Is Trump doing a good or bad job as president?

Is Trump doing a good or bad job as president?

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by every metric Trump has been the best president since Reagan

Hes been a 2 year filibuster when it comes to legislation against the neoliberals, and a mouthpiece for the foundation of proper and modern american nationalism. He's been the best President in a real long time.

He's okay. I like him. Better than many other choices.

Best president ever. Soon Trump will take over the entire world.

He will be the first president to be arrested while in office. Quite the accomplishment

Seeing as he was sent in as a protest vote, he is doing an awful job of draining the swamp.

He tried trickle down economics again. It didn’t work.
Not sure what else he’s actually accomplished.

pretty good

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I didn't vote but I wish I would have voted for Trump. Aside from not giving a single fuck about the environment he's the best president of my lifetime so far.

Hemp is legal lol. If Obama had done that every leftist in the country would have collectively jazzed their pants but since it was Trump they couldn't even enjoy it.

You spell *ever* wrong

>tax cuts
>democraps btfo

What more do you want?

Bad job.

He's done nothing to stop the browning of America, so he can die in a fire.

He is based and Israelpilled

He's done the best an American president could do in times like these, which is to say below satisfactory. I don't understand the shills that are hysterically opposed to him.

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He would do better if the house dems would stop being dicks

He's doing a fantastic job

He's getting replaced. We have better populist options.

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Best damn president we've had in my life time. Probably one of the best in our history as a nation. He's saved my job at AK steel in Ohio, and has given us a great deal of hope and security.


Outside of a massive tax cut to the rich, he has gotten next to nothing done. And he had no excuse since he had both the House and Senate his first two years. With Dems in control of the House, don't expect him to get anything accomplished.

If the economy had done 1/10th as well under the entire Obama administration as it has dune under Trump, the left would claim Obama was the best president in history.

John Bolton and Eliot Abrams are part of his team.

Raegan is the nigger who turned California blue by giving spics citizenship. He's literally one of the worst presidents ever you fucking inbred retard

Go back to T_D you political retard.

He's a REALLY REALLY great president, but the way he's presenting his projects and how devisive he is only helps in divising the states. Almost everyone would have been for a border wall, but only because he said everything that he said, now half the people doesn't want it.

Good brain, bad mouth. But still, I love to see commies rage at him.

>go back to t_d

literally a shill tactic, shut up fucking jew

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It does not matter. Babylon is falling again.

>random discord LARPers prove things
Keep sucking Trump's cock faggot, and while you're at it, suck off his Jewish masters too.

Those tax cuts, which mostly benefited the upper classes, will bite you really hard on you when the economy has another relapse. Even though taxes may have a slight impact on the creation of jobs they contract wealth and, besides that, those who would try to escape from tax paying will do it anyway.

Aside from the fact that a lot of countries will be environmentally affected by the lack of action taken by greedy misanthropes, which will cause greater and greater migrations and that will, in its own turn, be responsable for a chaotic social and political discourse.

With that beind said, enjoy your short time gains. Because they won't last.

Destroying libtards is not the most fundamental thing in politics. Building a better, more informed and freer society is.

>Is Trump doing a good or bad job as president?
Not good, but grrreeeat!

>The resilience continued in January as employers shrugged off both the monthlong shutdown and fears of an economic slowdown to add 304,000 jobs, far more than forecasters had anticipated. The report from the Labor Department marked the 100th consecutive month of job gains, more than double the previous record.

>“This jobs report is showing no evidence of an economy slowing, certainly not falling into recession,” said Michelle Meyer, chief United States economist for Bank of America Merrill Lynch. “It’s still a tight labor market. Employers are still actively looking for jobs, and with wages ticking up, it looks like workers are getting some more bargaining power.”

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Did you know that when you die your bone fragments will reveal that you are a man tranny?

He's the boomer's God Emperor.

Imagine being this afraid of a real populist candidate. Keep chanting "build the artistic steel slats" at Trump rallies, and ignore reality lmao.

If you're not a war mongerer, he still the most "peaceful" president even compared with Obama.

Data mining again, (((CNN)))?

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Ok so reality is letting in millions of shitskins, taking away the white mans only form of protection, and free gibs for niggers and spics? Not to mention she is a street shitting pajeet mutt

he isn't very good at accomplishing anything except the stuff that mcconnell and the koch brothers want too... BUT (1) he's good at STOPPING stuff that he DOESN'T want and (2) no one else will even try
so MAGA TRUMP 2020

Pretty good for Israel

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And Neocons

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Yea stopping us from joining the TPP and all his human trafficking busts make him deserve reelection alone. Anyone that says other wise is a shill.

Jared has actual Koch representatives in meetings relating to immigration now, why Trump is letting Kushner handle immigration dealings IDK, will go as well as his peace deal with the Palestinians did.
tfw Jeb! is actually running the country from beyond the electoral grave.

It almost seems like it. It's Bush No. 3

No, the reality is that Trump is a loser and a liar, and will never do what he promised to do.
Oh but at least Israel remains well funded, the embassy got moved to Jerusalem, and muh tax cuts. The reality is that he's not winning with what he's done. His last and only hope to campaign on is staying in office long enough for Ginsburg to die. Sorry, but that's just not going to cut it.

Amazing. Trump's a kikepuppet and neocon but there's like lot less wars and conflict compared to his predescessor. Really makes you think.

He's a good cunt exposing the deep state. What can't you like about that.

Trump sure is a neo con that is why romney and half the GOP hate him

A wall? Wasn't that why people voted for him?

Am i the only one that thinks there is some sort of alliance between Russia and the Republican elite?