It’s a more general question but the reason why I ask is becasus I have a black friend who told me that 2 of his female cousins purposely got themselves impregnated by a white guy to make “light skin babies”. I thought this was very strange thing for him to tell me, apparently they didn’t care if the father stuck around or not. Has Jow Forums ever been asked to impregnate a woman?
Has a woman ever asked you to impregnate them?
>Be 19 at a houseparty a few years ago
>Start talking to a qt girl there
>5'9 or 5'10
>bit tall but I'm 6'2 so it's alright
>Long black hair
>Blue eyes
>Skinny and fit with a good ass
>Kinda has creazy eyes but i dismiss it as her being drunk
>We go to her place since i live with my parents at the time
>Fuck her really violently due to being mad about ex gf break up
>She loves it and invites me to watch netflix 3 times a week for the next 2 months
>Always ends in a blowjob or fucking
>Pretty happy bc win win situation
>Meet her while going out drinking
>She hints we should get together
>"h-haha totally"
>mostly ignore her
>End up at her place anyways because i was horny like any 19 year old
>Start fucking her, she tells me she stopped taking the pill
>Oh shit, well i got some condoms in my jacket
>She leglocks me and starts biting my ear
>"I want you to knock me up, i want to be your girlfriend"
>End up cumming in her mouth instead because fuck no
I thought it was a heat of the moment thing but she talked about it several times after when we met, needless to say i didnt risk it after that.
Wife = 3 kids, 100% blond white very high inelegance. A number of other children from when I was a teen.
Wife has passed on due to cancer.
>I'm 6.5 tall, white, blond, size 13 shoes, fit.
Have this one friend for about 18 years now, shes white, big chin (huge) long blond hair, bossy as fuck, stupid, always plays the victim (muh molested when 12), whines, liberal, anti racist has possibly fucked niggers. We're just hanging out having beers and other drinks, she says she's to drunk to drive home and is going to spent the night.
No problem.
She goes to sleep on couch. In the middle of the night she comes in my room, peels off all her clothing and climbs in bed with me. Starts hugging and snuggling. I was fine with it.
When spooning I of course get a raging hard on, Put my dick against her pussy and wet as fuck but hairy, like jungle.
Anyway, that doesn't stop the act once its up.
I go into my end table for a condom, and she asks what I'm doing because going in my end table required me to pull away. I say grabbing a dome. She says no dome. I ask if she's on pill (because I'm strictly no fap so seed is strong). She says yes on pill and she's clean.
Okay must do, I climb up onto her missionary, huge bush,cant see the valley through the trees. It doesn't matter, her vag is sucking my pecker like a vacuum, we're going at it and the she pulls me close and says "I want your baby".
I lost it. Before I could even think my pecker said NOPE. This is a woman I would never want a child with. Anyway despite no longer being erect she was still sucking my limp dink in. I climbed off said sorry I can't preform it must be the alcohol. She got dressed and went back to sleep on thee couch. Next morning I woke up and she was gone. It's been 5 months and she hasn't called and I noticed I was blocked from facebook....
The other one other than wife was a lesbian couple, friends about 20 years with the one girl, they wanted a child of their own and naturally they chose me.
yea your mom lmao
Yeah, but then again she was also off a boatload of ecstacy
Sorry about your wife, user
>friends with lesbians and fat disgusting liberal women
>is on pol
you are you a fucking disgrace to that already disgraced flag
Yes, a spanish girl when I was in high school wanted to get pregnant so she could stay inside the United States and not get deported
Bro, you had it all. But I get it you were 19 that's too young for a child
aaah yes my ex girlfriend wanted a baby so i gave her one.. she sold it on the jew markt
When I was 12 years old and once at 14-15 but I didn't actually understand about the 2nd one till I became wiser. Still regret it to this day.
