aske me anything nazis
Antifa here
Other urls found in this thread:
Timestamp or die of AIDS.
What’s it likes being a exploit tool for Capitalists
Who abused you as a kid
What's that tattoo say about your love for traps?
>they dont know this is ADF/Ahuviya Harel
Tear drop tattoo? So, did you kill someone or did you make your dad commit suicide?
I see you I will rip your head off fucking gay ass nazi antifa
Remember it was antifa nazis that killed heather in charlettville
How much zyklon-b can you inhale?
Who did this to you? Prison inmates?
How wide is your asshole?
Holy doughboy nice balding
Why so gay?
>Deje que el pasado muere
It should be written: "Deja que el pasado muera"
Now I know how the chinese feel when they see botched sinograph tatoos.
Why are you so degenerate?
when is it going to be bad enough for you to start attacking garbage cans en masse all around the country?
What the fuck are you talking about I’m anti capitalist.
I wasn’t abused as a child.
Stabbed a skinnhead in prison.
Sure thing m8
I’m not gay I’m Pan
Btw this is the same guy that appears on these pics.
Any so faux edgy faggot?
You play too many video games and think you are fighting ww2 that could happen... if the 0.1% of Nazi's get a hold. What's worse about you dudes is you are the thing you are fighting. If you were nationalists you would be Nazi's. what You are is the same as the chinese revolution (you are funding by them btw ) I see you dudes as big kids, yeaaaah we are in a gaaaaaaaaang we are making a difference, love throw punching what we believe is the enemy. who is the enemy. what ever the news tells us is. yayayaya
>I’m not gay I’m Pan
Ur gay
>Antifa commie tattoo
>Trans tattoo
>Jew serial number tattoo
>Basedboy with a teardrop
>A fucking Kylo Ren lightsaber tattoo with a cringy quote
This is the Nu-star wars audience.
Danzig ist Deutsch?
Warschau in flames hahahahaha sehr gut death to polacks and jews! Sieg Heil!
The guy in that pic looks like a fucking convict.
Does being a tool of kikes make you feel like a whore? We can also bee safe in presuming that you're no stranger to niggers tickling your intestines with their dicks, nyet?
Jesus, is that some kind of Male to Female to Male?
>septum piercing(male)
>trans neck tattoo
>neck tattoos
>antifa tattoos
>Star Wars lightsaber tattoo
This faggot has maybe 10 years until’ll be AIDS, Hepatitis, or possibly from bleeding out after another group fisting. But most likely suicide.
Sometimes I feel bad for these lost souls,
Why are all of you so filthy and degenerate-looking? You talk about huge, complex issues like you know what you're talking about and have the moral high ground, but you stay awake until 7 in the morning snorting speed and ketamine while living off of swindled government money. Like children, you are emotionally unstable and incapable of taking care of yourself, what makes you think you can take care of refugees?
why are the left backwards now, what happened to pacifism? do you have brain damage?
Another slide thread shills allow
I Am the Voice of the Anons REEEEEing out in the wilderness. I Say to you Comped Mods and Shills... LET MY PEOPLE GO!!! if you harm this post or fail to unban the anons , God will send 7 plagues to the entire Shill, Janny and Mod team... LET MY PEOPLE GO GOOKMOOT!
>Philosophy of hating Men Gillette breakdown
>Are you an Anti-establishment Accelerationist, RACISM DEBUNKED
>college educated women ARE THE PROBLEM
>Cyberpunk dystopian future prophecy warning
>100th monkey effect are you the ONE to change the world
>Jewish rub columbian NXIVM pedo cult first to cover it
>eternal memetics esoteric meme symbolism
>David IckeWave, music video
>proof of pizzagate history of symbolism
>AI and the pedo elite-tech pizza
>JONESWAVE vengeful gestalt
>Jow Forums and the Nature of CHAOTIC-GOOD
You have no idea what it's like to be plagued by the living god
Tear drop means they we're raped in prison
>the homosexual in the picture has obvious suicidal thoughts
>claims to have stabbed someone and been in prision
>also claims to be pansexual
taking it up the ass in jail doesn't make you pansexual, it's all bullshit anyways
Show boypucci
Fucking LARPers
Party goes on! antifa cuck surrendered before the greatness of Deutsches Reich!
Sieg Heil!
Holy shit...fix that image nigger. Why would I save that shit.
Check them digits
The US government can afford billions of dollars on stupid wars I think they can afford housing for a few refugees.
Why would I be a pacifist again people that want to genocide all Jews and poc?
Fuck off, faggot.
Holy shit he's actually gotten worse. I actually feel bad for this train wreck desu
How long have you been on pol and do you plan to be here more?
Why your pic looks like chris-chan?
Heavy tank Snorelax. Aka Ben the doxxer and swatter.
Based CHN poster
out loud
I feel sorry for you. You'll get the rope soon traitor.
