing new under the sun.
>CERN alters the timelines >No evidence or proof >Prove me wrong
Jose Cruz
>act like a schizo >get called a schizo >REEEE YOU'RE ALL OPERATIVES PAID BY THE GOVERNMENT TO DISAGREE WITH ME not doing your credibility many favours. If I ran out into the street screaming about CERN and the tower of babel and the EU and saturn cults and black cubes n shit people would call me crazy, are those people also shils? nah you're right, mental illness doesn't exist and everybody who thinks it does is a secret agent, and your paranoia and grandiosity are symptoms of the former merely by coincidence
Christian Rodriguez
>B.S the tower of babel will be in the last generation when mystery Babylon shows up. As Solomon said, nothing new under the sun. and again you are using words on random hoping it gets traction...
Isaiah Jackson
So that is where 666 came from. Not from God, but from some archaic alphabet that showed how evil nails were after their cult leader was nailed to a cross for being a madman. Centuries later they make up stories of demons and more and relate it to where the nightmare of their cult alll started, when Romans nailed their crazy leader with nails to a cross.
Jace Clark
>So we’re only 5 minutes into this talk and he has already started talking about parallel universes. The founder of D-Wave is actually saying with a straight face that we can start to exploit parallel universes by reaching into them and pulling out their computing power. Is that maybe the most incredible thing you’ve ever heard?
Quantum computing has its own version of Moore’s Law in that the number of qubits tends to double every year for the past 9 years. Here’s an analogy of just how much faster the 512-qubit quantum computer was when compared to the 128-qubit quantum computer :
Charles Long
>It's accerates ions sometimes lead, near light speed through multiple detectors like (Alice, atlas) until they collide them to understand the core components to atoms likes quarks and gluons. They are looking for parallel dimensions, super symmetry, Quantum black holes, anti matter Hm sounds like the explanation provided by a .gov site...how can we be certain that you yourself are not a shill? Ie, how can mirrors be real if our eyes are not real?
Luis Carter
LMAO I've been researching it for 4 years. If I didn't know how it works I would have to agree with you
Angel Morales
Researching for x amount of time is irrelevant when your research material consists of explanations funded by the same people you denounce
Chase Richardson
Daily reminder to ignore schizo shills
Benjamin Diaz
>cern is tower of babel >posts picture of EU headquarters >cern isnt even a tower schizo or just retarded?
Gabriel Nguyen
>b-block this guy!! don't listen! believe or go away!! no criticism! no debate!! it's real! f-fuck off!!!!11 >calling anyone else a shill my fucking sides
Carter Bailey
This Canuck should be executed.
Jace Mitchell
So OP is a faggot controlled by propaganda cia put into a movie?
Oliver Martin
sucks lookin in the mirror donnit
Henry Rivera
I raise you an American cracked occultist >Hitler's mustache is actually the Cube of Saturn