Why aren't you making kids user?

Why aren't you making kids user?

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wife just told me she’s pregnant with our third.
Im so blessed

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God bless and good job
Be sure to shoot for more

>no job
>no gf
It's not that easy ok

Why are you making this thread again, user?
Can't make kids if you can't find a woman that wants them

Because I'm 44 and wouldn't want to put a kid through telling everyone I'm not his/her grandfather at school events. Bonus that my girlfriend loves swallowing my loads.

Yea just have to pay off student debt, buy a new car, pay all bills and monthly rent, try to get a raise, and then find a way to save six figures for a down payment on a 40 year old starter home. Then I need to find someone who is mentally stable enough to raise a kid, and won’t rape me in divorce court, further drowning me in debt and depression

jesus, fuck off pedophile

too fat. too old. too short

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Childless whores don't want relationships or children. Remember woman are selfish whores. They want their nigger fucker badge and to eat it too!

What the fuck are you about, moron? I already have three kids. I'm not making more because I'm an old bastard. How does that equate to pedophilia in any fucking way, dipshit?

I can't connect with women romantically.

>work retail
>gf doesnt want to go through child birth and would rather have realistic looking dolls
>shit ROI as the kid will grow to hate us for growing up poor as the electric jew and kids at school would make them feel inferior

give me a fucking job and i will

Waiting for anime to become real. I want to impregnate someone who will become a good mother to my kids. Not an inferior 3D roasties who will abuse them.

>Why aren't you making kids user?
Because older women (20-25) are fucking crazy and I'm sick of them, and prime teen pussy (15-19) has been brainwashed to think 26 year old men with a lot of disposable income are creepy pedophiles. I just want a healthy White family with someone who isn't a disgusting, egocentric, needy damaged goods slut.

Because even if I could find someone who would want to do that with me, I am too much of a dysfunctional degenerate to be responsible for the life of a developing person. For someone like me to have kids would be unethical. I am trying to fix myself up, but sometimes I doubt if I'll ever make it to becoming the person I should be.

Time to better yourself mein negroid

Anyone who ever has kids is a fucking idiotic degenerate moron and should be sterilized then exterminated and their worthless children killed

I'm already 35. Too old in that respect.

I want babies so bad, but I hate women wat do

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Because it's selfish and sadistic.

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>Why aren't you making kids user?
My hand refuses to get pregnant.

How? Raising a kid is the most selfless thing a human being can do.

Match me, already have one with a second on the way.

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Stop your shitty excuses and have kids

Not true


Because I'm an anti-natalist. I would consider bringing a child into the world a monsterous crime. That in addition to not wanting to be more of a wage slave then I already am once the wife divorces me and I'm swamped in debt, child support and alimony.

Women in Canada are the most arrogant and stuck up cunts I’ve ever met, besides all they want are brown Drake wannabes or African men.

To motivate
Fucked up kids is better than no kids

not married yet

>Stop your shitty excuses and mindlessly make a colossal mistake with no planning or financial stability. Yeah everything will be just fine.

Have 2 planning another for this year. Also looking for a second wife, there is nothing the Bible that says I cannot have another.

Working on it.
Got brainwashed into taking birth control as a kid and it's fucked with me, so it's taking a while.

Don't stop looking for a decent female, friends. They're out there.

I'm 19 but I'm planning on having at least 4 from each of my 4 wives (1 white, 1 latina, 1 black and 1 Iranian) I have to finish college, get money to get the wives

>why am i making here twenty of these threads about making white babies and then not making white babies and then asking why are there no white babies?

Creating a life to exist in this shitshow of a universe "because that's what's done" is the most selfish thing you can do. Reproducing is as NPC as it gets. A kid that never existed can't suffer.

Satisfying biological urges, your ego or to make another slave for society are all selfish reasons from the perspective of the kid.

>gf doesnt want to go through child birth and would rather have realistic looking dolls
Just dump her stop wasting your time

Who says I'm not

American women are vipers.

I know a single black woman with 5 kids all different dads. If she can do it you can too

wife pregnant with 4th now. cheers

>don't have kids goyem, they'll only suffer
You're retarded kike
Your tricks are so obvious

Lol, imagine thinking that a woman would want a bigoted racist neet antisemitic virgin loser that browses Jow Forums. You should stop making these threads, since each time you do you trigger those people and remind them that they'll always be losers who project their insecurities on minorities and women.

Because I'm not rich


just put a penis in vaggo

I was raised to be a beta male by a feminist single mother. It wasn't until late in life that I was redpilled. While it is still biologically possible for me to father a child, who wants to grow up with a dad who wears Depends diapers and drives 5 mph? If I had children earlier in life, they would have been raised as leftists and probably by a single mother as my beta orbiter habits would have made me repulsive long-term but my software developer salary would have made me a target. It's probably for the best that I never had kids though being redpilled in my twenties instead of mid forties would have been the best path after my extreme leftist upbringing.

