>There are people on Jow Forums, right now, who don't even own a single firearm
Gun ownership
its forbidden(not strictly, you must have some paper) in my country. luckily i have a good swiss army pocket knife - i mean its uselles since i live in city and no one ever attacked me. heh i would like to have a firearm one day...
I unironically believe that the sks is the best shtf weapon of all time.
I know for a fact that a lot of Poles have BP firearms.
>tfw no gun-toting canadian to show me how to butcher and keep warm with when we're winter camping inna woods
i never though they would cost more than an AR but here we are. wish i bought five when they were $200 each.
It isn't, but there are literally millions of them up here (You can get a Russian for ~180 USD and a Chinese military, not commercial, model for ~150 USD).
Everyone and their dog has an SKS.
I bought five at 74.95 each.
That's pretty nuts. Presumably this was like 30 years ago before the kikes ruined the dollar even further.
don't get felonies it sucks
if you do get felonies get a dragon claw .50cal air rifle
I'm going to post this everyday until you like it!
>live in northern ireland
>conceal carry every day
>own thirteen rifles, shotguns and pistols
One of my earliest memories of real violence was my dad driving me to a rugby match. I was staring out of the side window and he suddenly slammed on the brakes, forced me into the footwell and readied the Mini 14 he kept in the car. He got out, aimed down the road and I peeped over the dashboard for a look. There were two bodies in the road and a Vauxhall Cavalier stood at idle with its doors open, engine still running.
Out of nowhere, about a dozen men in various states of kit jumped out of the tree line. Some had English accents. The others sounded local, one of whom spoke with my dad. We drove around the bodies. I remember one of the commandos stood smoking a cigarette, staring at me as we drove past. For some reason he stuck his tongue out at me.
I played and had a good game. We never spoke about it again, had fish and chips for tea and the next Monday I went to school more excited about the rugby result. It seemed so normal. The Army had shot the bad guys and that was that. Now that I'm older, and I know who those dead men were and what they had in the boot, I carry a firearm every day.
tl;dr even if it's very difficult like in mainland britain or other places, you're likely to need one at some point.
I'm not super knowledgeable on butchering (just basic stuff I learned for cooking, like breaking down a bird). Plan on getting into hunting soon, especially for rabbits and geese.
I've done a fair bit of winter camping, though, so if you have any questions about that I'll gladly help.
Pushing past the tipping point one gun owner at a time.
They seeded wild turkeys all over my home town because apparently the communists felt bad about hunting them too hard 100 years ago. Now there are all these damn wild turkeys wandering around in the middle of the road and the media Jews are all like
>hooray! look it's a turkey!
Those things are so god damned dumb.
Turkeys are pretty cool, though. They were nearly the US's official animal. They have to fight for every meal.
You wouldn't if you'd ever tried to mount decent optics on them.
They're a really good battle rifle, but the best rifle needs a method to extend its usable range.
I would unironically say that the m4 platform is probably the best.
And I don't actually like them in the slightest. (whilst owning an sks para)
I'm thinking of welding up some bull bars for my car so I can go turkey bowling next time I'm pissed off.
Well, I have an interest in hunting. I want to learn, but I'm a nerdy shut in with little innawoods experience and no weapon. I need to save for a good, reliable one. I have a coworker who will teach me once I do.
Yeah, the mindset you need to keep while using an SKS is that it's a spear that shoots bullets.
For hunting, you can get by with a break-action single-shot 12 gauge. We're talking 100 bucks, here. If you spend a bit more, a Mav88 is perfectly functional.
I have a tacticool ar15 but I really wanna get a M1a for that .308 plus the top tier aesthetics of it. Something about the walnut stock is just so sexy
Get a .22 and go rabbit hunting.
Absolutely. Mine is for goats.
Remington 308 is for deer.
If I needed to shoot people for any reason, I'd use a shotgun anyway. Far more versatile as an only gun in a shtf situation.
Though in NZ, the likelyhood of ever needing to use deadly force is practically 0.
M1A's are a bitch to get and keep accurate. They like to shoot themselves loose.
If you want to just blast shit at 300 yards, it's fine. Anything beyond that you're better off with a bolt-action or an AR-10.
What Said.
Just grab a cheap norinco 22 with a reasonable scope and go hit up some local farmers. Ask if they wanna shoot rabbits with you.
They don't have access to Norinco in the US. They get a few shotguns rebranded, but that's it.
The most cost-effective .22 is generally a Savage MkII.
I'm nowhere near good enough to hit anything at 300 yards (or are you talking about with a scope?). I can barely get a bullseye at the range with my iron sights at 25 yards while standing I'm utter shit
I assumed you'd be mounting a scope to it. .308 is kinda overkill at short range. Compare the cost of 7.62x51 to 7.62x39 or 5.56x45 and you'll see what I mean. Hell, even .300 BLK is getting pretty affordable.
