5. Mexico - fairly obvious. low iq leeches, peasant culture, love decapitating whites and each other
4. Ireland - shit accent, shit weather, perpetually cucked by england
3. Japan - cesspool of degeneracy, invented anime, sound like they have a mouth full of marbles when they talk. apologized to us for making us nuke them twice lmao
2. Canada/Australia - both not real countries. no culture to speak of, both claim to hate America while trying so hard to emulate us
1. UK - Orwellian police state, ugly women, shit food, shit weather, the populace is completely okay with allowing their women and children to be raped and murdered by muds, love the fact they’re not allowed to own guns, love their hate speech laws, basically everything their government does to oppress them makes them love it even more, it’s like a nation wide case of Stockholm syndrome. Said to watch unfold in real-time tbqhfam but they do it to themselves
I could throw darts at a map of africa and it would beat your list every day for 10,000 years
Hudson Nguyen
>american that hates japan impressive, very rare aswell, youre absolutely right too
Jonathan Long
>japan invented anime Only because of you
Camden Wilson
Russia - I like self hating Russians but this country probably won't exist in 10-15 years if everything goes well UK - Rural areas are uncucked generally and the country side is fine but Londonistan is done for Serbia - serbian posters should be shot on sight Congo - niggers South sudan - also niggers
Well then you’re a huge faggot. You can’t judge any country you haven’t been to Japan is a much better country than the US and any non retard who has been there will agree
The worst countries are all in the Middle East/ Africa. Mexico is the only one on this list that could be considered and it’s not even close to top 5 worst in the world.
Luke Myers
Zimbabwe South Africa North Korea Venezuela Somaila
Austin Price
Ireland is in the process of cucking the UK out of BREXIT at the moment based simply on sharing a land-border, giving the Bongs the finger and refusing to comply with any of their bullshit.
Bentley Diaz
>Not including Chinks in the list You know, the primary economic war America is currently fighting
Lincoln Harris
Hi guys. I heard there are some IT job openings in your country
Nathaniel Bennett
Ok I should’ve said no African countries and no Israel
Alexander Gomez
The UK is a third world country much like France.
Jace Gutierrez
KYS yellow fever fag
Hudson Gutierrez
5. Ex-Soviet Republics 4. California 3. Turkey 2. Sweden 1. Any country with Green in their Flag.
Luis Clark
I simply cannot hate UK, Spain, Netherlands, France, Italy or Russia. Because they were once great empires. So I'll go with 5 randomly countries from middle and south America.
Evan Howard
Well then.
Connor Moore
You’re just some dirt poor faggot who has prolly never left the US and thinks he knows anything about the world. Japan is hands down a better country than the US. No crime , clean , efficient and all good people. If it were a white country it would be the best place to live hands down. Litterally kill yourself for spouting this bullshit and never having been outside the US.
Nicholas Anderson
>somalia cuz of somalians >america cuz of americans >china cuz of chinks >france cuz they're fucking retarded >germany cuz they're fucking retarded
Aiden Anderson
>2. Canada/Australia - both not real countries. no culture to speak of, >burgerposting in the fields
Oliver Brooks
1. The United States That's the only country I hate oh and israel
Aiden Ward
I’ve been outside the US and that’s completely irrelevant. japan is a shithole and all Asians are roaches
Grayson Morris
The UK, Sweden, Germany all are equally as bad France and Norway are close behind with their cuckery
r*ssia - the only reason why I can't accept the white supremacism india - 1.2 bllion of ugly shitskins pakistan+afghanistan - same reason but less numerous china - soulless subhumans
Samuel Allen
Really where u been retard Canada? If u actually travelled you wouldn’t have not been to any of the countries on your faggy little list. I’ve been all over the world and if u ever make it to Japan you will probably instantly knock yourself when you return to America for having spewd this bullshit
Chase Richardson
Spain Italy Greece France Portugal The pigsf Pay denbts
Levi Thompson
Is not real country though.
John Sanchez
>r*ssia - the only reason why I can't accept the white supremacism kek
>not israel Kindly fuck off and wait your turn in the oven
Juan Myers
with out buzz words or conjecture tell me why you dislike israel
Austin Nguyen
I honestly don't hate any nation save perhaps Isreal.
Some are a bit sad in how far they have fallen. France and UK come to mind.
