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Was unifying Germany and Italy a mistake?
Jacob Stewart
Connor Collins
Andrew Lopez
Is your President going to expel the 3rd worlders or wtf is going on over there?
I need my vacation spot away from niggers and 3rd worders here.
Eli Russell
Our government will fall within 3 months then we get full fash, atm it's kinda held back by proto-lefty M5s
Lucas Rogers
yes, i want my european colonies back and make the anglo scum weaker
Caleb Phillips
Yes, next question?
Jeremiah White
Unifying the New England colonies was the biggest mistake of all.
Jackson Thomas
Jaxon Rodriguez
I thought the north wanted to secede and hates the South.
Camden Price
This, uniting Germany was a huge mistake, 2 world war destroyed the european hegemony.
Jaxson King
Brayden Cook
Germany is a mistake. We need a final solution to the German problem
Lucas Johnson
Leave us out of this please, the Germans have done nothing but harm the Netherlands.
Lucas Wright
>it's your weekly anti German divide&conquer thread
Sebastian Hughes
to make a Großdeutschland, one must break some eggs
Jacob Green
Wallonia, Alsace-Lorraine, Vaud, Geneva, Neuchâtel, Jura, and Aoste are all rightful French clay.
Asher Cooper
Fuck off bluepilled retard.
Landon Cox
It's beautiful
Jack Lee
And Wallonia is French, even in map, Flanders and Eupen-Malmedy on the other hand are Germanic
Alexander Hall
that's a toast, not a country
Lincoln Jackson
Why only Denmark and not the whole of Scandinavia? Danes are more similar to Swedes and Norwegians than to Germans
Landon Cooper
Border Gore
Mason Brooks
Nolan Baker
idk about that Balkan senpai
Jace Gonzalez
Why stop there, why not the WHOLE of europe?
Cameron Lee
I balkanized the balkans. This is the only way have peaceful balkans
Chase Murphy
peak performance
Ayden King
I mean, that might work, i've always just figured a Ustasha Croatia that controls most of slovenia and Bosnia could (while fueled by Germany) slap around the LARPing Slavs to their South-East.
Daniel Gutierrez
Kys, Italy is as non-country as it gets.
Liam Cook
North secessionists are just wannabes, Italy is one and unified, our grandfathers and great grandfathers died to ensure this.
Alexander Green
Keep spitting on those who fought for your flag you human waste
Michael Peterson
Good thing to know that I'm not the only one that thinks that M5s are spies.
Michael Rivera
yes, regionalism > nationalism
Chase Gray
That was like in the 70s. Do you guys live under a rock or what?
Michael Sanchez
You are probably a Neapolitan cuck.
Levi Lewis
Don’t worry about Germany. The Krauts have already off’d themselves with their ultimate final solution. Took them less than 3 years. For the next two generations they will be busy with internal struggle, dying slowly. After that we will be dealing with a weak and low iq caliphate.
Yes. Small independent statehood is best suited for white people. Flag related.
Jayden Parker
>white people
Aren't you like 40% immigrants up there?
Sebastian Fisher
Went there once, there are niggers with expensive cars too.
Ethan Watson
>white people
Colton Powell
Mostly spaghetti, frog, yugo, and kraut refugees. Nothing against those.
Albas and Merkel’s guests are a big problem tho.
Jackson White
You are absolutely right.
The other two retards are probably dirty terroni from the south
Samuel Davis
Germany becoming unified has only harmed Germanic people. I can only assume it has had negative cultural/linguistic impacts as well. Italy becoming unified led to ceding strategically important land to France, multiple disastrous wars, a government that has caused a complete demographic collapse, etc
Gabriel Scott
Hi Swiss bro.
I'm a pastanigger living 15km from Ticino and very strongly considering moving to a German speaking canton to avoid spaghetti and Ticino niggers.
Curious about how do you rank the refugees living there. Which are worse? Germans, Italians or French?
Charles Rodriguez
But you are probably okay with all the niggers and gypsies, you leftist cuck.
Ayden Rodriguez
Are there any good, blond and blue eyed italian women. I like the language and thought of raising my child bilingual
Liam Cooper
There are, but the possibility of getting one gets lower the further you go South.
Brody Howard
No sorry, I was born and live literally in the heart of the lega nord area, the most consistently right wing place in Italy probably.
Tyler Howard
There are some but not many. Probably your best chances are in South Tyrol, where they speak kraut too.
Adam Reed
And yet you cannot even stop niggers from selling drugs and breaking bottles.
Christian Hernandez
>Neapolitan cuck
This is probably one of the most confusing things I've read on here. Northern Italy has loads of (actual) bugmen, while the terrone don't have a stereotype for being submissive
Kevin Davis
You have a point, but unifying Germany was still a mistake.
Adam Sullivan
Neapolitan have a leftist mayor that called out Salvini for blocking the immigrants. They are the cucks of South Italy, just like Milan is the leftist city of North Italy.
Easton Lee
> Was unifying Germany and Italy a mistake?
The answer is obviously no.
Jonathan Cook
reminder that garibaldi was a freemason
Lucas Allen
>your flag
correction, YOUR flag not mine
Brayden Martin
We speak french, but we aren't french
Adam Ortiz
I just fixed the world, thank me later.
