Why do Jews and Muslims hate each other so much?
The most antisemitic people I know are Muslim
Why do Jews and Muslims hate each other so much?
The most antisemitic people I know are Muslim
Muslims literally are Semitic...
Anti semitism refers to hatred of Jews
jew= semite
muslim= semite
muslim who dislikes jews = antisemite
wtf how does this make sense, get a new term
anti semitism means "against semites"
jews and muslims alike are semites
Semites are a group of people who speak Semitic languages... Arabs are semites. Muslim religion adherents are still Semitic peoples...
Jews have always been seen as cancer to their Semetic cousins in Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria.
Islam is a divergent religion that managed to keep records on how shit Jews were.
While Jews were pulling the threads of Christianity, they weren't able to stop Islam.
Islamic scripture (for what it's worth) is proof the Jews were conniving cunts back until the 8th century.
They don’t
Clearly you havent met me
I AM the MOST anti-Semitic kind of person out there ;)
I say we let them fight and see who's God is stronger.
Jew hate Christians infinitely more than muslims.
It's just that the arabs are closer to them now and causing problems for them at the moment by occupying thier promised land.
Why are niggers from Africa so anti-nigger of American niggers...? Dumb fuck..
christian = semite
Jews hate everyone.
Muslims hate Jews for the same reason that everyone hates Jews.
fuck off kike
seems like they constantly do the bidding of the jew to me
hand in hand, kiking the whites, together
and whites work for the jews and kike the muslims by killing their children in the middle east. jews want muslims and christians to be busy fighting each other
Jews love Muslims because they are so easily manipulated, which makes them a very useful tool.
The least kike infested nations are muslim countries.
The same reason jews advocate communism at the same time they control the banks, media, and all major corporate industries.
The quran like the bible has subtle verses worshiping jews.
>Jews love Muslims because they are so easily manipulated
Come again burger?
Jews love both Christians and Muslims.
They are spiritually ignorant and the jews can use them.
Note how the media shill both kikianity and pisslam. One of these religions worship a rabbi on a stick. The others a pedo btw.
friendly reminder a huge portion of the west would take muslims over jews any day of the week
We don't hate the Jews. While Christian Europe has always, ALWAYS persecuted Jews and considered them Christ killers and parasties, the only time Jews prospered in history was under Muslim rule in Al-Andalus, Spain. Look up "golden age of Jews". Muslims actually believe that Jews (or Bani Israel) are the chosen people of God. BUT they rejected the messiah jesus and they rejected the final prophet. Even then many Jewish and Muslim beliefs are very similar (circumcision, not eating pork, etc.).
The only reason Muslims are accused of being antisemetic today by the "muh Judeo-Christian" crowd who forget all about Christian persecution of Jews for 3000 years is because antisemetism is equal to being nazi and everyone knows the nazis are the worst thing you can be. So subtly, you are accusing the Muslims of being the worst thing ever, aka nazis. In reality the only reason why Muslims happen to hate Jews now is the existence of the state of Israel which has ethnically cleansed the native Palestinian population since 1940 with American and British support.
Because the first people Mohammed made war with were the Jews. He called them animals.
You know how christians say "what would Jesus do?"
Well mohammedeans say "what would mohammed do?"