White girls I take home from bars/clubs always let me go raw in the morning. At night we use condoms, she sleeps in my arms, and they never bring up condoms for that early morning lovemaking sex
I always pull out though because my Indian family would crucify me if I ruined my arrange marriage chances and went with a bar slut
Also I don't want to be attached to a slut
>Very high inelegance
Checks out
Fellow leaf, you absolutely did the correct thing for two reasons:
1). Only have children after marriage, as marriage is (or at least was) a good indicator that a couple will stay together, with the purpose in mind of creating an economically stable environment to raise children in, as both of the two people in the relationship most likely will have grand parents or any other extended family to potetially rely to ensure that the children would most defiently grow up in a economically and a generally safe environment, which averagely leads to a much more stable and healthier development of the children, which is why the anti-whites and the white race-traitors hate the traditional 1950's nuclear family for simple reason... because it fucking works, that's why.
So it's good and civillised (a.k.a. non-degenerate) of you to reject the degenerate, crazy person (a.k.a. a faggot) so you could wait to find someone else who is much more sutiable for a partner (and hopefully marry) to then have children.
2). Faggots make horrible parents as you essentially have two sexually frustrated, mentally degenerate faggots who would be raising a child... what could go wrong......
Put simply, your the hero in this story (if it's true that it is) as you saved another potential human being going through a life of hell and you never know, that child that could've been created, maybe someday probably would've ended up (((coincidentally))) 'identifying' as another gender, walking almost half naked with a bunch of other degenerates down some western road in a 'LGBT' event, with some Kike newspaper taking photographs of your child, with some newspaper title of something like "Look at this empowered non-confirming transgender child!".
Shit happens, My kids are all in their 20's now, married and having white Christian kids of their own. It's another reason I often get chosen to fertilize.
The lesbian couple didn't put my name on the birth certificate, and of course they broke up and child got adopted.
I've also fertilized a neighbors wife, the poor fellow couldn't get his wife pregnant for thee life of him. Some kind of accident when he was a kid. We worked at it for a month while he was at work, turns out I knocked her up first shot anyway. He is more than happy with their' child. Same thing, my name not on the birth certificate.
Strange, with my wife I had all girls, but with others its all boys. I read somewhere that having a lot of sex (spilling seed often) results in higher chance of girls, and having a stored seed (like few weeks) results in better chance of boys.
the other reason I think I'm often chosen is because I never get sick, when I do it's for maximum a day. I have the CCR5 delta 32 gene mutation. It's supposedly from my distant family living through the plague and adapting to not get viruses. I can get them but the viruses have no way to feed off me so they die off quickly. from what I understand all my children have the same mutation. They grow very tall as well. My oldest daughter is 5 foot 11, the boys are super tall too. BUT the mutation keeps us from gaining to much weight it seems, we can't get fat and burn off calories quickly. To become fit and stay fit takes a very active and labor intense lifestyle. There are no fat people with the mutation that I'm aware of.
Yes, do not actively go out of your way to bang degenerate woman, you are correct, that it is a mistake.
Or alternatively if that's not possible, just find the nearest non-degenerate woman you can find and try and make her more civilized and more able to want to have kids and so on.
I have, but she was a fat disgusting whore.
Holy fucking kek that's hilarious m8
dat nigga mirin
Some woman posted on Reddit wanting a sperm donor. Physical description of what she wanted matched me, so I sent her a message, she came over and I knocked her up first try.
Never heard from her again. Kid is probably five or six now.
Sorry this story wasn't sexier
A black girl wanted me to nut. also a semi retarded girl wanted me so she could get on welfare. I declined as I didn't want offspring on welfare either way.
Why are you fucking negros user?
>everyone I'm such a specimen. Really, women beg for my seed.
Nice larp faggot
once I was dating a single mother. after sex one time she started going baby crazy and said she wanted another one.
I ended up dumping her because shes a single mother and had a xanax issue.
Also I just realized you mentioned that your an Indian, then most defiantly don't go after a white woman as you'll most definitely find that white race-traitor woman to be a complete and utter unrefined degenerates - as race mixing is something that only the most degenerate of woman do and hell, even in the porn industry, interracial porn has caused quite the issue, as a lot of white woman refuse to be banged by black men... so if even the most degenerate of woman won't do any form of interracial sex, then I would definetly advise you against interracial sex first off as there can be a whole host of genetic problems with doing so and the child has no real racial, tradition or anything to identity with because they are a 'nobody' essentially, so don't put another human being through a life of hell because you thought that some white woman looked "10/10" or some retarded shit like that.