Shit, no chinkshit? I like the idea of using chink made crap to kill chinks in the inevitable colonisation wars!
Haha the irony.
But seriously, those savages are pretty stout little rifles. And user would do well to follow your advice.
We're swimming in shot guns over here. Maybe I'm not as OPERATOR as everybody else, but I don't think I'm going to be completely worried about if my scope is out of adjustment if I have to launch a handful of buckshot at somebody.
They're pretty nice. Accu-triggers are surprisingly good from the factory.
I live in Georgia, where rabbit hunting is regulated, but it is definitely farm country and I'm sure some have a pest problem. I'll get a good .22 soon.
Yup, it and a .22 are the de facto PAL starter kit
If you have a farm, you may want to go for a .17 HMR instead. Much flatter trajectory.
And a cheap "SBS" scattergat.
Luckily I’m not one of them
why don't you go kill some when it's legal?
I hadnt thought that far in advance. I mostly just really like the aesthetic of it and wanted something in .308. What's a normal distance to be accurate at with a rifle while standing and iron sights?
I don't live there anymore.
I'd literally hold off 2 more weeks for the next paycheck and buy a Ruger. This take down is 10/10 fun.
You can stuff it in a backpack and just hike out into the middle of no where, spend a few days camping, plinking at shit, hunting. If you want a good time, my state offers a program $50 per Coyote head. Right out of high school my friends and I would take our ARs into the middle of butt fuck no where, camp for a weekend and make ourselves a couple hundred bucks maybe.
I wonder how many whites have gone off grid and live deep innawoods. We need another thread for it, but carefully. (((They))) are always watching.
damn that is fucking beautiful, shame I can't have one. Does it actually fire those bolts too as well as the .50 pellets? that's nuts
There a pack or several near my workplace. Coworker reckons at least fifty strong.
The M14, and honestly most guns of the era, the idea was to hit a man-sized target at ~500 yards.
You may remember from Math class that you can divide a circle into 360 degrees and each degree can be separated into 60 "minutes" (and each minute divided into 60 "seconds").
Rule of thumb is that if you can expect 1 Minute of Angle of deviation, then it'll be a 1" group at 100 yards (not quite, but we're talking ballpark figures, here). So, if it's 1 MOA and you're shooting at 300 yards, figure about a 3" group.
Your typical "fighting rifle" is acceptable up to ~4 MOA (Which would be ~12" groups at 300 yards). If you're into precision shooting, you want to get under 1 MOA if possible.
It's worth jumping through the legal hoops to get firearms, user. Germany produces some really nice guns and it'd be a shame not to own a few.
Based Chile
Check if your state has a predator program.
Everything wrong with America in one picture.
Sure, if you know nothing about America and need to justify being a disarmed serf to yourself.
For a little moar you can get the Ruger 9mm takedown. It comes with a mag well adapter so you can use Glock extended mags (31 rounds).
.22s nice tho.
Mad, cuck?
I'm trying okay? My country makes it really fucking hard
>tfw your country makes in mandatory to join it's version of the NRA for your firearms licence
>tfw your country's version of the NRA doesn't give a flying fuck about gun rights and collects ever increasing membership fees because there is no alternative
I feel cheated, and everytime someone praises our gun laws, I want to punch them in the face. Motorcycle gangs are shooting each other every night and crime using illegal firearms is quickly covered up
>russian sks for under 200 usd
I had to pay 600 for mine... I'm still mad about it.
Holy shit 500 yards while standing with iron sights? I dont even think I could see the target that far. For reference I'm trying to hit the red on pic related
In most european countries it is easier to get rifle with hunting license than for sports shooting.
I live in finland but I grandfathers O/U shotgun and reproduction svt-40 and buying license for 7,62x39 self loader(read sks, ak or something similar)
I have a gun back home but as an expat I can't have a weapon here. I could easily buy an AK for about 200 USD but that'd be an international gun trafficking offense.
Reminds me of Quebec's gun org, the FQT. Completely in bed with the government, headed by fudds that immediately toss everyone under the bus as long as they get to keep charging people for the safety courses.
Fix your import laws, Ameribros.
If you think that's optimistic, look at the sights on old WW2 rifles. 3000 yards with a 4 MOA .303 rifle. LEL.
They would literally just point in the general direction of the target and lob the bullets over hills and shit.
are those real and functional
There's not a single nigger in that picture.
