Pizzagate is real and we are closer then ever to prove it!

Recently, on the New York Post:

He is without a doubt connected to Pizzagate. He went to Oprah ( ) and had several powerful political and famous friends. Here in Brazil, the media is trying to cover up the story, since they are the ones whom publicized him and kept showing the man on television again and again.

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Other urls found in this thread:



Feels sleepy desu

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lol fucking new york post

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i find only peace in the thought that hell is real and eternal. they shall surely die. pray for the second coming of the Lord, Jesus Christ.


Fuck I’m tired is anyone else tired? Guess it’s time for bed.

I'm gonna shoot a load of warm cum on your face while you sleep

More info:
The medium John of God is arrested accused of raping more than like 200 woman (200 those that pressed charges) and his son was recently arrested (today) by taking part of the abuse scheme.

They might talk, Jow Forums. They might talk.

Relax Bill I’m over 18.

>claimed the celebrity medium ran a baby trafficking operation, in which children were “farmed” in Brazil before being sold to childless couples around the world

childless couples? if that's true then we all know very well what kinda person was buying those children and for what reason.

Even beyond the obvious sales to pedocrats and elite blood/organ farms, adoption is actually an insanely massive racket too, legitimate would--be parents pay hundreds of thousands of dollars for healthy babies.

Pizzagate shills are low iq retards. You're a joke.

ahahahaha get shilled/shill harder

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nothing will happen to anyone involved in this...they're democrats. as democrats they have total immunity to commit any crime.

Just posted a thread also. Getting slid hard. Keep pushing it.
>Shills on suicide watch

kill yourself pedshit
the arrests are coming real fucking soon and your only way out is suicide

if one Domino falls, it'll cause a chain reaction, Billy Boy was one of his clients

hey newfag, tell us Comet Pizza doesn't have a basement again

... fugg i knew that dam thing was a setup

That if while Trump and Bolsonaro are in power. So, they ought to rush

>He is without a doubt connected to Pizzagate.
>without a doubt

Are pizzagaters even capable of doubt?

What the heck is a Moloch Machine?

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2 years minimum still. Plenty of time.
Trump has been so efficient you forget he's only halfway through a term :)

Yeah. I do hope he reelects to maximize the time that they can investigate. But with all the liberal media hammering him and the recent government shutdown, I doubt he can make it.

april the trial begins

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Pg 6 bamp

Nice save bro.
2 min bamp

keep it going gentlemen

for anyone who wants links from last nights thread:

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It's so obvious these threads are getting slid. There's nothing they're more afraid of than people investigating Pizzagate.

don't wish for hell on others, user. not cool
wishing for the ones that commit evil to be strung upside down from lampposts? A-OK!

It continues to happen because good men do nothing. Sadly, a lot of us are guilty of that.

What the fuck? Is that real? I don't remember seeing this one.

What to do?

they're just paid shills. they don't have any info, so they probably genuinely don't think it's real.
when people get desperate they're seperated from investigations because being desperate shines through in their speech. these guys are just doin their jobs

Yep it's real.
And what's up with those hashtags?
Sick fucking people

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anyone have a link to one of the witnesses in brazil getting iced?

I want to lone wolf it, but what would that actually accomplish? How many people would follow behind, even if you have all the current proof waved in the NPC's faces?

just another piece int the puzzle.

hey brazilanon, can you see if you can find any articles relating to or the lady that accused him of baby farming in portuguese?

pic related is the approximate location of the dam break

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Since I am from Brazil I can try to look up more easily. What you looking for?

I can try to. Give me the clues. Keywords and I'll do my research

for the time being (it's sunday, after all) help us gather and put together evidence. tomorrow? buy a gun or two, and all the bullets you can afford.

right now, I need to draw links between the banana jesus' accuser of mass human farming and trafficing and the location of the dam break

also, bollywood and the DNC believe it or not.

Ohhhhh happy bump.

FOUND IT. I will translate it

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1)Joao Teixeira de Faria
2)"accused of... farms... 10years"

I'll keep getting stuff for you. if you can, get screencaps after running the articles through translate and post them and the links here

I'll keep bumping while trying to sift through the portuguese articles and help. Got the other point covered solid.

A child sex slave farm just flew over my house

Fuck you, satan

Sabrina Bittencourt - is she dead? someone close to her recently?

