Who else feeling the /trumpgret/ here?
Who else feeling the /trumpgret/ here?
My taxes are higher too. Seriously, WTF.
>but seriously, we can't let him get his hands on the nuclear codes
Not me, I'm a NEET and enjoying this roller-coaster.
> Who else?
>some literally who just saying they have to pay more without showing anything.
>person made substantially more money in great Trump economy
>has to pay more taxes
Whoa! How could it be?
i really hope this doesn't happen to me when i file this year, i already pay too much tax.
My taxes have risen too. I thought Trump was supposed too fix this.
Slide thread
Cant i get the discord link?
What does Trump have to do with taxes in Canada retard?
Mine went down. $140k gross income. Roughly $2300 less in taxes. First time federal has not risen on me since the Bush cuts expired.
Trump decides UK taxes now shill?
*double woosh*
Based a NEETpilled. I'm enjoying the ride too. When things get bad, I'll just end my own life. Comfiest way to live life.
The retard probably lives in NJ or CT. It's not Trump's fault he chose to live in a luxury town where the property taxes are $15,000+. No sympathy from me at all.
If you had a job that you worked from home with you could live your same life, work a few hours a day and buy anything you want on a whim. Wouldnt that be a better life?
>I actually paid less and I'm poor
blue or red state?
i doubt your taxes went down that much unless you had a significant deductions, an increase in 401k, and live in a blue state
>Elects a jewish loving zionist from New York
>Oh no! Why isn’t he doing anything I elected him for?
red state*
depends on his income. i forget exact numbers but 110-140k~ish saw a tax increase and the removal of SALT deduction could increase taxes for those.
I did get fucked over a little I thought the health care tax already went into effect 2018 but it wasnt until 2019 so I have to pay that tax this year but not moving forward at least.
Fucking moron. There’s really only three possibilities: (1) she made more money this year; (2) she was already wealthy and the rollbacks on the SALT deduction prevented her from being able to itemize above the generous 12K (single) / 24k (married, joint) standard deduction; or (3) she ACTUALLY paid less taxes BUT is looking strictly at what she owes or is receiving as a refund without considering that her withholding may have been too low. I’m leaning towards (3) because she seems like an idiot.
middle class cuts were temporary LOL
31 and NEET here, the answer is unequivocably "no". Why would I need money, I have no interests or hobbies, I spend maybe a hundred dollars max on myself per year, and, while I live with my parents, I only eat what they provide and nothing more, and do not ever request anything because I realize I am a worthless sack of shit. I would have forced myself to work a few hours a week to pay them rent but they said that wasn't necessary, so I have no desire to put myself through that for no reason, I have nothing to spend the money on anyway.
That happens when you vote against your economic interests
last year I got over 1k in return, this year I worked more hours and only got 300... fucking lame
Next you'll say you're just pretending you be retarded
My taxes raised too, but my salary increase over 50% so that's understandable.
Love trump, saved me hundreds of thousands of dollars, you must suck at math
>Comfiest way to live life.
More like most pathetic way to live life.
SALT is capped at 10k.
people getting screwed this year are higher income earners, who file single with no kids.
Or she lives in ca or newyork and can no longer deduct unlimited state taxes from federal ones.
Mine are slightly increased from last year.
basically thinly veiled bragging
Mine too! Meming Trump into office was supposed to fix this. Ahhhhggg
Yes. My taxes went up $2300 despite the fact I get paid in £s. What a time to be alive.
Hey leaf we know you hate trump but be smart enough to use a vpn so you look like your in our country
IRS just opened for processing tax returns Jan. 28. Wtf you guys all got your taxes done in the last 4 days. Fuckin johnny on the spot...
Which is a good thing. Why should the rest of the Country subsidize their exorbitant state and local taxes?
pay up, wagies
>i worked more hours and only got 300
You really don't understand the tax system at all do you?
Yes, higher income being the operative word. I live in a veritable mansion in a lower COL region and i couldn’t come close to itemizing above the 24k deduction, even with mortgage interest and high property taxes.
My refund was $14k, $11k last year. Fake news
Yeah well mine was 1300 last year and only 15 dollars this year. Seriously wtf is going on?!?
I honestly think this person is probably looking strictly at what she owes or is getting as refund, without considering the amount of tax previously withheld. I was kind of surprised myself how low the withholding was for last year. I think it might be too little for some who claimed exemptions on the W-2
what's your average day like, user?
The workers are for the paper submits. If you did efile, shutdown didn't really affect you
Taxes are higher for high taxed states like New York and California, because of the cap in the deductibles of their state taxes from federal tax in the new tax laws.
it is a califag thing. because Trump and the GOP capped Property tax deductions it raised our taxes.