>owning military style assault AR rifles
No, I'm not some rural retard compensating for my microbenis. The Founders didn't know about firearms that could fire more than one shot at a time and took less than 60 seconds to reload, not to mention they intended firearms to only be held by militia aka government/military organizations.
hey op, back again fbi?
enjoy your old reposted google pics
Guns aren't penis replacements. Even in a hypothetical scenario where they were, would you rather be the person who loves penises or the person who wants all penises confiscated and destroyed?
hello kike
>The Founders didn't know about firearms that could fire more than one shot at a time and took less than 60 seconds to reload
You being ignorant about historical firearm technology does not an argument against firearms make.
>not to mention they intended firearms to only be held by militia aka government/military organizations.
at least you serve as a warming to others, hang in there m8
this graph would be perfect if they actually ran a linear regression
7 week proccess minimum in canada. not worth the effort
You can't sit around for 7 weeks?
*buys an AR and 10 30 round mags in 5 minutes*
How about this? :)
Weak sauce.
pretty much the same sort of organisation, if you don't renew your membership, they'll call the cops on you. Gun manufacturers designed guns that would still be legal here, but gun control groups used the buzzwords and the government banned them by name much to the deafening silence of the SSAA.
They'll probably start fighting restrictions when all that's left is break action .22's
There are plenty of countries which have served as warnings, and every country thinks it can do better. The best countries are ignored.
The way it works in Canada is that you pass firearm safety courses (two, because only losers get the virgin PAL instead of the Chad RPAL), get a criminal background check and then you don't need to fill out a 4473 because it's already done. I can buy a gun and some ammo from the opposite end of the country and have it shipped to my door.
You guys want to tell me how many mass school shootings they had in 1787? Yeah, didn't think so. You need to get with the times. NO ONE in 2019 needs a military style AR-15 assault rifle unless you are in the military. And I say this as a veteran myself who turned in his guns after leaving the service.
With the availability and commonality of the AR nowadays, you’re wrong. 5.56 is good enough to hunt with, good enough to shoot people with, higher capacity, faster reloads, lighter, easier to mount optics to, etc etc.
The SKS really isn’t a bad gun at all (so long as you don’t change anything on it), but an AR makes so much more sense
Do you need a loicense to buy ammo online? I once mentioned buying like 25lbs of ammo and going away for the weekend while it sat on my front porch because the delivery was a day late, and this seemed to be a remarkable possibility to some people.
pass a what now?
takes 5 minutes here. enjoy your pinned restricted mags
way too many fire hoops, look at everything under 'service details', just fuck my shit up
The vast majority of firearm related deaths are suicide.
The vast majority of the remainder is gang violence.
The vast majority of the remainder is justifiable homicide (self defense).
And then the tiny little fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a fraction is the mass shootings you're so fucking scared of.
I want to make an informed decision when I purchase my first firearm, because that will be the one I pass down to my children. So really I need more than one firearm, and that requires more money.
0/10 bait
tru but I have a compound bow
You don't get to tell me what I need, faggot. Shall not be infringed.
A $300 pistol will outlast you and potentially your kids if you don't raise retards.
Think of it like a car. You can do all the online research you want, but you won't know how to pick the right car until you spend time driving and owning them.
People get different firearms for different purposes.
A rifle that is good for hunting moose is going to turn rabbits into pink mist.
If you want something versatile, get a pump-action 12 gauge. Ithaca 37's are really nice.
Yikes. Get a .22 and learn to shoot. Then start looking for a big gun so you don’t waste a bunch of money. You should be able to easily hit inside a foot wide target at 100 standing. Easily done at 200 and 300, with irons, sitting or prone.
Learn to shoot. And as the other guy said, M1As aren’t all they’re hyped up to be. You could do a PTR91 (G3 clone) and put surplus furniture on it, but they’re not great guns to mount scopes to. For practicality, an AR10 is going to be your best bet for a semi auto 308 if mounting a scope is in your future
kek, never change America
What the fuck did you get a felony for?
Oh, and while we're on the subject, none of the AR-15's currently being manufactured for the commercial market are "assault rifles", because none of them are select-fire.
How does it feel being a textbook example of the Dunning-Kruger effect?
What purpose do you want this gun to fill? Recreational shooting? Hunting? Home defense? Are you looking for a rifle or a handgun? Something practical or something more heirloom style?
Yes sir
>And I say this as a veteran
Not a veteran, just an oath breaking piece of shit.
SKS is a piece of shit gun. Leafs are obsessed with them because they can't afford anything better
None of them ever were. The military took the AR and revised it to be able to handle full auto and gave it a different name. Now we have fun jewtube videos of people trying to see how many rounds they can put through an AR before the barrel starts to melt and it jams.
don't take the kid's bait
Some VERY EARLY ones were, but we're talking unicorns, here.