Surprising literally no one, dumb (((neocon))) Trump announces that he will invade Venezuela hahhahahahhahhaha

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America will invade Venezuela and Russia will invade Ukraine.

>Russia will invade Ukraine.


Fuck off. Killing communists is always the right thing to do. Also, show your flag you subversive faggot.

Right but how does going to war with Venezuela benefit Israel?

Fuck you, Trump is different.This time it will be different!!

The j0o9os!

Fuck yeah. Time to go back in the military and make easy money.

because venezuelan socialists stole a lot of wealth from the world banks directly (oil profits, resources owned by internationalist kikes) and indirectly (plans for future development, tied to neighboring countries), which is why they've been blockaded for a decade.
please go back to your plebbit safespace you cringy faggot

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Trump is a controlled opposition, anybody who actually has faith in him is massive retard. He was put into power so that way nationalism could be ruined forever.

>leave my savespace and stop triggering me reeee!

I guess you will stat after that hitler is a Jewish pawn and that he is anti white ?

This is the same shit that he said about North Korea and look where they are now.

Stop buying into this shit, retards. Sit back and watch what happens.

Don’t compare Hitler to the likes of Trump. At least his immigration policy actually worked. Trump cucked to the very people who wanted him to be impeached. It’s amazing how the French are proving themselves to be just as retarded as Americans.

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Oh lawdy holy mackalandy not dem j00z!
Come with me my Kara Boga brother, we must liberate Europe in the name of tengri. But at least Venezuela is just cleaning up the yard.

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That was before John Bolton was brought into Trump’s cabinet. If there’s any time left in his one term. He’ll do a 180 on Kim as well and start promoting regime change.

They've been wanting to - they want the Ukraine. If the US invades Venezuela, we'll a) not have much moral authority b) much military attention to spend elsewhere. Brazil bro is speculating but it's a thought.

>Trump announces that he will invade Venezuela
what a damn fool, who gives a shit about Venezuela, no heroin poppy, no oil worth refining, this jackass just likes to spend money on nothing

>Killing communists is always the right thing to do
then why don't we take down that communist listening post in Cuba? why do we allow that to be there for 50 years?

Let's pray you're right.


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>what a damn fool, who gives a shit about Venezuela, no heroin poppy, no oil worth refining, this jackass just likes to spend money on nothing

He needs an easy victory in order to proof "he has balls" to the rest of the world, also all those cubans/venezuelan voters in Florida will payback in the elections for that

The tranny shilling is too damn high.

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>Muh tranny shilling
You’re the biggest shill of them all, Bolton

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Trump says this all the time you retarded nigger. He doesn't say anything is off the table no matter how far fetched it is. Pretty funny the left wants to keep troops in Syria, but doesn't want to go to Venezuela all because they want the exact opposite of Trump. Haha plus he didn't say he's sending in troops, he just says it's not off the table like every other situation where he said there are no options off the table.

Well France is the reason why America is a country, so It can explain something

I will un-ironically 100% support the most leftist candidate possible in 2020 if this happens

Its almost like this tranny ignores the current mass exodus of venezuelans,

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Communist are brainwashing your own kids in school and you dont have the balls to do shit STFU cunt.

The reason we didn’t invade countries last time is because Bolton wasn’t apart of the adminstration yet. He was one of the main figures that got us into Iraq in the first place.

We have a lot of immigration and imbred sand nigger here too. What you call retarded are not real pure blooded French. Low IQ shitskin. You have a lot in America too. Hard to have a descent country with this kind of people.

I prefer trump to hitler, quitte funny and you have the opportunity to see a lot of seething liberal,commie, leftist and cuckservative. He is ironically doing not a bad job into putting some think like nationalism, abortion, immigration, wall into the public debate. Hope that you elected him again in 2020.

Tranny really are disgusting. I can not tanks them enough for killing themselve so much to clean our infected world.

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Good. Fuck Chavez. Fuck Maduro.

Whos the one shilsing for communism, chink & ruskie kikery in Latin America like they did it in africa, yes, its you Chelsea Manning

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>socialist supports commies
color me surprised you get the helicopter too

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Can't think of an argument eh?

Do you remember when only Congress had the power to declare war?
Pepperidge Farm remembers.
They also remember that virtually the entire American gov't is more pro-intervention & pro-war than President Trump.

yes! more blood! more glorious carnage!

Cuba should be attacked too. Communists, socialists, marxists, whatever you want to call them, should all be eradicated from the face of the Earth. That includes China, but I don't think war is necessary for them. Just sanction the shit out of them and their allies until they collapse. Then we can move in if necessary.

>Muh Russia
Oh noes! A conservative nation wants to rid the world of degeneracy that was spread by the west! We can’t support that, after all Hillary said so!

Did you know most Ancaps support raping babies?

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Do you even know what socialism is? There is literally nothing wrong with socialism when the population is homogenous.

Its all so tiresome.

>we should kill all joos
>nooo dont kill those poor brown commie dictators they dindu nuffin :(

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I disagree with socialism, socialism is not completly stupid. You can have socialist in a ethnically white country.
Could not disagree with the other part of your sentence for communist and Marxist.

>Pepperidge Farm remembers.
Advice animal phrases and image Marcos that are not ironic should be rangebanned off the site.