Keep thinking that leaf

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I just squirt the baby gravy, making the child is woman's work. Anyways, we got one bun in the oven now, and the missus is getting the tubes tied after this one. Two I enough lol



Fucked with you how? My sister was made to dose birth control very young too and she is dating a girl now..

Hell no. I was a fucked up kid. Id rather not chance it

>dont make kids
>more resources for kikes

>make kids
>more slaves for kikes

Hope she has triplets.

Remove the kikes, problem solved.

my first one is due in september.

Cause I haven't hit puberty

Yes, goyim, just go extinct


Jesus how many boomers are on this board? Can't wait to see what utter cancer grows from Jow Forums poisoned semen, all of you need to shoot yourselves in the head today

Yes, goyim, just produce money for us 20 hours a day. You'll enjoy your family in your offtime and your children will thank you for their life.

Trying to find a viable wife and mother of our kids. They’re all interested in travelling and think that they can keep putting off motherhood. Funny enough, the only ones who show any kind of potential are Asian women. I’m not a weeb fanatic and have been with all kinds of women (it’s Canada so it’s a diverse buffet of ethnic women from all around the world). Yet it’s consistently only Asian girls that show any motherly virtues. It’s a shame too since I would rather not have mixed hapa babies.

You sound like you hate life, go talk with someone about it.

Love you user, I believe in You!!!!

If you have kids more than one is a sociopath guaranteed NPC shit right there
Pregnant women are hot/disgusting and exost to give me milk/vitamins/nutrition
Have fun literally giving birth to the beast 666 nihilist tranny horde you piece of shit
God will soon come to slay your spawn and enslave the rest giving incels the redeemable

What's not to hate?

>Imposing life on an unconsenting being

You're forcing people into the world - you are directly responsible for all the suffering and misery that person experiences during their lifetime. It's literally the most selfish, immoral, and sadistic thing you can do. They're not going to always be babies. They'll be adults who will wageslave and suffer like you did before replicating the vicious cycle again. It wouldn't necessarily be selfish if life was guaranteed to be a pleasurable enterprise. But of course life is mostly pain, suffering, loss, then death.

Answer me this: If a supreme entity would offer to rip you out of the unconscious void to live a life of extreme pleasure, your every wish and desire fulfilled, etc., but at the end of your life you die the most horribly excruciating, prolonged death you can imagine, would you still chose existence?

Also, please spare me diatribes about >muh genes and >muh lineage.

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Impossible with my non-existent sexual market value.

Have another to make up for my neetdom

because im undesirable obviously.

Counter argument from a former anti-natalist.
You will *Never* stop existence by shilling for for anti-natalism. Even if you do, you only stopped the most conscionable, mainly white people to do so who would have raised probably decent people on the whole.

The net effect of what you are doing is make existence even worse for the people who are born, that is all

I know. I'm just bored and decided to piss in the ocean a bit. I've realized long ago it's pointless debating these things and that we're all stuck in this meatgrinder until the end of time.

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You just have to be confident bro!

Wife is 8 months pregnant right now with our first. I’m 25 and she’s 24 and wel be having em until she’s 30 God willing. Feels good man.

Yep. This is perhaps the only valid argument against anti-natalism.

I am. With several different mothers too.

Hi Tyrone.


I'm White and actually support the kids.


What's Cletus? I'm not familiar with that one.

Civilisation can crumble for all I care.

>implying I need to give excuses to you or anyone else about it

What a look on life. Isn't this borderline of neanderthal logic, of never leaving their cave to explore other possibilities?
5 minutes later.... These shitskins are out breeding us... Halp

Also >ugly
So no

Boomers destroyed house price affordability, whilst allowing in 8 million migrants (over 10% population increase) causing my wages to stagnate for 15 years and property prices to rise.

Five kids, three grandchildren, one great grandchild cooking in the oven.

Yeah, we boomers have it made. Hard work and morality pay off.

Good for you.

Boomers are based.

Get your missus to super-charge her nutritional intake by eating lamb/ cows liver, literally a weeks worth of nutrients in one steak, and for 2 Euros.
All the best.

>Fucked up kids is better than no kids
Then what are you waiting for? Go and make fucked up kids yourself. Chop chop bitch you are wasting time in this site right now instead of making more fucked up kids.

5 kids and 3 grandchildren? So 5 couples, i.e 10 people, produce 3 kids...and you think that is a result? Jesus fucking christ, you cunts are obscene.

you know why

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I do my part of improving the gene pool by not pissing in it.

This is the only thing that has me ruminating over whether or not I want kids. Do I really want to bring someone into existence just so that they can wageslave for an entire life under the guise of freedom? Realistically we're all just cattle in some bullshit system and odds are that's not going to change for my offspring. In fact I think there's a better chance that it gets much, much worse.

Birth them away from Doctors and don't Register them at birth, and they'll never be a slave. Birth certificates are bonded labourer contracts (see Canadian Dean Clifford's work)

Have a two year old and a son on the way in 2 months. Full white family.



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I'm rejected by everyone and see retarded druggies get girls which then makes me realise that you're either "that" guy who can attract/make it work with girls or one that isn't, after years of trying it takes its toll and you stop attempting it

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