/ptg/ President Trump General - /comfy/ Sunday EDITION


>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

ARCHIVED LINKS pastebin.com/ynXV6CHT
DAILY SCHEDULE twitter.com/POTUS_Schedule
WH Public Pool: publicpool.kinja.com/

>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania arrive in FL 2/1/19
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania depart DC 2/1/19
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania depart WH 2/1/19
>Pres Trump Meeting on Human Trafficking on Southern Border 2/1/19
>VP Pence @Venezuela Solidarity Event 2/1/19
>VP Pence Meeting w/Venezuelan Exiles 2/1/19
>StateDep Press Conf (SoS Pompeo) 2/1/19
>NECDir Kudlow on FBN 2/1/19
>NECDir Kudlow on Bloomberg 2/1/19
>HHSSec Azar on Bloomberg 2/1/19
>HHSSec Azar on PBSNewsHour 2/1/19
>HHSSec Azar on FBN 2/1/19
>KAC on F&F 2/1/19
>KAC inside WH 2/1/19
>This Week@State 2/1/19
>Pres Trump Meeting w/Chy-na VicePremier Liu 1/31/19
>TrumpTweet: Securing Our Border 1/31/19
>Pres Trump Meeting w/American Manufacturers 1/31/19
>VP Pence/DepAG Rosenstein/ActDEAAdm Dhillon @DEA 1/31/19

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

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Barron BTFO.

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Imagine having a sport where millionaires compete of getting or avoiding brain damage

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Tulsi v Trump, who survives?

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Barron is destined for greater things than handegg.

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Let's cool it with the anti-semetism, all right guys?

It’s a violent sport. Nothing wrong with gladiatorial games, pussy.

Honestly as someone who wants to see Kushner run in 2024, this is a big deal and we need to nip it in the bud before it gets out of hand.

>No more year long chimpouts now that Obama isn't in office.

really makes me think.

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and i'm sure he's getting shit for those comments

>The Orange Frumpf wont let he son play nigger collision

Reminder that there's a Trump interview on Face the Nation in about half an hour.
[Posted in old thread accidentally.]

I think Tulsi would do good in a debate against him, and she doesn't have much 'insult material' to use against her. What nickname could Trump possibly give her to knock her esteem down?



GOOD MORNIG, /ptg/!!!

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Yeah risking early onset Alzheimer's is truly the based and redpilled conservative sport.

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Hmm...Low-T Tulsi?

>Reminder that there's a Trump interview on Face the Nation in about half an hour.



>What nickname could Trump possibly give her to knock her esteem down?
Surfin' Safari.

>he isn’t going to Church
What’s wrong with you?

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>What nickname could Trump possibly give her to knock her esteem down?
Gun-grabbing Gabbard.

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Fuck you and your Edward James Olmos body double.

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>Trump falling for the globalist soccer psyop

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He's still going to Superbowl Sunday Mass at his club.

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Those numbers don't lie, but he was talking about the Superbowl being at 3:30.
.....I think.

Arab money cometh

>Gun-grabbing Gabbard.
This seems the best, non-insulting, but very to the point for single-issue 2A voters.

Wow, what -was- he talking about?

That's nature gift to the elderly.
Helps keep them from seeing their deaths coming, making them a lot less emotional over it.

do i want to watch the bitch ass reporter interrupt him with their bullshit narrative every 5 seconds?

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It's fun to watch nations compete in anything. It's the organizations that make it a psyop

top bants m8

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He misunderstood the time of the FTN Trump interview, thinking the user that posted it was drunk.

Sports have been importing low IQ niggers from third world shitholes for decades.
Thanks Sports cucks.

Fucking kike bitch. She words her tweet like he was saying his son was too weak for football. Instead the actual quote is him stating shared concern, including by pro football players, over sustained bodily damage.

You’ll never keep the black man down.

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>do i want to watch the bitch ass reporter interrupt him with their bullshit narrative every 5 seconds?
I hate it when I do that, but I think my biggest beef will be with the cuts. I don't know if FTN does that, but I hate it when everyone else does.

I meant Trump.
>on @FaceTheNation and prior to the Super Bowl on @CBS at 3:30 P.M.
>prior to the Super Bowl on @CBS at 3:30 P.M
>Super Bowl...@3:30

* One year from today: the Iowa caucuses

I'd much rather see it coming. Alzheimer's is the mental equivalent of being a quadriplegic. Just fuckin' kill me.

