Happy Superbowl Day!

I can't spend this superbowl day with my family this year, so I am home alone. How are you celebrating this glorious day of American culture?

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I'll tell you how antifa will.
Their bringing rifles to the game.

Superbowl 53 is gonna be America versus commies.

Can't watch the game because I have work tomorrow. This is the first time in a decade that I won't see the game


Now that id watch.

What is more compelling telivision than violent armed insurrection? Youd have every single eye in the world glued to the boob tube.

How long till the sportsballers realize the true money is in actual, not similated, war?


Wtf is similated

Got the day off luckily, I ususally have to work swing shift on sundays. Will be kicking back with my room-mate and some bros, drinking some beers and eating tasty jalapeno poppers.
Truly a glorious day awaits.

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By realizing this is a cancer on American culture and not supporting it. Hell I was even working it this week in Atlanta and choose not to work it anymore because the NFL are evil pricks.

Fuck handegg

A limeric is a play-on words in which the sounds are pithy and rhyming.

I am making it an ULTIMATE RED-PILL Day

I am sitting at home, Studying for a Test next week so I can apply for a State Job (office sit-down job)

Upon being hired, I will get:
- State Salary
- State benefits (health, dental)
- Union protection
- State Pension
- automatic yearly salary increases, no matter what my performance is
- Free parking, patrolled by state security guards
- Cafeteria, Fitness Center... inside State Building
- and I NEVER have to worry about the "business" being outsourced, sent overseas, or competition, never have to work nights or weekends

Getting a State Job is the ultimate red pill... the Dems have been milking the system for decades, it's about time the Right starts feeding at the Government trough

as for tonight, I don't give a damn about the Superbowl, I only care about myself and milking the system

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Security is too tight for that, this is above unarmed trash cans so they can't handle it. You can't get anywhere near the stadium or the convention center next door. All the employees have to take the train in and they have security guards at the train drop offs.

cheering for my home town white supremacists

>You can't get anywhere near the stadium or the convention center next door

Without tickers or security credentials I mean. It's really not open to random people at all.

You make me sick. You're no better than a maggot kike.

>You make me sick. You're no better than a maggot kike.

I used to be just like you, angry at what is going on.... then I woke up one day and realized that we simply cannot beat them, we can only join them.

If we (the Right) don't start milking the system and getting our tax money back, they'll just bring in millions of 3rd world trash from the worst hellholes on Earth and they'll be getting our tax money instead.

getting a Government job = the Ultimate Red-Pill

I'm always alone.

Who fucking cares

Had a few girls tell me they want me to cum in them, fill them with babies, but only during sex. Pillow talk.

>How are you celebrating this
Social justice nigger ball? No thanks, I didnt even remember it was on today. Is it true they are going to have fag cheerleaders at the game? Probably going to have a bunch of tranny commercials too.

Thinking about all the good American food I'm missing out on right now

Cut a loaf of bread open, stuff a kielbasa inside, put some mustard and pickles on it, and you have yourself a nearly-authentic stadium meal.

What actually happens on super bowl day?

>Is it true they are going to have fag cheerleaders at the game?

They do and they're the weirdest looking motherfuckers ever. I don't watch sports, but I DO fap to cheerleaders still and the bizarre-looking black dudes they picked up ruin the whole fapping image too. I feel bad for cheerleaders as they've been diminished to even more pointlessness now.

Football sucks. /Hoc/ reporting in

How many hours to go until it’s on, I’m uk based, Mr American Man

Starts around 1830 EST

Thank you

don’t worry you still got the communist sausage truck in Krakow where they’ll cook you one over wood fire for a few zllotty

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