__________/sig/_ >REMEMBER SELF IMPROVEMENT No matter who you are, you can improve your life. Take control. Move forward. Dreams keep us alive, fighting for them makes us feel alive. Self Improvement information here pastebin.com/3Qv9B4r1
>Talking to a 9 year old decoy >Admits to talking to numerous other children >Actually met up with a child, said child is giving a statement to the police >furry >soulless stare >Nonce hunters struggle to remain calm in the face of this one. >But they've got the chatlogs.
No it kept dying out. Euro genral has been the go to for the time being. Quite, lot of the fat has been trimmed which is nice. Wonder how long it'll take him for the new infographics.
>Ye'wve been talkin t' and teachiyn a fwokin nyn yer old how t' mastabayte. What do they mean when they're saying they phoned up 50 people to keep them safe from him? Why didn't they just corner him on the first chatlog, or hand it over to the police? Do they want to pretend that 'untin nonces is a real job and they're actually doing work?
oh no >When a Sociopath stares, it is known as giving people “The Look”. It’s a true psychological predictor of Anti-Social tendencies, known as the “Sociopathic Stare” in self-help and academic themed psychology circles.
Eli Bell
if those four fat fucks turned up at my place i'd take their cameras off them and film them while i kicked their flabby backsides
That's just the tip of the iceberg, There's a whole nonce hunting rabbit hole you can go down. Some of these groups cannot actually deal with the sheer number of nonces that contact their decoys.
Ian Rogers
woo so brave about 10 of them picking on some scrawny little turd why don't they ever head off to the middle of luton or bradford and pick on some muslim rape gangs there? i mean it's not like they're hard to find
Alexander Perry
>why aren't Bazza and Big Gaz from the pub dealing with organised and often armed criminal gangs?
Ryder Wright
Do you have that pic of the apu speaking to tadpoles with Northerners outside his house?
why don’t you go and confront violent criminal gangs user?
Jaxson Adams
Julian Myers
because Bazza and Big Gaz are pussies.
Jack Stewart
Has anyone ever set up their mate by texting with his pic for a laugh? Imagine stepping out of your door and four of these start kicking the shit out of you thinking it was you. Lol
Andrew Young
why aren’t you confronting violent criminal gangs user?
I didn't care much for it, but his performance in Sherlock is objectively convincing and he rightly received praise for it
Josiah Wright
That fat cunt has no remorse, probably thinking he's going to be let off with a light sentence or just fucked in the head.
Do these stings actually jeopardize their incarceration? Do nonces actually get their just-napalming with kettles boiled to 200c with sugarwater or do they get protection on the nonce wing? Please don't tell me these people get a year and get let out.
If they actually do get light sentences and protection in prison why don't these norf nonce patrol squads do away with camera and take em owt into't woods and brain em with snooker balls in socks until they aren't moving?
It's not some joke, these nonces are scat porn watching sadist fuckers who would rape kids given the chance. There's far too many of them and I know that they do try and rape children via "Tha Chatlogs" Chris Hansen style because I've had friends and family who have had it happen to them.
Can someone reassure me that they are dealt with appropriately once they're in prison?
well since you ask the question, the answer is that they're just not quite brave enough
>often armed criminal gangs? there's at least one guy with something like a police baton in this video a lot of those guys look like they could get hold of weapons if they needed to unfortunately just like american internet warriors aren't quite brave enough to get rid of their feral wog rapists despite all their guns, the fat fucks in these videos just haven't got the balls to pick on a bunch of taxi drivers and corner shop owners
One of my teachers in college was a ex-prison officer and she admitted they often let nonces get beaten up. Even knew a family friend who was sent down for some small crime and saw 2 prisoners beating up a Nonce while he was being taken to his cell and the prison officer just looked at him and said "I didn't see anything". The protection they get is very superficial aslong as it's not a high profile case
Okay from what I know the nonce hunting groups that do it by the book - like Dark Justice and Guardians of the North - are very mild in their approach and normally just call the police to inform them of their sting once they've gathered enough evidence that the nonce was with all intent meeting up with children. Unfortunately, most of the nonces they catch go alot deeper than that.
Here's a somewhat decent video on the subject of nonces in prison. They don't have a nice time.
I don't think most of these communities are organised or aggressive enough to compete with these criminal gangs that have some seriously deranged individuals in them. I don't want to see Baz get hurt to be honest.
Anyone think its weird that Bowie and Jimmy Page etc openly shagged younger girls than the none existant girls these nonces are communicating with, and yet no says anything about it and its just dismissed?
"hes no Gary Glitter" why? They both fucked kids. Its almost like if stupid roastie women like your music you can do whatever you want and get away with it. see. Drake for example also.
Be the change you want to see in the world, lad, and discuss what we should be discussing. Remember that nonceposting is GCHQposting; a complete distraction and should not be encouraged.
Now then, who do you people think is going to cave first? Theresa or the EU?
btw, GCHQ cunts, I'm just going to keep posting this until we're all talking about Brexit. We'll drown you out.
>People wiping food on their arses before serving up to nonces
So they don't even know about the arse smearing, the punishment in UK prisons for being a vicious nonce is the equivalent to ordering an Indian takeaway?
