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How based can one get :^)
Hunter Diaz
Nicholas Bailey
Imagine being such a nigger you get kicked out of Ireland for bad behavior.
Robert Cruz
>don't you have a famine to go die in?
Ironic considering the state of South Africa and how those nigs are about to be bbqing rats soon.
Justin Smith
No heart or soul.
Learn about Ned kelly you weak statist pig.
Learn about ira and Bloody Sunday.
You fucking pig dog. No love. Nothing to you.
Azeelia is weak spirit mouth of the 212.
WATCH the film clip. You will see what she means.
Ian Kelly
Fuck the Irish. Potatoe eating Irish niggers
Xavier Wilson
I'm not even Irish, but niggers literally have absolutely no leg to stand on to talk down to an entire group of people. Niggers are, as a whole, the absolute lowest tier of society.
Henry Miller
how many potatoes does it take to kill an Irishman?
Brody Ramirez
Aiden Lopez
Nolan Campbell
At the end of the day you've got to love her for spreading more ethnic hate.
Leo Bell
>one famine years ago
>africa in constant state of famine for 1000s of years
Joshua Hughes
at least she got something right
Ireland and Argentina is ours
Jack Cruz
The only list as extensive as this involving black people is criminal in nature.
Isaiah King
yea, but those are humans we are talking about
Aaron Hill
>yall a buncha trickass leppakhanz!
Christopher Butler
Who is this Sheboon, and why should I care?
Asher Green
Xavier Cruz
Go back to Africa and die of starvation, you fucking nigger.
Charles Reed
>nigger mocking people about famine
o im laffin
Lincoln Taylor
I used to want to bang this sheboon until she got those ridiculous bolt ons.
Alexander Morales
She's an honorary Anglo.
Parker Flores
Adrian Martinez
>intelligent black woman
>obviously race woke
>makes awesome music
>endorsed Trump before Kanye
>absolute madwoman not afraid of anything
What’s not to love?
John Thomas
Oh and I forgot
>hot as fuck
Eli Moore
All of Sub Saharan Africa*
Mason Cox
She's a troll. You can be sure she doesn't give a fuck about Ireland or its people.
Adrian Morales
Azealia Banks may be a retard, but even a broken clock is right twice a day.
Her opinion of the Irish is completely accurate.
Brayden Cox
Funniest woman I've seen in years, can we get her a show or something?
Juan King
she could be talking about Africa and niggers lmao. the dumb bitch would be shocked to find out there are roughly 100 millions Irish diaspora, she probably sees and talks to them everyday.
Ayden Green
This. Can’t blame niggers for being niggers.
You can blame Irish for being potato niggers though.
Gavin Carter
Comment ignored.
Ian Johnson
>Azealia """Banks"""
Bentley Collins
she's a fucking saint. We must protect her
David Fisher
Lincoln Miller
It takes her three tweets to "attempt" to trigger the Irish, meanwhile it takes me 6 letters to make her go nuts
Jaxon Flores
Kettle calling the pot black
Wyatt Foster
sauce? Must get that book
Nolan Reyes
As if anyone should be shocked. You'd be surprised how nazi black women are. They don't trust jews. They don't trust mexicans. They attack "outlier" whites just like Anglos. They also worship Scandinavian men.
Carson Cooper
Is she allowed in the ethnostate zoo?
Levi Davis
>t. Conor Mctapout
Mason Fisher
keep your monkeys to yourself, mutts.
Jaxon Russell
micks eternally btfo kek
how can one nigger be so based
Ethan Butler
Does any of this make sense tho? Berating Irish heritage for their potato famine doesn't add up when she herself hails from a continent that has been in a state of perpetual famine since forever.
Dylan Martinez
some quality banter desu
Jordan Torres
Why does Jow Forums hate Irish people? What did they do to you?
Liam Adams
I fucking love it.
How many dumb white basic bitch thots have paid into her concerts and bought her music?
I would bet whenever this sheboon plays a concert 90% of the audience is white.
I hope they start waking up to the fact that even though you give niggers money and support their easy lifestyle they will still hate you for being white.
Might turn a few zoomers off the jew promoted nigger music
David Hall
We may have had an island for the defective paddys, but the nigger scourge consumed an entire continent and even that could not contain it.
Jaxon Hughes
Niggers will always be scum of the earth :^)
Carter Wilson
Cardi B is still the worst. Fucking ghetto rat.
Gabriel Edwards
give translation for pic
Benjamin Turner
Are you trying to decipher the actions of a race with an IQ slightly above mentally retarded? Nigs going to nig.
Carter Clark
The Irish at least give us cute redheads. Niggers just give us crime and poverty.
Oliver Brooks
No ban of course. Change irish to african and immediate ban.
Jacob Evans
Ids bredy obious wud ids habbening