This is one meme I never understood. I literally want to bury my face in her ass and brap so hard
Why the fuck do incels diss Amy Schumer's appearance?
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I don’t give a shit. She is a example of why women don’t deserve fame
If she was right wing Jow Forums would be worshipping her
Some people have standards. You should look into it.
>ugly abomination of a face
She's a hideous kike trying to larp as a dumb white bitch.
Sounds made up.
T. Known Boss
There are no incels here. Incels are in antifa. Im married with children to a Christian woman.
And I don't like your fat girl comedian because she isn't funny. She is disgusting. And her ideas are anti-American.
She's everything that is wrong with 3DPD.
She's not fat, she's curvy. She's the perfect weight for a woman.
If you are married with children then why are you on this site? Honestly kill me if I'm on Jow Forums when I'm married with children. Actually kill me if I'm on this site past age 25.
It seems No porn actually works, my standards have risen and she looks absolutely hideous.
If you're 25 and unmarried then it's too late for you to settle down desu
Saged. Nice try uncle Chucky, but that bitch is fugly.
Because she legitimately looks like ms piggy
>Why the fuck do incels....
go to bed Amy
>using ingels unironically
You may as well just stamp the star of David on this post
Nobody hates anyone. The internet is owned by Liberals you can't trust anything you see on it
She wasnt always a fat ugly pig who embraced her size queen mentality. Now her persona is all about identity politics and kike shilling she has become a hate figure.
>Why the fuck do incels diss Amy Schumer's appearance?
She is a rapist.
She is a completely repulsive hag, there are zero redeeming features about her.
I wouldn't mind people like her or Jennifer Lawrence but when they started acting like they're entitled to positive reviews and more money as if they're the best thing in life then they became an annoyance. I don't want annoyances in anything that's supposed to entertain me. I'd rather have Jar Jar Binks in more than either of those two.
>Chuck Schumer's niece
>Pol would worship her
Nice try Schlomo
She's obese, ugly and completely mental. Add to this that she's obnoxious as hell. What's with this dump brap meme bringing complete degenerates out of the woods?
>ugly unfunny repulsive jewess
Wow, even when she was skinny she had a fat face.
Because she's a fucking cunt .
t. Amy Schumer
She's a Jew
Literally nothing else matters.
Imagine being such a huge fucking faggot that you actual make an Amy Schumer thread where you don't laugh at the fat ugly cow.
> larping as White
Ashkenazi Jews are White Southern Meds. Pic related. In addition, Schumer is half northwest European, so she’s clusters Whites even if you don’t consider Southern Meds to be White.
I'm 18 born in 2001
Ashkenazi Jews are White.
>people born in 2001 can vote
I feel old as fuck
>Ashkenazi Jews are White after they're baked properly.
Because she's a gross fat slut and if you think otherwise it's you who's thirsty for pussy. Its cool if some dudes have low standards, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that, but personally the women ive fucked were all at least 7s and I view Schumer as a legitimate 5 at her best. She has fat girl face and looks bad even with Hollywood tier makeup, so one can only imagine how gross she actually is.
Only leftist faggots and women use incel in the way you just did btw.
youre american so it makes sense that you're attracted to obese kikes
So what? My generation is more informed and intelligent than the boomers and Gen X'ers ruining this country.
This is really sad. If you cant see why this thing is below average, you're hopeless. She would be an incels last resort.
This is what I don't understand. Envision the typical leftist male. You envision a gross bearded low testosterone small faggot covered in tattoos and poor hygiene. These people really think these little troll faggots are getting laid more than what they perceive as blue collar lessers of theirs? It's just more mental leftist projection of their own inadequacies,
>I'm 18 born in 2001
Hence why you accept her. Fat acceptance was pushed hard back in the 90s, you're conditioned to it, kiddo. She's morbidly obese and it's disgusting.
Not an argument
Cause its 100 percent fake.
>literally a jew
>literally a cousin to multiple dual citizen senators
What an awful image, I hate seeing whales lay on the beach while people just laugh and take photos.