Honestly I don't think these general population people know how bad nonces are or truly clock the psychology. They don't get the reason why nonces give lip, smile and act like they're proud of their crimes is because they're a totally different species. They really are like cartoon villains and are just fucked in the head. I assume because GP criminals are in for kicking some shopkeepers head in or slashing someone in a mugging and have an element of sociopathy with ends-justifies-the-means and assume that there's some sort of similarity with nonces except "That's not on cuz that could be your daughter or your sister know wot I mean" they don't get that serious fucked up nonces are really villanous psychopaths.
And not all of them are weedly little nerds, some of them can be big hard men that can handle themselves in a fight - as someone notes in the top comment that 'Ard Lads who are nonces get treated differently. It sounds like they get treated lightly, if you actually knew what pathological nonces, not just ones who got lied to about a 15-year olds age on a one-off, the ones who have a sadistic thing about pre-pubescents, are like you wouldn't be doing some secondary school/army cadet level shit of spitting in food you'd be torturing them to the point where they finally feel a grain of empathy for human trafficking victims and victims of predators.
it would be cheaper to hang people, even the most cucked fags wouldnt disagree. or is it because half the government are nonces and dont want to risk being hung
Jayden Reyes
Blake Ortiz
ah that sounds good and I would've liked that conversation had I been on, however you should not use a tripcode on this website, okthankyou.
never realised how far new zealand is from aussie 2bh
Anthony Clark
I wonder if the Muslim nonces get the same treatment in prison. Probably not since the majority of prisons are Muslim. If you rape a kaffir child, that's jihad and amazing, if a Muslim raped a Muslim child, there would be hell to pay to his Muslim brothers.
Hunter Thomas
The last redpill.
Adam Williams
>he doesnt know about mohammed
of course they dont, theres no such thing as a nonce in Muslim culture
Did not watch the video but probably know what it's about, and to be honest, I do feel a little bit sad for the women in muslim countries, they are practically cattle there - but having them all flee to first world countries is not a solution, if the international governments really want to help them the countries should be pressuring muslim countries into making change. Then again, if it goes too far they'll have the same degeneracy as us.
Nathaniel Moore
Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi was the founder of the Pan European Movement, hapa, and considered by Eurocrats to have fathered the EU, insisted that a Pan European Movement needed mass immigration to destroy European Whites: >"The man of the future will be of mixed race. The races and classes of today will gradually disappear due to the elimination of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-negroid race of the future, similar in appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples and the diversity of individuals. Instead of destroying European Judaism, Europe, against her will, refined and educated this people, driving them to their future status as a leading nation through this artificial evolutionary process. It's not surprising that the people that escaped from the Ghetto-Prison, became the spiritual nobility of Europe. Thus, the compassionate care given by Europe created a new breed of aristocrats. This happened when the European feudal aristocracy crashed because of the emancipation of the Jews [due to the actions taken by the French Revolution] "
Levi Fisher
Actually, there are. Well, Muslims don't like it when their children are raped or beaten (unless it's their husband is doing it). Islam is more of a tribal religion which considers outsiders as less than human. Same with Judaism. It's very hard for a culture under Christianity for over a 1000 years to understand this mind set.
Isaiah Thomas
This mostly happens in the big cities though. I can still buy knives and hammers without a problem. Was thinking about buying some purple chrome knives
The MPs/Lords who are Tories/Blairities were nonces before they ran for office and that includes women. They're only in there because they've been 'black-booked' by MI5/Special Branch and they're told how to vote by the party whips.
People in this country still don't know that MI5 oversaw care homes that they used as pedo brothels fitted with hidden cameras that they used to snare OxBridge graduates and old-money people to marshal them into westminster.
The robbers obviously didn't have the powers of deduction to know they were insurance materials for spooks, left them on the floor naively thinking the Tory MP would be arrested.
In Fort Knox in Kentucky the CIA have a massive fucking archive of this pedo leverage shit and a whole assortment of attack helicopter/main battle tank/soldiers to defend it - not from a heist but from an internal coup. Not pulling this out of my arse but Seymour Hersh (The My Lai/Watergate/MK ULTRA investigative journo) basically said some mad lad digitized what was in the vaults in "Wormwood (2017)" the docudrama and it's waiting to be released but there are reasons it can't be which I'm assuming relates to TPTB starting WW3 as their own dead-man's switch.
If you're an outsider who's clean and you run for office in this day and age good luck with that. They'll smear you over the slightest thing, saying you smiled racistly before your by-election or some shit.
not impressed, lol. She's the embodiment of remainer, woman, mid 50s, labour or lib dem-voting, public sector worker. I derive pleasure thinking about how BTFOd such people were that day, can't stand those bigots
Jordan Brown
Im not joking, why do you have the need to foster an identity on here, what emotional place does that come from? It just causes spastickery and adds nothing to an environment which is otherwise the last bastion of the traditional way the internet worked before normies and namecuntery. We would all really appreciate it if you turned that trip off, thankyou for understanding.
James Hill
nope. The cultural revolution has already demolishes us from within.