And it's beautiful. We are going to see lots of roasties hang themselves from being childless due to society screwing over men.
Let them abort their whole babies, because soon their motherly instinct will kick in:
And it's beautiful. We are going to see lots of roasties hang themselves from being childless due to society screwing over men.
Let them abort their whole babies, because soon their motherly instinct will kick in:
Other urls found in this thread:
>10 years
I like watching penguins slapping each other.
Is there something wrong with me?
No, thats actually quite entertaining.
40 year Olds are still hot.
Face it. They won.
>We are going to see lots of roasties hang themselves from being childless for screwing over men.
they are already toasting, loads of single women in their 30s in my city
it’s a big government city (who employs a lot of women) with two universities (60%+ female) so the ratios are skewed to be female heavy especially past age 25
40 year olds who took care of themselves (diet and exercise) throughout their 20's and 30's that is.
More like 3 years.
These roasties are losing their minds because they want to be woman but also want to control everything like the whores they are... Maybe I should sell prefashinoned nooses in the next few years to help them out?
I saw some bitch on fox news or CNN the other day talking about the 60%+ percentages of females to males in university and her entire reasoning to get more men to go to college was so that these women have someone to marry. That was her entire reasoning behind why more men need to go to college despite the fact that female only scholarships and government incentives to enroll more females than males exist.
God I love these.
Fucking can't wait.
I know own 40 is peak loneliness and is the largest demographic on faceberg which is why their suicide is assured by then. A whole generation.
Lol roasties will all be miserable aging hags, and I will be peaking in my career, free from the burden of some nagging cunt leech, with maximum money, investments and savings to do whatever I want with.
I think it's already starting, they are getting angrier and angrier.
I turned down a girl I knew from school she was pretty and everything but I had a younger piece and she was cooler than her, after I turned her down she started adding every female friend I have trying to "See what she was like", I asked her not to contact me again and she then went on a tirade to my family my friends and even people I work with.
>Apparently I didn't have a choice in the matter
>She would go on to accuse me of leading her on 3 months after I blocked her
>It was scary desu, she just snapped and never came back
Women arent designed to be the seekers so they really arent designed for rejection. Bitches go bananas.
user, why did you post your face?
And that's why I always ignore women or treat them like shit
Lmao nice try kike, first of all they are already not of breeding age so why are you licking their asses kike?
Maybe the younger generation z women can watch and learn what not to do
Forget the millenial roasties and go for a zoomer qti instead.
Ha ha ha yeah, fuck these childless white roasties, amiright, fellow Jow Forumsacks?
Not naming it..
>soccer player gets an injury
>something something jews
men suiciding will still be 10x the number, you 4chincel
Are penguins the cats of birds?
future angry lesbians
>getting (((married)))
The like reappears
user, why did you post your face?
Yeah, don’t have white children, goy! Whites women are just roasties
Go ahead, go enjoy your Downie white baby
This is actually true. All that will happen with single women is that they will turn up the bitching to 11, and expect the government and/or society to fix their loneliness/lack of male attention, and naturally the media outlets and government will be sympathetic to them because they are a group part of the progressive stack.
Cheap wine and cat food stocks will be going up faster than Apple in the 2000's.
Who cares. All the men will be dating zoomed women.
Sorry millenial roasties, it's over.
Rejection breeds obsession
Dont be such an asshole next time doofus.
solid investment advice
In 20 years we should start businesses that specialize in removing their bodies from their apartments after they commit suicide. They'll likely be half-eaten by their cats before their found though.
Anyway we can sell suicide aiding items to these roasts?
These already exist in Japan and they charge 4k USD worth for a single cleanup
No, only the successful men will. Most unmarried male millenials will probably settle for the 30+ millenial women or retreat further into porn/video games.
Nah, women these days are all about dogs, noisy shit-eating purse rats.
Then the divorce laws will keep getting worse until that is no longer feasible for even the most cucked male
>Turn someone down for a date
>They start spamming all my friends
>Ask them not to contact me again.
>Hurrr dont be an asshole
Is this female logic?
> settle for the 30+ millenial women or retreat further into porn/video games.
You say the latter like its a bad thing. Least with the latter my money goes to something rewarding.
user thats a horrible comparison. Dogs are noble beasts and the chicken is a motherly creature by nature. But a white roastie is a vicious goblin raising evil niggers.
Post more.
I know user. Check the video out, look at all these penguins that resort to kidnapping, meanwhile 'human' women fight to abort full babies. All I am saying is that the motherly instinct is there, it will manifest, and women will turn miserable and they will hang themselves.
Fair enough. And I know about penquins. Younger autistic me loved them to death. Happy Feet didnt help things.