The only thing you posted is about how Jews are white and you tried to support your own post without realizing how Jow Forums works. Kill yourself, kike.
obese roastie kike who couldn't even hit the wall even earlier than the average with a shit personality who only ever got famous in the first place because she leached off of Anthony Jeselnik.
She isn't fat you retard.
im even attracted to
Literally this. I'm as conservative as they come but I would absolutely let Amy Schumer dominate me in the most degrading ways.
I mean, you people can't tell me you wouldn't let her sit on your face for hours at a time.
>Amy sure is cute
A Jew in Tyrolean garb. Legendary troll. Akin to an ISIS faggot in a Mickey Mouse costume.
Cause she is a fat unfunny Kike! Im sorry you knocked her up OP
Nigger, she is fat. Unless you're in her weight class, you can't be serious. You must be a fatty too.
Back to rȩddit, faggot
sage this slide thread
To each their own
Why does Amy Schumer’s appearance matter to you so much?
Every Jewish girl deserves black cock. Let's all pray for Amy to have the black man of her dreams.
I think she used to be really fucking hot when she first came up but now she's a whale
Yeah I wouldn't. Beastiality is disgusting.
Also, wasted digits.
OP is a faggot jew
Cause she’s a disgusting land whale who always brags about carousel riding in all her jokes and about her smelly hoha.
Fucking gross
Shes still fucking gross even in that pic
Faggot. You're telling me you wouldn't be her little bitch for the weekend? Let her give you a footjob, sit on your face, kick you in the balls, etc?
Pretty lame, desu.
Would get harpooned if she swam in international waters...
Germans should ban her for this image.
Jewgle gonna Jew
I guess you would enjoy that part, but what would you do with the body?
My wife browses Jow Forums almost as much as I do, asshole. Makes for way better dinner conversation. Slowly blackpilling the kids too.
Dude, wtf
The male equivalent of Amy Shumer would be a fat, rancid hillbilly that drunkenly stumbles onto stage before making jokes about how rancid he shit stinking ass was, then farting into the microphone for several minutes before the audience rose to their feet and clapped.
She's alright, a bit chubby but way above my league.
Her "comedy," on the other hand...
Why tf would you ever let your woman care about politics.
>blackpilling muh kids
nigger what? defeatists get the bullet second.
Try to black pill then white pill them, don't be so negative user
You failed to mention her face, which is the primary reason no one likes her. Also, vagina jokes.
She's fat and unfunny. Sorry your standards are incel-level, OP.
>you are here forever
Im having my toast and coffee before church, wife is doing hair, kids are eating breakfast and brushing their teeth.
It's her face, it's irredeemable. All mushed in and shit
t amy
You can have all the fun, along with all the other animals on your ranch.
i would fuck this fatty real good. god i can hear my hip muscles pounding against her buttock muscles from here. hngggg
The absolute state
She's fat, Jew, and in Hollywood. And you ask Jow Forums such questions!!?
Vagina jokes heh-heh hahaha huhuh
Laugh everyone, laugh.
But seriously, everyone hates her because of her personality and promotion of degeneracy. She is fat, chubby, but her "jokes" just put overall gross aura around her.
And she is jew.
W-what is it like all the way?
She is hot and a chubby but always attractive, When she is thinner she is a winner but when fatter i still want to do her. Too bad she is a fruitcake lefty
We do that too. We just don’t hide them from all the crazy shit, like the reasons they’re not allowed to go to public school or why we have a list of things they’re not supposed to engage about with most of our family or their pediatrician, etc. Believe me, they’re happy, well adjusted kids.
>She's not fat, she's curvy. She's the perfect weight for a woman.
this is something only a fat woman or degenerate chubby chaser would say
Thank you user
I’m married with 3 children and browse this site. Should I be killed off?
What color are you?
She had a bulimia face back then.
All I know is I would look down on my father if I learned he browsed Jow Forums