If the Nazis cared about white people why did they try to kill as many Belorussians (AKA WHITE Russians) as possible. Burning down over 600 villages with all the people inside? And the worst part is they used Ukraniggers to do this atrocity. How do you white nationalists defend this?
If the Nazis cared about white people why did they try to kill as many Belorussians (AKA WHITE Russians) as possible...
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who cares lol
Pol will defend literal Nazis
Nazis were not about white people, they were about german people, AKA their idea of übermench.
Nur Arier sind rein!
>thinking they're called White Russians because they're white
Silly cunt.
Ukrainians are more white than Belarusians
Jow Forums is being retarded as usual
Right wing movements always tend to purity spiral into nothingness.
But the greatest story necer told, told me they were super nice best friends. WTF!
Better questions are "Since Hitler killed many white people, what business have the Jews had in spending decades claiming all white people owe all Jews for Hitler's atrocities? When will the Jews apologize and pay reparations for their insensitivity regarding this?"
>as many Belorussians (AKA Russian partisans
What's the color of your dragon dildos, discord trannies?
ye hitler didn't actually care about white people
he thought asians/muslims were above poles
I don't, Nazism was the greatest psyop created in human history.
And your source is a movie? And the claims of the Soviet Union?
there was a 102 year old guy sharing the ER with me yesterday bragging about how he was a bomber in WW2 and blew up a bunch of German cities. I went full turbo autist and grilled him about Dresden and my family there that was vaporized. What has /pol done to me
That man was super based, you should feel ashamed that you treated him like that
Slavs aren't white
This and nothing else .
Read the Stahlecker Report ffs
allmost 2 Million russians alone marched with the Wehrmacht, not to mention the other eastern peasants, they slaughtered themselves like theres no tomorrow,
if they dont care, why should we
>Nazis cared about white people
HAHAHAHAHA, Oh wow, user.
Didn't know australia had american educational system.
National Socialists didn't even have a sense of "whitehood" in the first place and only cared about Germanic, their interpretation as the true, original and purest Aryans.
If you were a slav, french or a balt, your worth was basically same of any nigger, little bit above a kike.
Even the fucking yellowish japs who killed white americans were more "Aryan" than a fucking slavic untermenschen which lands had to be Lebensraum.
White Nazism is biggest meme ever created by larping NatSoc american posters and some people unironically fell for it.
You do realize that what happened in the movie was based on unintentional fuck-ups that occurred when some retard decided that dirlewanger should have his own brigade right?
Sequential digits prove it, Germcucks are not worthy of life.
the same reason Russians were sending poles and Ukrainians in siberia.
it is standard procedure if you want to expand and eliminate minorities in your border.
You have to shill harder,
there are no innocents in war
The only way to be even more based is to bomb the shit out of Israel and nuke it so the roaches don’t spread.
Because they wanted to take Belorussian Lebensraum
Whenever you hear stories like that it was both greatly exaggerated and also due to partisans being aided by the civilians
Have you seen the left recently? They've been doing nothing but purity spiralling for the past 2 years.
Nazis only cared out Germans, they had no problems killing other white people including polish people that lived just a few miles on the other side of their border.
But they also executed other germans who didnt agree politically with them.
So they hardly cared about whire race as a race.
"HAHAHAHAHA, Oh wow, user.
Didn't know australia had american educational system.
National Socialists didn't even have a sense of "whitehood" in the first place and only cared about Germanic, their interpretation as the true, original and purest Aryans.
If you were a slav, french or a balt, your worth was basically same of any nigger, little bit above a kike"
Boy, how does it feel to be that retarded lol?
Your statement is literally based on no fact you fucking lying kike?
Let alone the innumerable amounts of praise Hitler gave to Anglos, he clearly did not have an anti-white, only pro-german sentiment.
Why must you serve to divide the Far-Right KykeHebe??
what about lebensborn? they selected hundreds of thousands of good genetic stock polish babies and gave them to german families to raise, many of which didn't want to go back when the u.s intervened after the war.
All fake. Never happened
Lol, you are loose in War, Hans. Understand? Nobody cares, no one of bodies in Dresden, or ruins in Berlin. And now the bunch of kikes, perverts and savages destroy your great nation. And your West World.
who cares lol
anons take notes. This is what Jewish D&C looks like
Are you suggesting that the red russians were actually red?
Poland having been next to Germany forever, is gonna have a lot of German DNA after inevitable intermixing throughout history where they border the most.
Hitler was controlled opposition.
The wars were excuses to kill good whites and leaving betas.
He says when tens of millions of Russian men were sent running into machine gun fire like their lives meant nothing, or how the Holodomor gets zero attention despite having nearly twice the deaths of the holocaust
they had to make room for the 'new germans'.
Slaveniggers killing slaveniggers
>I'm okay with that
>b-b-b-but did you see the same rehashed twitter screenshots of nobodies!?!?
>implying half aren't just Jow Forums trolls pretending to be lefties
You lost 30 million people, war has no winners, idi nahuj..