Can you tell me more?


Found this...


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abadamia: about 400 miles from the approximate dam collapse location. I think it's where banana jesus lived

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who? link? source?


HOLY SHIT I'll try to verify that from other places


you should also look into the voodoo marriage ceremony bill and hill had.

prem baba

There are several articles in portuguese. She is completely dead. She is also the one that said he ran a baby slave traffic system with connections in the US and Europe.
I think we're getting in dangerous places, anons. She wouldn't "commit suicide"

It mentions she accused Prem Baba of this as well. I see he's from Brazil LARPing as a Poo. Also seen where he has connections to the Festival Ilumina? Some weirdo shit already firing the neurons.


I'm translating the video. Her legacy won't be in vain

What do you know personally about the Cerrado?


woman who ratted out banana jesus "comitted suicide"

all articles are in portugese, not english.

another "suicide" connected to the clintons.

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If you dont think Trumps team already knows all this and has all the evidence then I got some bad news for you. Trumps not an idiot. He knows all and has eveything. Now we just have to wait

yep. I've been calling it "clinton spontaneous suicide syndrome"

It's futile at the moment unless we just start spamming the shit all over the board.

>childless couples? if that's true then we all know very well what kinda person was buying those children and for what reason.

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jesus, it was 9pm last night, about the time we had the first thread...

>Now we just have to wait
forever until nobody does anything

I'm starting to get skeptical of that, Desu. I'll believe it when I see it. I really hope it is on Tuesday during SOTU speech, but I'm not holding my breath.

this. post links in the slide threads. put sage in the options field when you do.

remove the quotes and post this


Cerrado is just a biome from the most internal parts of Brazil. It's like a savannah.
Unfortunately, I live on the cost. Abadiana is on the Cerrado area and I don't know anyone from the state of Goiás, but I do have a friend in Brazilia, that is the Federal District of Brazil, which locates inside of Goiás

Anons, please keep bumping while I translate her video

this is all connected to the envelope affair. 6 days after the funeral, a priest in victoria was convicted, and a chink exec was arrested in canada with ties to iran, all the while kerry and hillary partied it up with the richest man in india. all on the same day.

shit. is. hitting. the. fan.

>Webb began researching "Dark Alliance" in July 1995. The series was published in The Mercury News in three parts, from August 18–20, 1996, with one long article and one or two shorter articles appearing each day. It was also posted on The Mercury News website with additional information, including documents cited in the series and audio recordings of people quoted in the articles. The website artwork showed the silhouette of a man smoking a crack pipe superimposed over the CIA seal. This artwork proved controversial, and The Mercury News later changed it.

>Webb was found dead in his Carmichael home on December 10, 2004, with two gunshot wounds to the head. His death was ruled a suicide by the Sacramento County coroner's office.

You guys think the CIA is involved in the child abduction and smuggling like they are with the cocaine, crack and heroin?

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Looks who is connected to John of God. Shit is getting weirder

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also brazilanons, can you find where bittencourt claimed the baby farm was, and it's geographic location compared to the dam breaks?

>2 gunshot wounds
naah dude. there's no way people whos job it is to do shady shit are out there doing the shadiest shit of them all

Motherfuck. I'm still not hopeful they will ever see prosecution.

lurkers atleast bump it, do it for the huebro. we're united in faith. all Kids go to heaven, These pizzafags will rot in hell. your mind will find peace with Jesus Christ. our duty is to prepare the ropes.

John of God and John Podesta are connected, follow the Johns

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oh yeah we covered that in boards.Jow

though it's significant, it's not concrete.


I'm at a dead end here

>I really hope it is on Tuesday during SOTU speech
don't worry it won't be


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God work lad
Keep it fresh boys I'm driving 500 miles today or I would stick around and assist this massibe habbening. Start threads. Cross pollinate to other threads. I'll find you guys later keep up the good work

Pizzagate has been debunked multiple times.

Drive safe lad, accidents are known to happen to people who look into things.

John of God, Prem Baba, Gê Marques, Ananda Joy, Edir Macedo, Marcos Feliciano, DeRose Father

>Pizzagate has been debunked multiple times.
when did you debunk Dennis Hastert's conviction? can convictions in a court of law be debunked? seems like it why not?