OARFISH FOUND DEAD IN JAPAN...typically signals an earthquake or tsunami

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>At least 10 were beached in Japan in 2010, months before the March 2011 earthquake that triggered a giant tsunami that killed almost 19,000 people and wrecked the Fukushima nuclear plant.

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Fish dying months before an earthquake - whta's the connection?

Bad tsunamis are caused by huge amounts of earth in the ocean being shifted, displacing the water
Many fish are sensitive to certain temperature and living conditions, especially those freak kind that live closer to the ocean floor. If they're dying and washing up then its possible their living conditions have changed drastically (such as a fracturing of the sea floor bellow releasing previously held gasses, etc)
Overtime enough small ones may occur and weaken the region enough to cause a huge shift. Since JP is on the ring of fire, it's prone to such behavior.

Awaken the deep!

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That's a big fish!

deep sea tremors
let's hope for a happening a Fukushima 2.0

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