The US is the source of a huge amount of the problems, but I don't think actual 'Americans' are the issue. They've done some bad in killing off local cultures and homogenizing everything... but the US has also introduced, through it's industry, so many innovations that have lifted people out of poverty and misery... it doesn't get credit for this. People are much better off today than in the past, and US industry is overwhelmingly responsible for this.
Ryan Walker
>ITT OP lists the countries that bully him the most
Anthony Perry
The following has no objective criteria. Purely personal.
Belgium - A non-country responsible for some of the greatest horrors in world history, e.g. WW1, The Congo. Belgium stands as an enduring symbol for the European elites disdain for and rejection of nations' rights of self sovereignty in favor of autistic landed aristocracy doing whatever they want here and abroad. The royal family should be slaughtered and the country should be split between the Netherlands, Germany, and France.
UK - Oi you got a license for complaining about your daughter being raped?
Nigeria - Standard shithole African country, but without any of the typical charm and also super overpopulated
Mexico - Mexico was never properly christianized. The culture is so historically steeped in turbo-violence and corruption, I don't think they could stop being like they are even if they all wanted to. Good food though.
Alright: - Control of international finance, and the application of banking to enslave people with debt - Control of the vast majority of industry and businesses, the biggest exploiters of people -- even the vast majority of industrial era factories with child labor were Jewish owned - Control of media and propaganda services, disillusioning and reprogramming people to make them subservient - Control of theatres and movie industry, pushing homosexuality, transgenderism, atheism, hedonism, and various other forms of decadence - Their own books and leaders preach that goyim exist as nothing more than cattle for them - Killed Jesus twice The list goes on.
>this country probably won't exist in 10-15 years if everything goes well What about nukes? if the country falls apart, who will get these weapons?
Jonathan Sullivan
Uh oh! I said no conjecture! You tried at least!
Carson Gutierrez
america for spreading pure societal cancer israel for spreading it to america germany for being autistic world ruiners whenever they get the itch to rule the world, now with the EU China for polluting the world at a rate that is absurd Saudi arabia for funding terror all over the globe
Matthew King
>summarize your beliefs without summarizing your beliefs Would you like me to write a book in Jow Forums instead with all sources?
Isaac Young
Thomas Morris
Wait, this isn't possible a Hitler paiting, r-right?
Ethan Ross
Fucking weebs
Kevin Gonzalez
USA Israel UK Sweden Somalia
Aiden Price
No you don't need to. I know there are statements that you made in your last post that are either outright untrue, and at the very least not possible for you to prove. So you dislike israel mostly because of Jow Forums brainwashing and conspiracy theories. I already knew that before I asked for you to explain, now its clear for everyone else to see that your opinion belongs in the trash
Jackson White
5. USA - mexicans 4. USA - Obesity 3. USA - dumb people 2. USA - Niggers 1. USA - Jews/jewish colony
Jonathan Reyes
Logan Wood
>japan is a better country Not to raise a family, but a beautiful country sure
Aiden James
Right. I just don't know what to consider as evidence or proof.
Samuel Reed
Everything bad in America is a psy-war operation concocted in London, specifically Tavistock and MI6.
Parker Perry
I think rural towns have high birth rates, they're more conservative too. Also homogeneous, safe, and almost 60% forested. Extremely comfy place like iceland, but for azns.
Alexander Reyes
5. Washington DC (private city-state) 4. Vatican (private city-state) 3. Switzerland (its elites not its sheeple) 2 City of London (private city state) 1. Israel (frontier state for ZOG)
Dylan Rivera
>claim to hate America while trying so hard to emulate us
your highest paid, most listened to music for the past 50 years have been Canadian and Australian artists. Justin Bieber AC/DC
keep listening to us...fuck more people watch Trailer Park Boys than listen to Taylor swift
Typical retarded american answer. I guarantee you're too poor to travel abroad and too dumb to get a passport.
Traveling is the antidote to ignorance. Also, your kind really aren't welcome anywhere in the world and you'd never survive in Mexico, since I'm sure you only know one language. Mexico City, Guadalajara, Puerto Vallarta. All nice.
David Gonzalez
1. France- 2. England 3. Spain 4. Italy 5. Greece
all five got us to this place of selfishness by stealing, killing, and destroying humanity at any cost. they are the devil workmen
Isaiah Reyes
That's one of the most based shows in the world Kim
James Cooper
Your not American if you turn your back on your anglo brothers
1. Israel: Kike Reich that is a leech on every Western country, while making the world a shittier place for those that want to just live in peace.