He’s an amerimutt, of course he doesn’t know what it means. He probably thinks Hitler was an evil socialist as well.

>spouting “da joos” meme
Proving once again that you’re a kike

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double wrap a belt around your neck then buckle it nice and tight, you massive TOOL

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fuck off weeb fag
>y-you joo

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How the fuck does war in Venezuela help Israel?
Do we have some super secret oil deal going on with Israel?
Does Israel have a shit ton of cars they need to keep on the road? Or is that America actually?

Russia man bad

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Just do war for war's sake

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Venuzuela is a conservative would need some proof for that. He is supported by communist in France, which are the one which stand by all the most degenerate and disgusting thing in France, like late term abortion, ethanazie, abortion, sodomite, mass immigration, trans right, and all kind of degenerate fetish.

Thanks, mutts, you guys are alright. There's no scape from the day of the helicopter.

These salty commie tears have never been so tasty

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>Le helicopter man xd

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everything is an option you dumb fuck

Thats why South Africa & Zimbabwe are such a great nations, oh no wait.

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>no oil worth refining
They have fucking loads of oil m9

If I put a hero with the Jew that make him the bad guy, your people are pathetic. If standing next to a Jew disgust you so much, you could easily explain why you dislike and hate them.

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holy shit he shook a kikes hand?

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>USA-backed dictator bad
>Russia-Backed dictador good

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I'm referring to the Marxist kind. Socialism has that connotation because of its history. It's unfortunate that National Socialism includes the word socialism. It'd be better to call it something else since you aren't trying to nationalize everything in NS. It's more of a mix between capitalism and socialism.

>wrecking brown country then taking them all in as vibrant refugees to drive cost of labor down even if 100% of them vote pro welfare state as a side effect

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I have always wanted to see war in Venezuela, just to see how modern tactics plays out and how the US have changed since Vietnam (Even though I think Brazil will lead the charge).
I'm for /chaos/

You want to die for Israel?

Except Israel doesn't want us there, they want us in the Middle-East and it clearly says "option" not "will invade". Nice try, shlomo.

They always accuse everyone of being kikes, but they never talk about hitler's jewish connections and his other unsavory alliances

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Wow, this really made me think.

Crossing the border violates the border violates the NAP, mow em all down

>Other countries have to be globalist neoliberals like us or we'll kill them for wrongthink

Goodest of goys


Excluding the whole "we are a bulwark against communism :^)" the USA would definitely NOT want a shithouse commie state that's a vassal to Russia

All of the shills in the comments trying to smear everything into a binary system of communism vs lolbergs to try and keep the focus on a retarded battle of economic ideologies.

Most of us know that the real universal truth is,
>no jews
>no shitskins
>no problems
It doesn't matter whether you have a single payer medical system or sales taxes. It's the people working within the system, not the system itself. If your bowl of ice cream is 30% dogshit then nothing else really matters.

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>no oil worth refining
wtf are you talking about

I hate globalists and liberalism. I just want these Marxists to be removed.

>Other countries have to be communists like most of africa or we'll kill them for wrongthink
Goodest of goys

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Forgetting your first statement. What I find the most is that they use the word kike, Jew all the time while they have a lot of difficulty speaking why they hate Jew.

Um yeah I rhink mebbe you should search the Archives for >inb4source.
They are never wrong.

Democrats are baby killers

But you know that's not what they will do.
This is like lolbergs making the argument that they are pro open borders because it won't matter in a nation that has absolutely no welfare state. Then proceeding to support open borders while living in a nation that does have one.

Incorrect, communism has failed in Europe, Africa and Asia. Rather import a couple of niggers than get communism again if I had to choose.

Most of Africa isn't communist, just low IQ dictatorships. And nice strawman dumb cunt.

>Russia will invade Ukraine

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There are many reasons to hate every race. Are Jews worse than all of them? Maybe. Are they the only source of the problem? Unlikely. Does big government solve the problems we have? Absolutely not. These people cannot think logically. They are completely ideologically demoralized

Venezuela doesn't exist in the middle east. That's not a war for Israel

Yeah sure it will turn out well just like in Vietnam. And by the way, the Vietcong fought for their families and country, as nationalists first and foremost. Americans were the globalist kike golem invaders.

Venezuela needs an Israeli controlled central bank

It's in the Archives.
Search inb4source.

Niggers already flow through the border we need to fix that first I agree

All American wars are a war for Israel, who do you think benefits from the perpetual military industrial complex?

But is one for the US, specially Monroe Doctrine, but you know Lefties mad at their heroes russia & china getting their ass kicked out of American Continent.

I'm with you and these other retards will be soon once they get their heads out of their ass. They can't accept yet that it was all for naught, that if Trump was really a danger to the kikes he would have been Ron Paul'd.


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fuck that, let them burn themselves as a warning to other countries, stay the fuck out until the beg you to do something.

The absolute state of this bremainer labourist tranny scum.

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>All forms of collectivization have to be Jewish communism.
How do you explain pre-shitskinned Sweden?
Or pre-war NatSoc Germany?

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Socialist dictators are best

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>If there’s any time left in his one term.
how will they get him out?

>a negotiator doesn't want to comprimise his negotiative position by giving away something for nothing