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>take the guns first, due process second - Tulsi Gabbard

We have to stop these gun grabbing democrats bros

Only if teams are allowed to recruit from their own nation. Otherwise it's just globalist bullshit.


Is it not at 3:30?
(I honestly don't know, never watch it.)

>the abstract idea of playing a game is responsible for rich Jews importing immigrants to put wagers on

Am I missing something or is this your retarded point

Well, (((CBS))) posted the transcript if you don't want to watch the actual interruptions

It's the Corporate Media Synergy Jew having to ask him about the Nigger Felon League, since (((CBS))) is the network airing the Superb Owl today

Obviously, if Barron were to bother with playing any sport, it would be basketball...since that kid's gonna be seven fucking feet tall

I wonder what Master Roshi will bring for Tulsi on the trail.

Last clarification. Is his interview at 3:30 or the SB?

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Donald Trump will lose in 2020.

In 2016, Donald Trump won:

29 electoral votes in the battleground swing state of Florida by 1.3%, or 119,770 votes cast out of 9,420,039

16 electoral votes in the battleground swing state of Michigan by 0.3%, or 11,612 votes cast out of 4,799,284

10 electoral votes in the battleground swing state of Wisconsin by 1%, or 27,257 votes cast out of 2,976,150

20 electoral votes in the battleground swing state of Wisconsin by 1.2%, or 68,236 votes cast out of 6,165,478

This totals 75 electoral votes. Needing 270 electoral votes to win, Trump defeated Clinton with 306 pledged electoral votes over Clintons 232 pledged votes, a difference of 74 electoral votes, exceeding the total needed by 36 electoral votes.

In each battleground swing state above, Trump won by only 0.3-1.3% of the votes.

That was in 2016. At that time, Trump vowed:

To end "needless foreign wars". Trump instead increased our troop presence in Afghanistan by about 3,000, and deployed 59 missiles into Syria within months of taking office. While continuing to talk about withdrawal, it never happens.

To end "the 'catch & release' policies". Instead, AG Sessions 'zero tolerance policy' was reversed and all such policies remain in effect in their respective jursidictions. Meanwhile visa programs for Indian H1B workers and others has actually increased, as have illegal border crossings...

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Major Turd Face

>sportcuck to fucking retarded to realize every imported third world nigger was done for his sportcuck viewing ass
>Am I missing something
I guess you are sportscuck and it's called a brain.

You’re scared of shit happening 20 years into the future? Pussy.

Gabbard would of fare better if had she not indeed not but in the end have not rescinded to revoke and canceled her social conservatism (relative) of 00s.

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>Last clarification. Is his interview at 3:30 or the SB?

His interview is at 10:30. Therefore I'm guessing he meant the SB is at 3:30.

Face the Nation is one of the few shows which airs @ the bottom of the hour...so it's on in around ten minutes

... To end Obama's "DACA" policy. And yet in the last spending bill negotiation, extended yet another offer to extend legal residence to DACA receipients for years.

There is also the biggest, loudest promise, so obvious in its falsehood that its status after two years of total control all three branches and two record-setting budgets, doesn't need even mentioned.

Trump has pro-actively achieved an outstanding economy with supreme competence, and deserves credit for the immense good it has done for all Americans. But the 2016 victory was based in hopes, dreams and faith among an ever decreasing demographic margin. We now have two years of reality to account for, and its difficult to imagine that same hopeful enthusiasm has survived to maintain or grow these razor-thin margins needed to win the electoral college a second time, especially in view of the wrath of the global elite, international left and Washington establishment's tool-kit of dirty tricks. As shown in the 2018 elections, voters are quick to forget a national vision once the bills are paid or what you have done for them lately. The value of Trump's endorsement has visibly waned, and instead of a strong-arm executive, we see endless negotiation with the losing party.

Aside from the economy, very little has changed. The core platfom has evaporated, and people have lost interest because they have lost patience. The same vows will not be believed a second time in numbers needed to actually win such thin margins. The 'hidden' vote that came out in droves of hope in 2016 will not have the hope in 2020, but rather the sense of 'Republican business as usual', and likely return to the ether just as quickly...

>mfw russiagate turns in to the largest instance of faithless electors, denying Trump in 2020

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... Two terms of actual Trump promises filled would not have been enough to set the country back on course, and there is so little to substantiate the notion that there will even be a second term, evidenced by the numbers. Republicans simply do not have the numbers where they need them to win the next presidential election, and the enthusiasm has succumbed to witnessing the same old policies being harbored under the new president.

