What happens when the Israel Diaper Force will no longer be able to snipe little kids with impunity?

Attached: IDF headshot.webm (640x352, 2.89M)



Attached: JIDF memeflags 3.png (593x162, 11K)

Israeli flag

What happens when you stop sucking Palestinian cocks and understand those apes will never have, nor want their own country?

>What happens when you stop sucking Palestinian cocks and understand those apes will never have, nor want their own country?

Attached: JIDF memeflags 2.png (1920x1080, 706K)


Attached: 1490969430086.jpg (1939x2246, 443K)

Attached: Jew crying.jpg (476x358, 22K)

>doesn't even kill the kike
christ, can arabs do anything properly!?

>What happens when you stop sucking Palestinian cocks and understand those apes will never have, nor want their own country?

Fuck off, JIDF.

Attached: 1523150006596.jpg (640x579, 84K)

Lmao what the fuck is he doing? Where is the rest of his squad/fireteam? Why is he using defilade like a retard?

They wanted him to fill his diaper. He can't do that when he's dead.

From the river to the sea

Kill Teens instead

Attached: 1532293154862.gif (200x356, 2.4M)

>Kill Teens instead

Attached: Israeli shits.webm (456x360, 2.93M)

If I were that guy I'd be happy I got away with that. I mean it probably hurts like hell but still it's like winning the lottery. That helmet should be kept somewhere as a memorandum.

Lel those kikes got rekt

I love seeing Jews get capped, bullshit he didnt die. Who has that video of the pipe bomb in the flag.

>Who has that video of the pipe bomb in the flag.

Attached: IDF vs Palestinian flag.webm (854x470, 2.9M)

We Gibsrael colony nao. HUEHUEHUEHUE


Attached: 1537268654986.gif (299x189, 1.93M)


Diaper Jew spotted.

Attached: 98E90EC0-3E43-4CEC-AC1A-E85DBF5F949A.jpg (543x640, 64K)


Attached: 1549139562556.jpg (768x960, 87K)