Kraut hate thread

kraut hate thread

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one of those people in the image is wearing a fucking tinfoil hat

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Kike shill thread, ftfy

nice trips Rabbi

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happy hanukkah (nice trips though you turbo kike)

>Germanic tribes were responsible for the fall of the Roman empire
what a joke, if you think Goths and the like caused the fall of the Roman Empire you're a moron. Read Fate of Empire at the very least.
>thinking Democracy is good

the common factor between people who have last names ending in stein, berg, mann etc is not that they are Jewish, its that they are german

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Germans are such a disappointment. They're awesome when you look at their history, but such a disappointment when you meet them in real life. A bunch of autistic degenerates with shit fashion. At least the French looked good while being deviants.

If it's any European people it's the British , actually Anglos .
There is way too much evidence for Jewish subversion.To deny that is actually ignorant .
Germany was right and fuck Churchill and you.
I sincerely hope you are raped and killed by niggers .

you ge&*@ns were responsible for this
you were the ones that let the immigrants in

>Yes goyim, fight your fellow whites.

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Also, didn't the British ally with Turks to keep Constantinople under muslim rule? You guys also gave away Jerusalem when you had it in your hands.

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>trying and failing to stop the rootless international clique means you're responsible for it
Yikes. Why try?

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Enough of replying to this DC slide post , filthy kike

In my opinion, the most hateable people in Europe are the Czechs. Not even currently, historically too.

People always blame germany for nazis but never for commies.
Not ok desu.

> (OP)
>Also, didn't the British ally with Turks to keep Constantinople under muslim rule? You guys also gave away Jerusalem when you had it in your hands.
Exactly , stopped the Bulgarians and Russians taking it .
They also instigated both world wars and have meddled in my country for long enough !
Also genocided the Boers , they have been the organ for Jewry (bankers ) and now the USA is .

Bohemian kraut detected

Pics like this are really the only reason I ever come to this hellhole.

You can laugh at UKistan all you want but your people are the root cause of all modern problems with europe. Its like fate has decided that Germany must fuck shit up for everyone.

Why do you keep fucking up hans?

there was version of this image with marx

They're always in the way, and their disdain for religion also bothers me. They are historically, what I hate currently. A prople with no vision.

>kraut hate thread
>That fucker Rhodes started WWI
>UK declined multiple diplomatic meetings with the Kaiser
>Dulles started WWII
>Churchhill declined multiple peace treaties
>Kraut hate thread
you are either a very intelligent Jew or a retarded deluded peasant. I think you are the former

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> (You)
>In my opinion, the most hateable people in Europe are the Czechs. Not even currently, historically too.
Yeah there's some truth in that , especially during ww2 they acted like animals to the Germans when they got the chance to do it , playing their friend before that.
They did help bring down communism I'll say that for them I'd still have Britain and the USA now as the main organs of Jewry.
Britain historically and now the USA, fun fact under Cromwell they wanted to settle the Jews in Ireland ! Look it up ! If you can't find it I'll post back with more information even a Jewish society talking about it

They responses to problems are always blown out of proportion and always absolutely retarded. Just look at the reform of the church, just look at their ww2 tanks, just look at the migration plans. They play 1d chess and they end up polarizing other’s oppinions to the point of no return.

Why did they need to have diplomatic talks in the first place?

Should have let those people die in poland and then spend the rest of history demanding reparations

>wahhh muh ebul d&c everyone has to get along on my pole
this shit is getting so tiring

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okay im going to say it
it seems like Germans bully everyone on this bored, especially the UK, for unknown reasons.
they are pretty mean.
Canada may shitpost & bait endlessly, but germans just seem to always be aggressive & hateful, with no sense of humor what so ever
so if I had to pick one to keep, I'd keep the UK posters over the German posters.
anyone that has been here for millions, nay trillions of years knows what I am talking about

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those brainlets Hitler and the Kaiser played right into the Jews hands. Fucking disgrace
>seems like Germans bully everyone
Germans are literally blamed for everything bad happening to whites

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opinion discarded

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how is it a meme flag you retard
if my flag is a meme flag then use it right now
go ahead pick it from the meme flag list & use it
I'll wait
dumb newfag

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you missed brazil, poland, ukraine and italy, but overall pretty good choices

>it's not a memeflag

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what country are you in

Didn't you get the word desu? Brazil is based again.
Poland is my ally against Gerministan.
I agree with you about Ukraine, my bad.
Italy surrounds to Vatican City, i'm sorry but i don't want hell.
>pic related (its you)

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checked and look at these German flags burning, it is what they're made to do.

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>>pic related
is your typical slavic monkey which you conveniently spared. Also forgot to mention russia on the missed list.

This. Anglos will always have a disdain toward continentals. That depressing island of theirs warps their mind in unimaginable ways. Anglos are just as disgraceful historically as in the modern day. They deserve everything coming to them.

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Why should Britons be forced to live under NS rule?


>Forced to live under National Socialism
No. Germany wanted peace and a mutually beneficial alliance with them. Where are you getting this? It was the British that refused literally dozens of peace offerings and bombarded their cities first. It's a war crime what they did to Dresden. After all of this it is the evil Germans that are at fault for everything in the world. Churchhill actively sponsored the communists and their crusade for Europe.

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saved. muh Kraut hate thread. I hope all those Pakis wipe out those retarded Anglos
nobody forced them. fellow whites were not the enemy. we just wanted to scalpel out the Jews.

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nice divide and conquer faggot

Oh yes, just how he massacred all those Poles, Baltic peoples, and Czechs, surely!