As of now, Trump will lose in 2020, and the left will return with an agenda for vengeance upon the voting base of the right. Something could change, but then thats the point: something would have to, because so far, this isn't going to cut it. We had both houses, we had the voter enthusiasm. We have lost both. We wont get either back without change from the very top, and so far, all the change has been in the wrong direction, and more than 1.3% of battleground voters are sure to have noticed.


How about a wall, day one, and Mexico will pay for it?

Or how about on gun control:

>In September, he released a policy paper on guns. The document begins with Trump stating that he will not allow any infringement on the right bear arms

They always say it's worse on the family then the person suffering from Alzheimer's, fren.

You have convinced me, Nate SodiumChloride.

Trump has no path to 270.
He'll never get the 1237 delegates.

here is a link livenewsnow.com/american/cbs-news.html

Who is this?

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So OP likes Lilly, the best grill?

I'll stay over for a while now, drumpfies.

So you're implying that me, personally, invited the immigrants to play sports here because I enjoyed watching the sport before the immigrants?

I mean I'm even pissed they let Europeans play in NA eSports. You're a retarded nigger with no capacity for categorizing my desire to watch a sport vs. The ability of owners to change the sport at their own whim because they have a monopoly on it. They choose to corrupt and propagandize, not me.

Just kill yourself ape.

>So OP likes Lilly
I don't even know what Chinese cartoon she's from.
I just thought she was cute in /comfy/.

Hello, comrade...

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All the more reason, then. I hate to be a burden.

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23 seconds ago

BREAKING: Governor Northam now says it was him in the picture, “I am and have been a proud African American.”

>They choose to corrupt and propagandize, not me.
And like the nigger you are you keep slurping up their cum they spew for your viewing pleasure, sportscuck.
love your excuse for being a sportscuck.
>It wasn't me I just like watching those low IQ niggers

dring wader m8s

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THey're talking about mustaches on there right now.

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Crazy Cult Tulsi

Has the based VA Gov. resigned yet? Is RBG officially dead yet?

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>Maggie Brennan (patriot): When are we going to pull our brave troops out of the 19 year war in Afghanistan
>Zognald J. (jew) Blumpf: We have to protect Israel!!!!!

Can someone explain why /ptg/ still supports this traitor?

>no MAGA Rin or MAGA Hanako

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imo its natures sign to put a bullet in the back of their heads and dump them in a ditch to rot


Everyone is a dirty nigger. The Stars themselves are niggers. None of you can comprehend celestial nigger bodies.

>Has the based VA Gov. resigned yet?
Not yet. Claims he won't.
>Is RBG officially dead yet?
Was she ever really alive to begin with?

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>20 electoral votes in the battleground swing state of Wisconsin by 1.2%, or 68,236 votes cast out of 6,165,47

*Correction: These are the numbers for Pennsylvania, not Wisconsin.

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Don't worry you just might drive off one day and they'll never see you again.
I knew a old guy who did that with Alzheimer's.

>Watch a rebroadcast on CBSN at 11 a.m., 3 p.m. and 6 p.m. ET.

You could argue from that point of view, doesn't change the fact they have it easier when it comes to dying.
It's their family that suffers.

>assumption number 2000 that I keep watching a sport post-propaganda stage

All I said was sport between nations can be entertainjng. Did I say I was a fan of the propagandanda or the globalization of it? I would rather have the 1939 Olympics. At least you'd be able to tell who was from what nation. Abortion should be mandatory for retards like you. Your mom is a fucking dunce and your dad is a deadbeat for ejaculating you.

You are not entirely wrong in analysis but you are discounting Trump v. Insane Dem too much over Trump 2020 v. Trump 2016.

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It’s going to be a good interview.

Fuck off retard.

the old and retarded are a drag on soceity and we could do well to kill them, at first by cutting off social services do they starve on the streets where they belong then to hunt them down and eliminate them for good

Tulsi Grabbard.

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Based. Like a dog going off into the woods. When it's time to go, it's time to go.

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Just remove the entire meme that is "pension" and "retirement".


democrats are already defeating themselves by literally having 20 people run at once, and all of them on new taxes
the dem candidates are only just announcing their runs and the morons are tripping over eachother by the dozens to pitch 90% taxes, asset forfeiture, and post birth abortion to the american people
what will they be talking about by the time the real debates start?

Already Trump is saying
>Nancy Pelosi is costing the country hundreds of billions of dollars

I wouldn't be surprised if her travel bill actually costs that much

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