Julian Brown
Hunter Jackson
I think that has more to do with old people only voting for PD, because they think it's still the 60's
He also stayed loyal to the country that gave away his hometown to France. Quite pathetic tbhfam
Evan Price
My map is better
Brayden Murphy
dirty walloon
Mason Bell
>Two Roman Empires
>Antarctica is Claimed
Based & Redpilled
Adam Perry
PD is still kinda leftist in it's views and all. So that does not excuse them. Look at Sicily for example, you can call them anything but they cannot stand anything resembling the Left.
Tyler Smith
>Loss of our western lands
>No compensation with the eastern lands
Big yikes
Either Poland with Gdańsk and Wrocław, or with Lwów and Wilno, can't take everything from us.
Jeremiah Adams
>t.flemish nigger
Gabriel Carter
based and redpilled
i will never die for dutchfags in the randstad
Luke Perry
Grayson Jackson
Most Italians are economically left-wing though, at least in terms of favoring workers over employers. I have a friend that lives in Palermo, the mayor there is a leftist who gladly accepts BBC imports too.
Angel Morgan
see Poland got Zaolzie
Jaxson Jones
Fuck me I meant
Isaiah Diaz
I'd say being divided wasn't great for the krauts either, considering they got fucking raped and lost 30% of their population in the 30 years war because the HRE was dysfunctional and couldn't stop the frenchies
Connor Young
Economically because we are tired of politicans being the most paid in all of Europe while a worker is paid nothing. Go ask the Sicilians about their opinions on immigrants, they will all tell you that they don't want them here and should be either move in other European countries or just fuck off. We are not racist, but we are not stupid either.
Brandon Smith
Carpathian Basin should be one country
Mason Fisher
France is part of the reason why germany unified. You have fault as well
Xavier Walker
theres a big difference between being left wing and favoring workers over employers. Most Italians are religiously Catholic and historical catholic social teachings would lean to protecting the family and the worker over big businesses, while at the same time protecting private property as a fundamental right.
Jaxon Garcia
This guy gets it.
Adrian Collins
germany got ripped off BADLY in the partitioning of africa
Aaron Gomez
>Go ask the Sicilians about their opinions on immigrants, they will all tell you that they don't want them here and should be either move in other European countries or just fuck off
The majority of Italians are like that though, not just Sicilians. I'm just saying that old people are going to vote for the most pro-worker party, even if they're no longer like that
>We are not racist
Maybe not most of you, but there's plenty that are. I don't think it's a bad thing anyways, too many of your normies are brainwashed by American propaganda.
>Most Italians are religiously Catholic
Generally speaking, only the older people actually are. The rest are just fiercely proud of their history.
>historical catholic social teachings would lean to protecting the family and the worker over big businesses, while at the same time protecting private property as a fundamental right.
Which is why so many of the older people still vote PD
Lincoln Taylor
>The majority of Italians are like that though
Only recently, and that's because they were tired of the previous government which was leftist. North Italy used to be a bastion of communism. And you are more likely to find radicals leftist in Northern Italy than in Southern Italy. We are actually xenophobic, we just hate anyone that isn't from here regardless of race.
Dylan Ramirez
Please stop, my dick can only get so hard
Robert Gray
why do you mutts fap to cuckmany so much? could it be that you're a fake nation?
Jose Ortiz
Jordan King
Juan Smith
Julian Miller
>they were tired of the previous government
I think everyone was tired of it, even the leftists.
>North Italy used to be a bastion of communism
Oh I know that, especially in Emilia-Romagna.
>We are actually xenophobic, we just hate anyone that isn't from here regardless of race.
I would agree with this, to an extent. Italians at a personal level have always been nice or tolerated me.
Easton Moore
We are just not a population that hates. Those were the famous words of Messi, the only good Italian general we had in WW2 and answered to why we did not fought well.
Michael Thomas
lol at that balkan
Daniel Allen
Germans from Baden-Württemberg are okay. Northern Italians are very good.
French and Preussia-Krauts are terrible.
Nathan Butler
Not to forget that Italy had a huge diaspora in america and italians had a very good opinion about the americans.
Ethan Lee
Cool, good to know, thanks.
I was looking into learning Swiss German but it seems like a huge pain in the ass. I know of a Swiss guy from canton of Graubünden who is both an Italian and native German speaker, who sometimes during meeting has to explicitely ask his coworkers to speak in standard German. WTF
Just wondering if it is done on purpose to scare and keep foreign niggers away.
Easton Adams
This whole united Ireland thing is such a fucking stupid meme. Acting like they are even a distinct ethnicity at this point is retarded, and Irish culture? They are just another commonwealth country, same pubs, same language, same TV shows, same everything pretty much.
This whole map is based on an idea of fascist or at least a right wing revival. Do you honestly think Ireland would remain independent in such a scenario, even with our military today we could take Ireland in a week and replace their population in a few years.
Fuck Ireland off for good, that's the proper map redpill
Jackson Collins
The Celts were weak, they fell to the Romans and Germanics, just pretend they never existed and we'll have a better more united North Western Europe
Daniel Jackson
Yes to both. Germany is an anti-european virus and has been working tirelessly to fuck europe up since it was formed
Italy went from based maritime republics who conquered many lands and were rich to a weak, poor shithole no one cares about
Levi Sanders
No, the mistake was joining the allies and not the central powers in ww1.
Also Britain is a mistake. Every problem from commies, the third world be extra fucked, and isteal are all their fault.