>Fuck I was a tard...
It was never about “will women be hot in their 40s”, it was always “how will women cope with the sudden realization that they’re infertile and can no longer fulfill their biological purpose in their 40s”.
There will always be a Chad for every Stacy that maintained herself into her middle age. There will always be a white knight beta cuck for every single mom that begs her way into financial stability. There will always be a man who went his own way for every degenerate who rode the carousel into ruin and disillusionment.
It’s up to you, generic user reading this, to uphold the values you know to be true and to find and breed with a partner who shares the same core beliefs.
Hello fellow Ottawa fag
Daily reminder that any half decent looking woman can get married and reproduce at any point she chooses, regardless of her past, and live the rest of their lives with 0 consequences for their behavior.
>being this fucking stupid
>the risk of kids having major issues rises sharply after 35
>autism, deformities, disability means the chance of those kids having kids of their own is close to 0
A genetic dead end is still a genetic dead end.
That's not my point you dimwit. My point it she can fuck around until 30 and then just take her pick from the basket of orbiters every woman has. And that's something an average man can't do. Only absolutely retarded women allow their eggs to rot away completely.
It's not going to take 10 years. They will probably start sooner like 3-5. Shit like the red pill,mgtow, are spreading like wild fire. All these ideology advocate for not dating anyone over 25, they are more or less on track to out pase male suicide. Feels very bitter sweet man, this is the future women wanted,the future they spent the last 30 years shitting on men for,a future where millions of women will kill themselves,because they were to stupid to understand the long term consequences of their actions.
this is why they vote to import shitskins to care for
it will only get worse
Lmao if you allow this to happen then the entire white race will degenerate into numale and beta cucks with possible down syndrome... Unless you support cuckoldrey... So the women will fuck Chad then use beta bucks to support the child.
Once the woman surpasses 40+ age and can't have children anymore they will cry and rage a family is more important than having just a
Yes I agree very entertaining.
>ad hominem
Your argument is that weak..
Good men want debt free virgins with no tattoos.
No good man will take a 30 year old roastie with miles upon miles of dick through her.
They will simply take a younger one, that hasn't been tainted by feminist propaganda.
The women you describe are genetic fucking dead ends who will suicide because noone wants them, or the one kid they manage to bring into this world will be a disabled mongoloid autist, who will need to be babysat for its entire life, and that's even more miserable than not having kids at all.
Cupido no te entiendo, alardeas de ejemplo
De juntar corazones, un experto en conexión
Te fallaron las flechas
Y de tantas violetas que por ti he regalado
En mi jardín no hay ni una flor
Pues dile al amor que no toque mi puerta
Que yo no estoy en casa
Que no vuelva mañana
A mi corazón ya le ha fallado en ocasiones
Me fui de vacaciones
Lejos de los amores
Dile al amor que no es grato en mi vida
Dale mi despedida, cuéntale las razones
Cupido no entiendo si la suerte me odia
Y me ha dado de herencia la fortuna del desamor
Y te pido disculpas, pero no aciertas una
Mis febreros son largos aunque no sea tu intención
Pues dile al amor que no toque mi puerta
Que yo no estoy en casa
Que no vuelva mañana
A mi corazón ya le ha fallado en ocasiones
Me fui de vacaciones
Lejos de los amores
Dile al amor que no es grato en mi vida
Dale mi despedida, cuéntale las razones
No quiero fechas en mi calendario
Ni citas en mi horario si se trata de amor
No me interesa oir más canciones
No quiero ver flores
Si se trata de amor
Tengo a dieta los sentimientos
Evitando momentos de desilusión
Dile al amor que no toque mi puerta
Que yo no estoy en casa que no vuelva mañana
A mi corazón ya le ha fallado en ocasiones
Me fui de vacaciones lejos de los amores
Dile al amor que no es grato en mi vida
Dale mi despedida, cuéntale las razones
I don't need no love in my life
I don't need no love in my life
I don't need no love in my life
I don't need no love
>So the women will fuck Chad then use beta bucks to support the child.
Women have been doing this since the dawn of time. Fuck Chads, settle for a provider when you lose sexual market value. That's their entire gameplan and they can get away with it very easily. And plenty of cucks will marry these women happily.
No, you're actually a dimwit that completely missed my point and went on a tirade. Plenty of men marry these 'reformed' skanks, as a matter of fact, most men do because nearly all women today are like that. They have no choice, it's either that or die alone.
I love the getaway
this some kind of joke?
only in the rarest cases does a roast have trouble finding a betabux, and you betabux should really stop pretending otherwise
worst case scenario the even settle for memeflaggot streetshitters like you lmfao
not these alcoholics lol
>The average man cant do
The average man can lift weights and make money, we don't actually have to settle for anything if we have the drive to go further beyond.