>hitler didn't actually care about white people
Slave'shit untermensch
>he thought asians/muslims were above poles
Were, are and will be
Hitler was right and based.
Crazy Eyed Cortez started shitting on Democrats literally her first day of office, you fucking retard, the left is cannibalising itself you blind faggot.
>If the Nazis cared about white people
they never did
controlled opposition
>a single progressive candidate who represents pretty centrist views in the majority of the first world disagrees with the old guard of her party
Do you need to try be this stupid or does it come naturally?
Poopland is fake nation on a stolen clay.
Hitler did nothing wrong
Suppose you're going to ignore the woman's march, radical feminism turning on trans, leftists publications firing significant portions of their staff etc etc etc. You're a retard.
>I suppose you're going to ignore these inconsequential events / random nobodies disagreeing with trans people and old media shutting down opinion sections!
Hahaha omg you're adorable. You think those are "the left collapsing and cannibalizing itself?"
The women's march is nothing new. Random ass nobodies being mean to trannies isn't new. And buzzfeed letting people go isn't some shocking revelation. It's a company. Does Alex Jones getting sued mean the right has imploded as well?
you're next, roofuckers
No they claimed all europeans to be aryans. They killed communists
>pic from Soviet propaganda movie
The White Russians were some of Germany's greatest collaborators and allies. Infact, once the war was won, the German government intended to turn over Belarus to the Belarusian Central Council. There were many White Russian volunteer units within the Waffen SS and Wehrmacht (along with collaborationist police forces)
These included:
>SS Sturmbrigade RONA
>Russian Liberation Army
>SS 30th Waffen Grenadier Division
>Byelorussian Auxiliary Police
>SS-Jagdverbände (Black Cats)
>hundreds of Belarusian Abwehr/Brandenburg Sabouteur agents
>Thousands of Hiwis
>weissruthenische Artillerie-Abteilung
>Byelorussian Home Defence
>many, many more
Germany guanteed Belarus' freedom from the Bolsheviks. You have been reading from the Soviet propaganda for too long.
1. They did not kill as many as possible. They could easily have killed more.
2. As you've mentioned, many if not most of the massacres were carried out by local militias, not German National Socialists.
3. Not all white races are equal.
4. But Belorussians and Ukrainians pretty much are.
btw I meant your pic is from a soviet Propaganda movie, "Come and See", my pic was taken in July 1944.
>W-we dindu nuffin!
>These new names for cities
I find it absolutely astounding that any Australian fell for this.
We did lots of things, most of them good.
I agree.
>M-most of them good
name one
Your wrong buddy!
Yeah, that turned out swell hadn't it! Pretty much obliterated anti-Semitism globally and now everyone acts as the Jews are entitled to Israel because of it
pic related for example
new Caledonian republic
I didn't say it was collapsing but it definitely is eating itself, they always do, once the useful idiots aren't useful anymore they're just idiots.
You're being subverted, faggot.
There was white Russians, the jews killed them all! 30-50million of them not in war time.
Communism was made by the Jews & designed to kill whites.
>a fucking youtube video
Now it makes sense why you're so stupid.
>the left always eats themselves!!!
>useful idiots
Irony. Tell me again who is white?
What am I looking at?
>yes goy the Germans were the monsters and not the soviets
>ignore the Katyn massacre where the soviets set a precedence of framing the germans
A german soldier helping russian civilians after their own government took their food, destroyed their infrastructure and left them to die.
>war has no winners
No, but it sure has a loser. Allah acbar ey mate?
"His Majesty's government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country."
"The declaration was contained in a letter dated 2 November 1917 from the United Kingdom's Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour to Lord Rothschild, a leader of the British Jewish community, for transmission to the Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland. The text of the declaration was published in the press on 9 November 1917."
Yay wind up Germans now they have full control of Europe, that's clever you dumb Jew!
I only care about Europe cunt, please fucking do something already. Germans have full control of Europe and they're using it for negrophilia fetishism.
Pro-tip: You should care more about European infighting than some kike
>Lol, you are loose in War, Hans. Understand?
And yet we're still 4 times richer than Russia. What do you think of that? Even if defeat, we are crushingly superior to your kind.
Come home kike boy
That's not true at all.
Because Europeans are tribal autists. Especially Germans.
Okay sorry, I can see you are not a full blown ethnic jew. (people who think they are not white european.)
Ethnic Jews are destroying a pretty big part in destroying Europe tho, so that's where all the anger comes from mate.
We are superior to Russians by pretty much every metric, economic power is just an easy example to measure.
In one word: partisans.
Partisan warfare always ends up with the partisans doing some heavy damage to the occupier and the occupier gets frustrated af and commits some atrocity.
>cruise through village
>mine or IED blows up your friends
>pull villagers together
>ask what the fuck, why and who
>everyone remains silent either out of fear or legit ignorance (neighbooring village partisans or renegades)
>"well okay, everyone goes into a pit now"
or for you modern war enthusists out there
>"Okay, everyone gets droned now"