You win
Red and no unusual deductions this year.
>You pay lower taxes throughout the year
>Retards freak out when the return is lower.
I hate idiots.
>14k in refunds
Are you actually proud of this?
>t. accountant
You are giving the government a tax free loan you welfare queen.
Yep my taxes are higher this year too. On the other hand, last tax year I was unemployed and receiving $192 per month in food gibs which are exempt from sales tax so my tax burden was near zero.
Welp, we'll see in the next week.
>I was unemployed and receiving $192 per month in food gibs
Filthy nigger.
Kentucky user here, I normally get back 3-5k ever year, I owe 600 for 2018. Pretty disappointing my niggers.
I paid £1482.58 more in tax this year. Fuck you Drumpf, why did I believe your lies?
>a complete retard
Wow who would have guessed, kys
I love listening to people that view a refund as a win of money.
It is your money that the government overcharged you for.
It is the same as buying a pair of pants, returning the pants for a refund and then acting like you somehow won money from the deal.
Tony Robbins wrote a book a few years ago on how to become wealthy. One of his top recommendations was to leave California. He detailed his tax bill in California and compared it to his taxes after moving to Florida. The difference was in the millions. What does California offer that's worth paying millions extra in taxes per year? Pretty much nothing. Of course most people aren't millionaires but the relative tax burdens for their incomes are even higher because their household budgets have much less room for excess taxes.
I'm embarrassed to share a country with you.
dont forget EIC is mandatory spending :)
How much federal income tax did you pay each year?
It's not something I'm proud of using but I paid into the tax system before 2017 and once I found a job, started paying back into the tax system again. I've more than reimbursed the government for the gibs I received. But that's the way it was meant to work: a temporary form of assistance to get a person productive again, not a lifestyle to be lazy forever.
No one.
>same as returning the pants
That means you didn't get the pants you retard. If everyone stopped paying taxes the country would descend into an anarchic shithole.
Are you retarded or just from t_d?
a better way to put it, Its an interest free loan to the government
God I hope your kidding
Was not trying to explain that people should not
pay taxes.
Was explaining a refund.
He could live in a blue state where I believe high property taxes could be written off.
It was a deductible most people did not even know existed.
My refund is down from 4k+ to under 2k. And I havent even put in my stock 1099s yet.
What the fuck dude
>wtf, I made more money than I did last year?
How retarded are people?
The tax savings are in your paycheck, you dummy. Did you make it thru 8th grade?
sleep and watching little girl's anime (magical girl and idolshit stuff). all through my 20s I suffered from crippling boredom, but I'm convinced that my level 30 wizard spell granted me immunity to that, because as soon as I hit 30 I was no longer bored of anything, I literally can and have stared at a wall for 5 hours and lost track of time and never felt like I needed to be doing anything, and I don't get stircrazy at all anymore, I can sit on my ass all day and never see any people or the sun and be perfectly content, truly a gift from god, I'm sure he realized I am a lost cause and granted me peace of mind at last.
THIS! And they wonder why they pay more. They must be shocked when doing overtime and realize they pay much more income tax too
My taxes went up too.... my refund that is! Stop living in high tax states and maybe your taxes wont be so fucking high?
> Be me
> Watching idiot Trump supporters FINALLY begin to realize what the rest of us understood 4 fucking years ago.
That's exactly what it is when you overpay for governmental incompetence. As stated previously, I'm an accountant and 99% of people have practically no understanding of taxes and it's honestly sad. Remember when Trump's tax return was leaked and people were calling him evil for taking deductions? Jesus Christ, it drives me crazy. Get out of tax and look at financial data and liberals are an even bigger headache.
>$84k income last year selling cars
>$2100 federal return inbound
Life’s good over here my dude
>he doesn't know how to manage his allowances
My wife and I owe $1900. It's all her fault. Neither she or her company adjusted the withholding from her salary.
Dude join a monastery. Buddhist or Catholic it doesnt matter, use your inner peace to raise peace in others
I have to pay $6000 more what a joke im gonna quit and get food stamps people on welfare have a better less stressful life fuck this gay earth
i hate you
>My tax return went down that means I am paying more taxes
Yeah it's painful reading this thread as an accountant, brb I'm off killing myself
way to contribute, you literal retard
>be 4 years ago
>February 2015
>Trump hasn't even announced he's running yet
Lol, does it really feel like eternity?
Wife got more in check all year and I pay in over 4000 less. Making more money and paying less tax.