Why have Millennials abandoned marriage?

Why have Millennials abandoned marriage?

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Why would I participate in a society that I view as a degenerate failure?

Why would I bring children into a world where I am convinced they will suffer?

Why would I join a contract that is not legally binding, and if broken will result in the woman more than likely being favored in court to my detriment?

I can't think of anything I'd want from a roastie other than sex. And literally the only people who don't have sex are afraid of trying and gave up.

30 year old Boomer here. Getting married in 3 weeks. Just abandoned white women to the niggers they commit fornication with. I don't have anything but disgust for a non-virgin.

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>>Why would I bring children into a world where I am convinced they will suffer?

>slide thread

Cock carousel


This image sums up that show perfectly

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>*Destroys the incentives for men to marry, while adding disincentives*
>*Encourages women to delay marriage and motherhood until they're well past their prime*

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No reason at all to marry if I don't find I woman I feel I can truly trust 100% for rest of my life. Men have far too much to lose if marriage isn't a perfect success.

Predictable ass post. Same old shit being spewed by kissless virgins.

not an argument.
I married 15 years ago. Wife was virgin.
The juice is not worth the squeeze if you're dealing with someone elses cum dumpster. Also hide your assets in case of divorce-rape.

With the laws and social standards of Weimerica, marriage is a zero-sum game with one side having an innate disadvantage in participating in the now subverted rite.

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Isn't it ironic that all the older millennial women were the first to go hardcore "I need a career, having a family can wait". And they're the ones that can't find husbands.
Meanwhile most of the millennial men old or young are pairing up with much younger end of millennial generation who value family over career seeing from their older sisters and cousins who are alone and sad?
I have to think that a lot of younger millennial men are going to bag a zoomer girl at this rate. I would not be surprised to see statistics showing that millennial women are the group that married the least and have the least offspring in the future.

They’re scared of hard work

>on average have six-figure student debt
>get married
>wife dies
>you now have your debt+whatever she owns

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Marriage is a contract with the government for men to pay at least half their assets to an ex-spouse, and support kids they no longer live with if they divorce. Why would anyone take that deal?

So youre happily married then? The only way for a marriage to truly work is if the bitch was virgin.

What woman is worth marrying?

Too broke for divorce rape.

Easy to say for an Aussie bloke



Enjoy divorce!

ahahahaha that pic gets me every time

Dude literally all western women are debt ridden broken goods high on marxist indoctrination. Why the fuck would i waste my time on that shit?

Dont hate the player hate the game

>fall in love is a woman
>for some reason, you now need to get a piece of paper that says you love her, which requires you to pay abunch of uraeucrats and a preist who henceforth suddenly have a say in your most private affairs
>also said piece of paper entitles her to half your shit if you ever want to separate for no reason at all
>If you have a child, its no problem to have it carry your name even if you're not married

Theres literally no point, unless you're a cuck who puts centuries old social conditioning above your actual wellbeing and self determination.

why even get married now when fags can do it as well? the whole thing has lost its meaning

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the trick is to become a deadshit with 0 resources then impregnate as many women as you can

All I see here is "I can't get laid for the life of me"

>on average have six-figure student debt
>get married
>spend years paying off some fraction of her debt
>alimony and severance through the roof because and shes technically still in debt even though you share that debt.
>she starts fucking chads who pay her bills but you still owe that alimony

Enjoy being old without children.

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"Enjoy being old and being able to enjoy your wealth" There fixed it for you.

But you won't have any wealth because there are no jobs in the future. You'll survive only by growing your own food, and that will be hard without any children to be in the fields and a wife cooking in the house.

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