Also white people as a whole are dying out and your helping out in the slow white genocide, in what your doing were doing, and in doing so your doing what the Jewish ruling class want you to do.
>the other reason I think I'm often chosen is because I never get sick, when I do it's for maximum a day. I have the CCR5 delta 32 gene mutation. It's supposedly from my distant family living through the plague and adapting to not get viruses. I can get them but the viruses have no way to feed off me so they die off quickly. from what I understand all my children have the same mutation. They grow very tall as well. My oldest daughter is 5 foot 11, the boys are super tall too. BUT the mutation keeps us from gaining to much weight it seems, we can't get fat and burn off calories quickly. To become fit and stay fit takes a very active and labor intense lifestyle. There are no fat people with the mutation that I'm aware of.
Quite the case of autism you have there.
It's because you are tall, at least average face and seem normal in superficial interactions.
some white women be gaining sum ass damn
black beauty. i need a thick 50% black woman.
>I’m tall, so women want to fuck me
That’s how I know you’re larping buddy.
>t. lanklet
I stopped going after white women after I met an Indian girl who knocked my socks off. It was like a switch flicked and my primary attraction went from blonde white girls (media brainwashing) back to brown eyed black haired girls.
I'd probably only ever have kids with a black haired women. Blonde hair makes my brainwashed ego want to fuck, just to show myself I can get the girl everyone else wants. But it's undeniable what my body tells me around girls closer to my own genetics. Goes from fuck mode to breed mode
Yes women overwhelmingly go for 5 foot manlets....
No. I've had girls ask me to fuck them before tho.
My legit reaction - pic related.
Literally last night while I was fucking my girlfriend. Came outta nowhere, but I came hard 2 minutes after.
An Asian maid asked me to impregnate her before she go to her country. I was a teenager. She literally asked me to fuck her because she wants a baby with great eyes and nose.
I did not do it, but this is how I got maid fetish.
Should’ve dumped and ran
yes...she was 44 yo and my super semen couldn't because of fibrous
If a girl doesnt ask you to cum inside them youre not fucking them right
I am a sperm donor in an online fertility community and have a half dozen white biological children, all with older single career mothers.
it's true, their brain turns off when they're getting fucked good they forget all about kids and just want your cum in them
>Wife = 3 kids, 100% blond white very high inelegance
It's a shame your wife isn't elegant
No but a PREGNANT woman once asked me if I wanted to coat her baby in mayonnaise.
Was she white?
I’m white. I have race mixed with a Native American woman. Our child looks 0% Native American looks all white. Am I lucky? Will this child be ok since child looks all white this will be treated as and identify as white? I doubt the tribe would ever enroll my child because of how white our baby looks
Yes white trashy and fucked up looking
Are you with her now or did you pump and run?
With her now we married and raising our baby
30 year old boomer here that hasn't settled down and married due to an amazing job that has me gone for weeks at a time. I have 3 separate women begging me to outright impregnate them. They're all realizing that if they don't have one now they never will. One is married to a guy whose balls cucked him and is infertile. It's pretty weird desu.
Ah well, just make sure he gets tribal gibs and that’s all he need. I remember reading that the majority of white Native mixes identify as white and vote republican so yeah. I’m shocked by how defensive Native genes are in US and Canada although I can imagine that natives may already have Native admixture to begin with since the 1700s
user you have to do your duty for the white race. Give those poor women what they want or they’ll get some Tyrone to do it instead. White women are fucking stupid like that.
Me too, bro.
If you’re a poo you can always be optimistic she’ll be reborn next time as as something more elegant.
Why the memeflaggotry?
Seriously, why?
>19 that's too young for a child
Maybe in the nu-west, where you can’t make real money until you’re 30, but in evolution and functioning societies 19 is a prime age for child raising.
>2 of theses fuckers aren't even mine
>have friend that Ive known for about 11 years now, we'll call her "S" and her partner "M"
>met back in highschool
>massive lesbo
>unrelated, but S agrees with my veiws that pride week shit is degenerate for being forced down people's throats
>some time about two years ago, get approched by S and M
>"We want a child, user. We can pay."