>It's a war crime what they did to Dresden

That should have been Berlin too. You get what you deserve.

this. unfortunately Rockerfeller sponsored "stable of historians" education is deeply ingrained into this Americans brains

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I literally have no control of it you retard
further more, maybe for just one second, you should base your responses on the content of the post & not the flag
really, get your kneejerk reactions under control, they are really projecting your low IQ

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Democracy is a joke

>I can't control it
That's what the diapers are for my friend

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>I-It is ok because they're not white because [insert some arbitrary reason]. Therefore it is morally fine to genocide them for any reason you want!

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>it seems like Germans bully everyone on this bored, especially the UK, for unknown reasons.
What, did we hurt your feewees? If you need a safe space, /pol is the wrong place for you.
>unknown reason
did you ever touch a history book?
If you had to choose one country that is most responsible for wars, UK would be first. All that shit the US do now with false flag attacks, sponsoring radicals, killing civilians and committing war crimes? the UK have been doing that for centuries already. read up on the area bombing directive, for example. or the east indian colonies. or the british interventions in the german-polish wars of the 1920s.

Also, stop hiding your flag, faggot.

non-white please stop. you are stealing all of our oxygen. your only home is an unmarked mass grave

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Based and Greenpilled

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>meatballs are an italian thing

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Are you kidding me retard? Rockefeller set up eugenics labs in nazi germany

>Y-you're not white, k-kill nonwhites
Oh stfu Schlomo

>Also, stop hiding your flag, faggot.
>hurr I need a location to attack using my kneejerk reactions!
the reason you bully the UK, and now bully me (newfag not even knowing the bully meme) is because of brexit
admit it Mohammad

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got a book recommendation for you, burger.

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we do not need to see your porn collection shitskin

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I read it and I agree with it. Germany needs to be shattered into a bunch of smaller states or not exist at all even at that level

fucking brits are the worst. everything bad that happens to you faggots now is well deserved

non-whites deserve to be put in enclosures and documented for scientific experiments
>are you kidding me retard
>a jew doesn't fund both sides of the war
who is the retarded one here? i see some of that Rockerfeller/Macmillan education at work in your post

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Can't stand free speech? don't come here.
And no, I actually like the brexit. Not only does it weaken the EU, it also stops those "asian" brits from coming to german.
Also my name ain't mohammad, that guy moved to the UK.

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>doesn't like khazar milkers
wtf is wrong with you, Hershel?

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Why am I not surprised that you'd agree with a zionist radical?

literally nothing wrong with manually editing human DNA to improve IQ & other features
however controlled breeding is too slow & retarded for humans
CRISPR & similar methods are much faster & will be much more effective

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You accuse me of being brainwashed by the people that funded who you support? dumbass

enjoy your transhumanism faggot

>BEADY EYED ANGLOS try to pretend they aren't just sea germans

All those NGO Jew ships transporting wood heads to Europe are funded by Soros. Middle-class White people in South Africa can't even afford to go to Europe but shit poor negroids can go. Fuck off.

no milkers in that picture you mega sore ass rex

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I totally approve of this post.

Tell me about the Merkel, why does she destroy the Europe?

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Fuck back off out of here polak

fucking krauts are the worst. everything bad that happens to you faggots now is well deserved

OP is a jew

He's polak migrant

I will manlet, I'll enjoy my immortality while you turn to dust in the wind

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Fuck off numty

yes brainlet. Redpill yourself in layers or you will die from the PTSD this will revelations will bring to you

Go read about IG Farben Industries. Look at the shareholder names carefully. Open another tab. Read about the history of the formation of the Federal Reserve Bank. Who are the alleged founders? After that Google Allan Dulles, what his activities in the US government are and why the fuck he was hanging out with young Hitler. After getting your mind blown. Google the Reichstag incident, who orchestrated it? Then Google how the Jesuits influenced Theodore Herzl into starting Zionism. Research who was shilling Eugenics. Research "How big oil conquered the world" and "Why big oil conquered the world"

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>having free speech
pick one and only one

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>The Franks

So it really is the French who are at fault.

also since you underestimate the greed of the Jew. Research Napoleon and how both sides of the war was funded by the same Jew

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>the british interventions in the german-polish wars of the 1920s
Tell me moar!

Excuse me mister, your shekels are showing

It's the germans,
For letting the jews in
For letting them own property and titles in germany
For letting them change their second names to integrate
For allowing them to take over news orgs. And banks
For not killing every single one of them when they had the chance

>the greed of the Jew
Lets be honest all of you humans are greedy & get drunk on power.
I suspect just as blacks have genetically lower impulse control/IQ
Jews somehow have a genetic trait that makes them less likely to have even a shred of morality

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krauts blown the fuck up. i can't even deny the OP facts. come pick up your spoiled cabbage and fill the vacant desert void of africa. immigration isn't ethnic replacement it's a trade. no one wants the german cuck anymore. always going on violent tirades because of his tiny wieners. literally compensates by making big sausages to eat but doesn't realize how fucking gay. big gay germans elect dyke woman to lead them because they both secretly love huge nigger dicks but won't ever admit it and cuck themselves out of their sexual desires.

>The Germans
Yes for sure the Germans
The people that practice the religion of honer honesty and integrity are the problem.
It's definitely NOT the tribe that practices the religion of slavery, pedophilia, dishonesty, deception, satanic rituals and the worship of Lucifer
You juden haters are stupid.

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PLEASE nuke Northeastern Brazil. The rest of the country would be thankful.