Make babies you pussies

Fuck your excuses and start making kids
>no good women
>I don't have a house
>I'm poor
The (((glibalists))) want you to make excuses like these to keep the birth rate down you stupid fuck
Now get out there and breed you winny bitches!

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I thought it was meant to be 2050.

Civil war will start before 2070

I'm not cattle like the fucking niggers and everytime you pretend like this is a men's issue you just show to me how much of a fucking retarded sheltered mongoloid you are.

You dont solve problems by making babys

Make Spain Ummiyad Again

I never implied it was a men's issue you dumbass, you need to have more kids so you don't get replaced. Do you get that?

You solve low birth rates and replacement you fucking leaf

>Make babies
You autist. You fucking autist. The solution is very simple : stop immigration and send immigrants back to their countries. Whites do not need to make more babies if their country is not invaded by non-whites. You understand? It's just logical you fucking moron

My making white babies is not up to me but up to white women who are so deep in jewish clutches they're a lost cause

I don't know any girls that I'm not related to

So, what, those problems are just in your head or something?

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pretty much this.
you can't rape, and even if you rape it doesn't matter because female has the word in abortion and you don't. and pills are part of the problem aswell not many people realize that.

That's not going to happen anytime soon you retarded meme flag. So this is the next best thing or we're going to be out numbered. Besides we're below replacement level.

These statistical predictions are almost meaningless because they assume that the trajectory remains the same. I remember one article went "by 2100, whites in Europe will be a minority"

> 2100

2100? By 2100 we would likely already have had numerous world wars, technological breakthroughs, virus outbreaks, political revolutions, etc. that to even try to extrapolate that far into the future is nothing short of unreliable.

I wonder (((who))) could benefit from low quality whites being born into broken homes. Only reproduce with women you married and took their virginity. Whites are dominant on quality, not quantity.

>Not wanting to be a fit father to at minimum 3 white sons
>Redpilled and caring about the survival of the white race
Pick one and only one

Attached: DadGoal.jpg (800x481, 71K)

>That's not going to happen anytime soon
No, it will happen, you say it will not happen because you are a jew who wants to see whites peoples disappear. Why do not you want to stop immigration? Dirty kike.

This is going to happen, because whites are going to wake up more and more, whites will be more and more confronted to misdeeds of immigrants and they will be less and less tolerant. Whites are becoming more and more aware that they are becoming a minority. So it will happen, because it must happen. It's required. This must happen because otherwise the whites will disappear. And they will soon become aware of it. The whites will not disappear silently without doing anything.
(Obvioulsy i speak only for Europe, because whites murica are totally fucked up).

>So this is the next best thing
The best thing to do is stop immigration and send the immigrants back to their country! Stupid kike!

Fuck off puritan, we need more children so we don't get replaced by spics.

1066-2066 it was a good run lads

>make kids hurr durr
Oh fucking okay yeah I'll just go jizz into a petri dish wait nine months and have my fucking kids shall I?

Retard. I personally know five other men my age (early/mid 20s) who want to have kids, but every single young woman in this fucking country is obsessed with the career meme and retch at the thought of having kids before 30 or even 35. Some retch at the thought of having kids at all.

This is the direct result of not only feminism, but also boomer women spending decades whining ceaselessly about how haaaaaaard it is to be pregnant, give birth and raise children. Almost every woman in the history of the fucking world did it. The only difference is they were a bunch of pampered entitled bitches like the generations born in the 50s/60s were. Incidentally, the first generation to be given total legal protection from the will of their husbands and a guarantee from daddy government for equal employment rights.

I'm not white...

Why not both
I want to stop immigration too you dumbass. But that's not going to happen under globalist control or if we become the minority. So until shit hits the fan the best thing to do is to breed like rabbits to keep our numbers up so we stay the majority.
Now's not the time for excuses brit, do the best you can and make as many children as you can

>Make babies you pussies

you are a horrible fucking leader, you fucking moron.

Thats what ww3 is for you burger

That's what famine, natural disaster, and war will solve, buddy. The gears are already turning for another societal reset.

>Wants to save the white race
>Doesn't want to be fit
>Doesn't want to be a father
>Doesn't want sons

gee, I wonder why you can't be both.

If you bleach then in 2 generations you end up with a white person. Science is cool

half caste belongs to the white man