Pan is code for pedo.
I am a Muslim and I want to bash your face in, so would most of the brothers if you tried to talk about your perverted leftist Marxist garbage to us.
How does that make you feel?
As soon as all this Saudi Arabian extremism blows over Christians and Muslims will work together against anarchist pervert scum. It will be a better day.
is that chrischan?
Why do you pretend to be anti-facist when your entire movement is about imposing your view and will on others under the guise of being against the very thing you are doing?
what if antifa are clones
What's your favourite sandwich?
Kind of look like Chris Chan but the "JUST FUCK MY SHIT UP" version....... I know that's hard to believe there can be a JUST version of Chris Chan but.. here we are.
Look at that weak ass jawline
>I’m anti capitalist
Are you aware that the Bolshevik revolution was funded by American capitalists?
Why do you look like a 1990s neonazi.
Get with the program fag lover
Whatever it is, it's had a lot of genderfluid pumped inside.
Anti-fascism isn't what you think it is, think more along the lines of anti-hero, they are not opposed to using fascistic ideas as long as it's used to advance their goals.
>aske me anything nazis
what do you lot do on your times off?
Why haven't you offed yourself yet?
What will you do when the government falls and there is no one to protect you from us and the millions of tons of weapons that the right has stockpiled?
>The US government can afford billions of dollars on stupid wars I think they can afford housing for a few refugees.
That's just it: governments cant "afford" anything. Their "wealth" is loot fleeced from taxpayers.
Be a fucking anarchist and oppose government for a change. While you're at it, stop defending corporations too. They're just as bad, if not worse.
Clearly not. The corporate controlled media does your propaganda for you.
Is he bajoran?
Yes, this pic has been posted on le internets 6 times before
All time is time off for antifaggots
>A few
millions here illegally
>a few
What will you do when the government is no longer there to protect you from us?
You leave too buddy.
Islam has no place in the West. Perhaps you and the antifa jews can hash this out in Israel together
It won't "blow over" until you leave. Muslims cannot be trusted as neighbors. Ask any Eastern European or Coptic.
If you want an alliance. Go home.
Low T ugy fuckstick, you better grab a weapon youre going to need it.
Muslim allies and apologists leave woth the commies and jews on the dotr.
How many times did your older brother abuse and humiliate you? Did it contribute to your variety of sexual problems?
Did Nazi's steal your chin?
Do you like watching your wife fuck another man or do you do it cause she likes it and she’s the best you can do?
Why do you hate Jews?
When are you coming out of your Nazi-closet?
Why do you defend ((global capitalism ))
what is it like having such a narrow worldview that there are only two choices for politics yet hundreds for sex?
I forget his name but there's an ED article on him
I think I saw him at an anime convention in Dallas once, he was carrying a hammer and sickle flag
this is a slide thread anons, you know what to do
>fascists are the worst! Thats why we attack anyone who doesnt share our political ideology.
How are those sweet Obama bux treating you? Since his little coup failed you all have gone dark. Im a little sad about that but I know in my heart of hearts youre just biding your time till KKKammalah gets elected so that the facist black supremacist government can be realized.
The absolute state of christcuck
Is this one of your bedfellows?
No homo
Are you aware that you are actually being a fascists by shutting down free speech and using violence to push your message?
Are you aware that the degeneracy you fight to protect will lead to the downfall of the nation as it did in Russia?
Are you aware that you've been lied to and Nazis where NOT racist, they only wanted jews out of their country and refused to use jew banking?
Are you aware that "racist" and "racism" is a idea that is less than 100 years old?
When you protest the top 1% are you aware that by doing so you're being a jew hater just like the real Nazis?
>has a lil stack of coins sitting out in the open like in morrowind
Fucking PAN!
you fucking sodomite pedophile.
PAN is anything goes.
>Pansexuality, or omnisexuality,[1] is the sexual, romantic or emotional attraction towards people regardless of their sex, age or gender identity.
you're a minion of Satan and you don't even know it.
timestamp faggot
How does it feel to know that you are directly responsible for creating the conditions that led to Hitler's rise?
Look at the sadness and regret on his face. Those tattoos were done to get pussy and all he could find were discord trannies.
Imagine not knowing that the corporatists use you as foot soldiers to oppress the working class? You DO know that the mass immigration thing is a capitalist plot to drive up the cost of goods through increased demand, while flooding the labor market to lower wages and working conditions, right? There is a reason why the CORPORATE OWNED media desperately pushes mass immigration. How does it feel to be fighting for the very people you claim to hate, while directly harming the very people you claim to support?
When you go looking for nazis, you will get nazis.
wow. imagine being this conditioned. ate up with tattoos. political too. as if impervious to facts that may change worldview.
the most stupid thing you can think is that you know enough to make any decision permanent. these political tattoos expose your iq to the world, and they will continue to even if you ever figure out that you were mislead the whole time.