>start talking about the legal process to cover bases and to protect all of us
>M elects to be the one to get pregnant
>neither want artificial insemination
>good ol' fucking it is
>ff 2-3 months
>M has stopped taking care of herself as good as she has
>the stress maybe got to her
>S and M break up
>S now calls me for an occasinal dicking
>tmw you turn a lesbo at least bi
>i didnt risk it after that.
"i didn't risk reproducing myself with the one woman who was enthusiastic about it"
this is what fucks modern women up psychologically. Men denying them their base purpose.
Either grandparents or the state should provide the money to support children.
Otherwise it is economically too risky for young people to have children.
Thank God I'm brown eye i don't need those thots
Thank Yanwah Goyim
Some women will just impregnate themselves discreetly through used condoms, lying about birth pills, etc.
Yeah but I was 19 at the time and in (((college))) at the time. In retrospect I should have but I thought it was a trap.
Who was it with?
young lesbian couple asked me but they were typical childish liberals I couldnt do it for the kid (I didnt buy their gayness either)
yes. I have two kids. the marriage is wonderful. gas your bikes, race cars now.
So you are immune to HIV? really? any proof
>be 33
>start hanging out with hot 19 year old
>she initially thought I was early twenties
>very surprised by my actual age
>turns out she has a boyfriend she was just using for a place to live
>starts making all kinds of flirty comments
>go swimming together
>she says "It's amazing how young you look. Maybe you should impregnate me and I'll just tell Mike the kid is his."
>we hang out several more times
>she eventually breaks up with her boyfriend
>we have sex and take pictures
>she sends some of them to her ex
>we never formed a relationship, but are still on good terms
is this picture of bird race mixing?
Absolutely this.
Not like black fathers stick around, only makes sense that a black girl would seek out top quality sperm if she is going to raise the niglet herself.
I don't live around black people so I haven't had people just ask to have my children despite being 6'4 and white.
You must go back
anyone here dated a female aspie? very curious on how to date them. I'm an aspie and find females with the trait attractive
Sure, babies = lifelong NEETdom for women
any Western court will rape you for all the assets that you have providing even for some rando you impregnated on the first try
only white and Asian women are dumb enough to pass it up
The same way non-assburgers date?
HIV is a hoax, look into it.
I had girl offer to have sex with me twice, both times because I had given her money to get herself sorted and cut her off, i turned her down both times. Sill 32 year old virgin, but have a shit ton of money and conscious.
Did she split the money with you?
I guess, maybe they date differently i don't know.
All I know is I want one.
What are they like? quiet? immature? shy? what are they like? I've never dated before, so I'd like to know
what do you mean assburgers? is that supposed to be an insult?
and then you woke up
America isn't the shithole Poland is. Having kids here comes with consequences.
>be me 22 senior in college
>Had hookups but never in a relationship
>Was on my first real date with a girl I liked 7/10
>She took me to her place so we can bake and sht
>Start getting frisky
>5 mins of awkward sex
>She yells "shoot your babies inside me user"
>Goes limp, starts sweating
>Tells her I need to use the bathroom real quick.
>Leave the apartment, never see her again.
>Still haunts me feelsbadman.jpg
You’re lucky she didn’t say you raped her
Wow, can't believe it took four replies in to this thread to get this response. This should have been the first fucking reply. What the fuck is happening to you Jow Forums? You're turning fucking gay man.
>last week, took neighbours dog for a walkie,
>Literally girl of 18, heading in to arts university clubbing thing
>Bit of a chit chat, stupid dog keeps jumping and destroys her tights.
>I go oops, sorry, let me get you some money for the tights.
>She goes, no, I don't want money, I want to bust a ball, as I'm out to get laid anyway .
>I pretend to not to understand, say something like there some decent boys heading up, grab the dog, walk quick back and shut the hallway door.
>Too the dog back, thought about her and all that (I'm 40), did I do right thing by wanking several times visualising tight pussy of hers
>>we have sex and take pictures
>>she sends some of them to her ex
The fact that you still positively associate with a sociopathic cunt who would do something like this indicates that you're a fucking scumbag.
Yeah okay man, we all know that ALL women just LUST after the tiny indian 'cock', they just love the rancid curry smell.
its easy to see who "admixed"
end child support and i'll start siring children for your dumb white race, sir
He mentioned in another thread that he looks Iranian so it’s not too hard to believe