2. Japan: Advanced stage of what a world driven by tech and no social development looks like. Honestly, Japan is Autism: The Country. Their men are weak and their women are race traitors. They also indulge in a lot of pedophilia and rape fantasies, which alone merit another nuclear attack.
3. Poland: Nothing of value but a bunch of retards that think they're good, despite having done nothing to advance humanity.
4. The entirety of Central and South America: I know it's not a country, but that entire region is irrelevant and the fact that we are taking in more and more of them makes me almost violently angry. Fuck those countries and fuck their cultures.
5. Saudi Arabia: Kill it! Kill it before it lays eggs. I would honestly place most of what's wrong with Islam at their feet. They literally finance the global jihad.
Dishonorable mentions: China: Insectoid race of expansionists that must be stopped. North Korea: No reason they should even exist. Philippines: I just find them disgusting to look at and talk to.
Pretty much every country who lost self respect and mass imported niggers/refugees
Germany Sweden Belgium UK
Feel sorry for citizens
Hunter Lopez
Haiti (huehue) Liberia Cuba Venezuela India
Luis Scott
Lenin was a Jew. His wife was, and his children spoke Hebrew. Kaganovich was a Jew. Kerensku was a Jew. Litvinov was a Jew. Molotov's wife, Paulina was a Jewess.
1. Israel - self explanatory 2. China - the mongloid version of jews 3. India - won't stop shitting everywhere 4. Africa - fuck you i'll name a continent if I want 5. Turkey - gay
Jason Lopez
Can I honestly get a citation on that one?
Jeremiah Brooks
5. China: Main threat to US hegemony, needs to fuck off out of our politics. Far too many of our West Coast government representatives are in their pockets and it's so obvious but nobody will do anything about it.
4. India: Stop sending your shitty workers over here to steal jobs and write shit code that someone else has to fix.
3. Germany: This country is everything wrong with Europe for all of history. Causes all major wars and all major social policy misfires start here resulting in the rest of Europe dealing with the fallout. I honestly believe Europe would be better off without a unified German state existing if only to limit their influence on the rest of the continent.
2. Canada: Thinks it has far more clout on the global stage than it really does resulting in several rofl worthy foot in mouth situations. You are America's hair but fucked up by communist lice. Desperately needs to be cleaned up, even if it means complete collapse + annexation by the U.S.
1. UK: How far the mighty have fallen. Reduced to 1/20th of its former empire and still dealing with secessionist movements. Police state that encourages immigrants to rape their native population economically and socially. I imagine living in this country must come pretty close to hell on earth but colder and wetter.
Justin Butler
England, France, Spain (and Portugal) did more to spread European genetics than the rest of Europe combined. There is nothing wrong with killing and conquest, especially if it is to claim new land and increase populations. It is, in fact, the nature of all life.
100% agreed, we need to annex Canada, I don't want 200 million Somalians living above us
Eli White
>Southeast Asia, including China and India gone To many fucking people start over. >Middle East including any region just outside of it that has Muslims. With south East Asia taken out and the middle East, no more Muslim majority nation's (except for Africa but I will get to that) left. >South and Latin America gone except for Chile and and Columbia. Columbia will be used to manufacture medicine and will be kept for sexy jungle tourism. Chile actually holds a modern civilization so they get to stay around. The rest of Latin America and South America is trash and will be turned back into a nature reserve. Argentina will be decimated but the whites living there will allowed to start over. >Africa All people killed and white powers partition the land for resources. (Finally on to the menaces of Europe) >All land formally controlled by the Soviet Union is annexed by western powers and all communist and leftists killed. Once this is done western powers can focus on ridding it's populace of niggers. Basically all inferior civilizations are extinguished. Some shitty nations will be left but countries like Greece, the parts of the Balkans not Muslim, and the Caribbean, will get the bigger picture.
I had only Ford in the images, but I take it these writings were just not the type you accept as valid claims. I also take it the Protocols aren't valid either?
US- Gave us degenerate rap, twerking etc etc. Started most modern wars. American diet of processed food spread around the world causing obesity. ZOG. Obama. niggerball. Uses weird system of measurement while the rest of the world laughs at it. And sooooo much more.