I'm plain as fuck had my luck in high school and college, dipped out of the scene for a while to focus and in that time I also picked up some weights.
>I'm now dating my third college girl.
>If you can still call dating dating I guess, it's mostly sitting about a computer with these brainlettes
yeah but in the past they only got away with it because the man DIDNT KNOW.
You really think that shit flies today when you can order a DNA test online to be delivered to your house?
The age of unwilling cuckoldry is OVER... and willing cuckoldry genes never get passed down.
You stupid fuck, atre yourself too fucking inadequate to realise that the entire rules of the game have changed, and now men are not willing to become those beta providers like the women expected them to become.
You are so fucking retarded that you must be a roastie, in which case, show timestamped tits, or get the fuck out of here, you idiotic undeveloped imbecilic twat.
Fuck you, and your failed genetics.
An average man can't make above average money. An average looking man can't look above average.
>I'm plain as fuck had my luck in high school and college, dipped out of the scene for a while to focus
This is exactly what a roastie would say and you're just a male version of them it seems. You're literally the male version of a female career oriented woman who goes to the gym.
You're stupid. See you utter moron.
Dumb women alert. Alert, dumb women
jews created them
they are perfect consumers
such women will be milked like cows before their death
part of profit will be invested to breed with new generation of young women
society will cure itself, market forces are unstoppable
Really, that's the best you could come up with, you walking abortion?
When you were born, you were so fugly, the doctor slapped your goddamn mother.
Go kill yourself, you waste of fucking oxygen. Noone likes you and never will.
Fuck you, you rotten piece of shit.
Only a shit for brains would claim that roasties have trouble finding betabux when they get near the wall. Also, I bet you weigh over 300 lbs. If you have female friends, and I doubt you do, go ask them how many men are currently messaging them on their social media.
sex dolls. The women are too awful to be around
>Cant cant cant
Yes, we can.
We have always been able too, our potential is limitless.
You wouldn't understand. you couldn't understand if you spent your whole life trying really, so don't bother trying to give advice.
Show tits, or get the fuck out of here, you genetic dead end.
You argue just like a woman would.
Social media is dead, just like you should be.
Now say what you wrote in your 2 replies to me in a female voice and there's a nice roastie.
wuZ gud my niggas
cuckmales will breed with roasties
they will create new generation of proles
nothing new
cuckmales don't even breed half the time
they will marry used up widows with children
Depending on the definition of Millennial, the oldest ones turn 40 next year.
Why don't you want autistic furry children that masturbate all day and hate you like a rebellious teenager well into their 30's?
Look at the state of you, look at how desperate you are to fit in. look at how desperate you are to drag others down.
You will. never. understand.
They are PISSED about sex dolls on twitter. Now we can have all the curves without the big mouth attitude. They can feel their powers slipping away.
I just hit on a mid 40s broad in the bar yesterday. I waited for these two guys sitting on the other side of her to start chatting her up and buy her a shot. Then I swooped in and cleaned up. These guys were her age and I'm easily 10 year younger than them. They never stood a chance. Women in their 40s mostly like younger men.
Again, just what a 22 year old roastie with a women's studies degrees would say.
Who is? 10 chicks on Twitter? The average woman has never heard of a sex doll.
woman brain detected
>Reeee it's what a woman would say
No it isn't it was far too articulate and I didn't use the word literally.
Here is what a college girl would say, You are a thot get back to your literal thot box and try not to trip on a used condom and sit the fuck down.
nah, you were just a better prospect than them. >bought her a drink
This is were they fucked up.
Women like older men when they are 18-26, after that they prefer men their own age for the rest of their life.
No they'll try to overdose on sleeping pills or something and end up getting their stomach pumped when they call 911 whilst sobbing hysterically.
I wonder how much artificial inseminate and artificial wombs will affect the future. Imagine the sexes just split entirely. Women split off and make sex demons for the left handed people and men make the space age to escape.
Obligatory "Actually 40 year old women can't keep the Chads off of them! The average 40 year old lady probably turns down 5 marriage proposals a DAY from 6'0+ millionaire big dick chads!"
we dont win unless the roasties kill themselves more than men
Not gonna lie I'm smiling as I read this. I'm going to enjoy it
looool woman inversion and shame technique. Confirmed woman poster.
Its already been imagined.
Read Brave New World.
Brave New world is essentially a blueprint of what is to come of this capitalist "democracy" society.
Since population doesnt substain itself, and this society requires slaves to function, they will start to produce people through artificial means.
They just need the technology to advance to that point.
goyim has youtube now. Goyim know too much.
Women: our greatest enemy